Why ISN'T Windows 10 the best OS ever made?

Why ISN'T Windows 10 the best OS ever made?

>in b4 spying

A thread died for this garbage.

Because the UI is fucked and it will take a leadership change and several years to unfuck it.

let's see when it comes out of beta then we'll judge. right now it's still a bug ridden unfinished mess.

also fpbp


>Inb4 denial

Spying and constant upsells. Stop trying to upsell me your garbage MS.

They've been building Windows on old crap making it seem new. Still old ass 32-bit code running on 64-bit versions. It's a hill built on shit and the grass isn't green. Needs a new from the scratch with better layering with the OS and hardware.

Every OS past XP suffers from 'feature creep', that means adding features just for the sake of it, even if it doesn't make the OS any better. Think about it, they have to justify charging for new software somehow, it's the way of all things.

I have genuinely been trying to use Windows 10 all this week. I've been having a few minor qualms with Linux recently, and I thought "Well, Windows 10 is what this laptop came with, maybe it will 'just werk'"

Holy shit was I wrong. Windows 10 is an unstable, buggy, worthless heap of burning garbage. I have had to restart my computer at least 5 times per day this past week because of hard freezes. Reinstalling Linux as we speak. Microsoft deserves to fail as a company

>I have had to restart my computer at least 5 times per day
My compy hasn't had to hard reset ever. There's clearly other forces at work.

>he thinks windows doesn't spy on you


>I've been having a few minor qualms with Linux

There's a difference between problems from lack of knowledge vs fundamental design problems. Obviously W10 requires less knowledge to operate, but in terms of fundamental design, it's a joke. It's not pragmatic for a power user.

It's important to make the distinction because a power user probably can fix whatever problem you have on windows, but it's still a traumatic experience for them to use it day-to-day without heavy modification.

>he thinks they're smart enough to be treated as a potential risk

Because every OS sucks.

there's always windows 8

Will you support it after the EOL? MS is a cloud company now and they won't fix their shit if the OEMs still buy their crap, no matter what.

still a good option if you want to stay away from windows 10 until they fix their shit.

If my OS didn't become mentally disabled with every big update and also show a little intend to improve its interface consistency, I'd think is a good OS, but it would still be a commercial feeder, so no.

>no build in package manager so it is essentially pointless to get one
>shitty shell
>shitty console
>universal operating system works inly on x86
>microkernel makes updates a pain
>extremely vulnerable
>100 dollars for this garbage which forces its monopoly of standards in you

Because there are still aspects in which it is worse than former versions (compatibility is an example), and for it to be considered "the best Windows" (let alone the best OS) it needs to be the best in every metric.

Yes, a lot is better, but also a lot is not.
Reason enough.

I had more issues with it than every previous version combined already.

Why should they fix anything? If they stop the development tomorrow it could be still the market leader.

>downloads big update
>"30 minutes until forced reboot"
>BSoD "cannot create ramdisk"
>boots up and starts downloading same update again
>suggested fix on websites don't work

>clean install Fall update
>UI sluggish, drivers missing
>no drivers

Defend this.

not saying they should, I'd stay win 8 until they fix the bugs.

>Defend this.


Forced updates, bloatware, spyware and it also often runs into issues. Also pic related.

weak bait

Just because you said "inb4" before an argument doesn't invalidate it