Google is killing legacy CAPTCHA

Instead of typing in words you will be forced to click on images and train google's botnet. Webm is very related if you aren't logged into Google.
ccd0 is planning to add alternative sites suggestions to Sup Forums-x because he predicts "a serious decline in usability" Forums-x/issues/1539

In this thread we discuss how to save Sup Forums and make posting less infuriating.

Hiro mentioned that he doesn't want to implement a self-hosted captcha because he thinks it's too expensive but he is open to suggestions.

Ideas mentioned so far in previous threads:
> Just buy a pass lmao xd
> Just delete /someboard/ to reduce cost lmao xd
> P2P to reduce cost and make room for self-hosted captcha - infeasible
> Reduce the number of captchas required per post and keep using ReCAPTCHA
One captcha could be valid for x posts or for y hours. Triggering the spam filter requires re-entering the captcha.
> Implement a pseudo-account system that tracks your "reputation"
Think of it like an optional invisible tripcode used solely to keep track of a single number and reduce the amount of captchas you get.
A randomly generated cookie could be used for the same purpose but it should be easy to retrieve and transfer a different device.
You don't lose any privacy because your posts are already tied to your browser and IP until they are deleted anyway.
After posting for a while you'd start getting less (or no) captchas, triggering the spam filter would temporarily downgrade you, getting banned/warned would completely reset or revert a part of your progress.
This has a benefit of discouraging blatant ban-worthy shitposting.
> Replace the captcha with a self-hosted one anyway because maybe it isn't as expensive as Hiro thinks it is
A test that shows that Sup Forums should be able to easily handle self-hosted captchas Unless spam significantly outnumbers users which I think is highly unlikely (cont.)

Other urls found in this thread:

Things to keep in mind while considering the solutions above:
Captcha mainly protects you against automated spambots that scrape websites for forms, fill them with viagra ads and hope for the best.
It will not protect you against a determined spammer
Captcha solves can be bought for $0.0005 per captcha.
Other major websites only use a captcha once when registering in combination with a spam filter and they don't have spam issues.

Since the solutions that involve reducing the number of captchas decrease the value of Sup Forums passes it might be worth considering some new features for pass users.
There's one suggestion here that ties into the "account" system

Sadpanda system and killing Sup Forums & /bant/ will fix these problems.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: You can't.

I'll just stop posting here.

but what about my calle calleection? where will I get rare calles from?

>back to selecting pancakes for moot

Sup Forums pass never had a value. They were supposed to be a pure donation system since m00t claimed he kept receiving requests to help donate. But the requests were only received under the impression that the site was not sustainable which had not been true since long before he added Sup Forums passes. What hiroshima is doing with it is a travesty at best (namely, preferential treatment with regard to moderation, pass-only board, holiday features only enabled for pass holders, etc.)

>babies can't click on pictures

>> Implement a pseudo-account system that tracks your "reputation"
>Think of it like an optional invisible tripcode used solely to keep track of a single number and reduce the amount of captchas you get.

I don't see the advantage of this account thing over simply using your IP address like most other spam control measures (e.g. cooldowns).

Bring cats to Sup Forums

See If you get confirmed as human after only a few captchas then all that shit is unnecessary but if it takes a lot longer than that then it would be nice to be able to save your progress and use it across different devices.
I think that an approach similar to what 8ch has (one captcha is valid for 24 hours) would be sufficient because of My IP is reset by the ISP every 24 hours.

>on a site about clicking on pictures

>want to post
>have to click on pictures for five minutes
>select all the storefronts
>pictures start taking forever to disappear
>click verify
>another storefront appears
>try again
>pick all the streetsigns
>streetsigns selected
>pick all the streetsigns
>streetsigns selected
>pick all the streetsigns
>streetsigns selected
>pick all the streetsigns
>You can no longer reply to this post.
>thread archived

My biggest fucking problem with the newer captcha is that, over time, it's gone from being a mutual "you scratch our back, we scratch yours" sort of system, to just being outright fucking slave labor. I've certainly noticed an uptick in time required to solve these fucking things over the years. Previously you might only have to solve one panel of images, and only select a few tiles from that panel.

Now, it's not uncommon to have to solve 2-3 of the fucking things, with the number occasionally going up to 5 or 6 in rare instances. Worse yet, there's far more of the "click verify once none are left" captchas, which have a fucking infuriating habit of making you have to click the same tile 2-3 times (for this VERY fucking post, I had to click the same spot 6 fucking times and wait each fucking time for the image to load), waiting in between for each fucking image to load. On that note, the load times for the images are sometimes totally obscene. And these are all best-case estimates--half the time it'll fuck you over (probably on purpose) even if you get the captcha right, and then force you to solve another 2-3.

Of course, I sincerely doubt Hiro will implement anything better. This shit is seriously driving me to buy a Sup Forums pass, which is probably part of his master plan in the first place.

>barely ever get hit by a rangeban during moot's reign and even then it was always only a week or so on one board
>Hiro takes over, regularly rangebanned from half the boards for months at a time on two different ISPs
>always the friendly reminder that all my problems will be instantly solved with a Gold Account
I'll sooner quit this dump altogether than pay him a single shekel.

On the bright side it means that the Google botnet can't tell that you are a human.
I think that's something you should be genuinely happy about.

If you can't solve this you're not old enough to be on Sup Forums.

It mostly means he fills out captchas a lot. The captchas get worse the more you do.

>My IP is reset by the ISP every 24 hours.
Sucks for you but that's better than even more fucking tracking that you want to implement and which will inevitably be abused

you probably have ulterior motives suggesting it in the first place

Perhaps. I sometimes wonder if it's intentional--that is, if I'm being punished for not using Chrome and other Google services, and being more fully integrated into their botnet.



I get endlessly spammed with these pictures even if I click on the right ones.

That's your reward for not letting Google spy on you. Just install Chrome, disable all your privacy extensions and join the happy "lol the captcha is no problem wtf" crowd.
Don't want to leave your fingerprints all over the place, you better enjoy training Skynet.

Out of all the things they decide to make a capcha out of it's the one thing computers do best.

>Sucks for you
It's actually great because it makes me unbannable. Although I didn't get banned on Sup Forums in ages.

>even more fucking tracking which will inevitably be abused
That's a valid point but I don't think it can be any worse than it potentially is now.
Do you clear your cookies and reset your ip simultaneously every time to break your trail on Sup Forums?
This does very little to aid tracking and it would be optional.

>you probably have ulterior motives
My ulterior motive is not being required to find 80x80px images of bridges among images of other similarly looking structures.

>math captchas

I'm not sure if it's possible, but how about "intelligent" captcha?

Like, this is my first post in Sup Forums, I need to solve one. If I keep the discussion, I don't need to solve more for like 5-10 times, but if I want to post a picture before that frame, I'd need to solve one captcha again. If I want to post many pics, I'd need to solve them once every 3 posts? or something. But then again, we would still need self-hosted captcha, I don't think it's that expensive.


Guys I think I just came up with the perfect solution

This, and also kanji captchas. Imagine the quality improvement when you need to know math and Japanese to post


lol no i'll just gtfo from here

Prove me wrong faggot.

Improved version, now with +10 resistance to masheen lerning


It's telling that Hiroyuki doesn't take measures to control actual spam problems such as Bui-style thread flooding or Barneyfag-style mass necrobumping.

>she doesn't make her solutions look more complicated than they are to impress 4chinz

should just implement "how's that lolis called" captchas desu
we'd get rid of normalfags that way

It's being retired due to developments in AI being able to crack it

>Barneyfag-style mass necrobumping
I saw this mentioned on /qa/ which board is this actually an issue on?

All of Google's captchas can be cracked by just spamming them until you get a correct answer. Recaptcha v1 was okay at one point, but Google deliberately butchered it to make people upgrade to the more vulnerable version.

It was really bad on /qa/ itself at one point, but he does this on every board.

I like to think google is having trouble differentiating signs from cars because of my efforts.

40, but I bet my HP can easily solve this.

Unlikely. There are two kinds of images: test images and unclassified images. The test images have a ground truth and if you don't match it you are considered a bad actor. The unclassified images are classified based on consensus.

I'd do this if it was good for an entire day

Easy fix


Hey. I modified my windows > system32> drivers etc hosts file

and when I click on captcha it automatically "checks"as if I already verified it.

Here is the hosts file that I use:

If you're using windows10 you can't edit the hosts file from there. Cut it, paste it on desktop, modify it, paste it back on system32.

Jesus fuck I shouldn't be divulging these secrets really, but I, as a former annoyed user, needs to share this.

To jewmoot: its a win-win here. No sabotage pls

>and when I click on captcha it automatically "checks"as if I already verified it.
Nice google account you have there.

>Nice google account you have there.
Um.. I dont have any google-related account

t. google employee checking his google+ feed.

whatever you say, Sandeep.

Go back to microsoft support forums posting nonsense answers

>Reduce the number of captchas required per post and keep using ReCAPTCHA
This is reasonable, effective and should also be fairly easy to implement without much additional load since Sup Forums already keeps track of your posts anyway.

Any account system sounds like a slippery slope in the wrong direction, namely even less anonymity, though the basic "invisible tripcode" idea sounds fine as long it doesn't mutate into something worse over time. Tying captcha requirements to IPs should be good enough for practical purposes.
>but muh IP changes
I bet it doesn't change every 5 minutes, so suck it up.

>slow fading pictures
only on Sup Forums is the recpatcha set for max bullshit, no other site has these issues

Sega does this, but its katakana

Isn't it just 40

alright but how about this

no captcha whatsoever. but everyone has janitor/mods permissions. that way we self-police, and if anyone misbehaves it's a permban. we also have a day each year when there are absolutely no rules, and ml/pol/ is a perm thing

or, we do what hotwheels-san does on his neat website and only do one captcha per 24 hours

>itt no one remembers the anonib spam
just deal with it

There are parts of Sup Forums where people spam worse than that every day, user.

Well lads, it seems like we must make like the mods and
>do it for free
If that's the only way Hiro is gonna accept it.

I'd do it for free but Sup Forums isn't open source.

chinks has a decent captcha system, where you just put a piece of a puzzle in the missing slot

i think the last time i saw it was in the flyme forums
the thing is, the real issue is google: find another captcha service

it is called geetest

Remove the fucking porn boards, there is no need for them anymore.

>that webm
My anus boils each time that happens, glad to know images taking up to 10 fucking seconds to fade and reappear is not a problem of my machine only. Only to get told by Jewgle to do it. Seriously fuck this shit, there's nowhere to go and im sure as fuck not goint to 8gag where a literal kike controls the place, sells your data and records your IP. At least Sup Forums only gives this data to the NSA and FBI not to every fucking scriptkiddie.

Sup Forums has been asking Hiro to use kanji or katakana captchas since the day he arrived. It could have prevented this.



the difference between Google and Geetest, is that google's priority is feeding the botnet, and not catpcha
geetest only cares about captcha

Is this serious? Proof?

I can't fucking STAND the new captcha holy shIT.

I don't wanna buy a fucking pass because I dont shitpost that most thoughh.

So what does geetest get out of it?

Is Hiros endgame a Sup Forums depopulation? The 3 major boards must be very costly to run.

If it comes to it I'll just buy a Gold pass.

they sell their statistics suit, afaik

What about that one german website that ran some ASIC-resistant coin miner on your system to earn posting credits or something?


they should really delete /soc/ imo,its the board with the most images per second posted and its high MB value images from mobile phones too
plus users of /soc/ do not post on other boards so its not that big of a hit
not to mention /soc/ is just a ticking time bomb of some underage camwhore getting board famous and then Sup Forums will be put into media spotlight for hosting cp or someshit
just delete the board only faggots,roasties and normshits use it.

>and then Sup Forums will be put into media spotlight for hosting cp or someshit
Yeah imagine if that happened. I don't think Sup Forums could continue to exist with such a reputation.

Delete /soc/ and /gif/.

/soc/ is what keeps a lot of the cancerous trash off of other boards
it's one of the only containment boards that actually worked
also keeps the surveyors/nsa/spybot spammers at bay
did not see that part before venturing into that shithole
have at least a dozen threads hidden on the front page alove
ended up hiding another dozen as i scrolled down
what a fucking nightmare that place is. i remember when they used to spam Sup Forums with their faggotry, now they still do, just not nearly as often.
but fuck holy shit is that place ever shit

Purge the following from the website: Sup Forums (dogshit), Sup Forums (utter dogshit), /soc/ (attention whore bullshit), /bant/ (why do we need it again?), /c/ and /w/ (just move it to Sup Forums), /gd/ (move it to Sup Forums), /po/ (KEKERONI), /vg/ and /vr/ (just move it to Sup Forums), and /m/ (retardedly specific).

I'd be more worried about an hiro getting anxious and doing some shit.

>still dont have a Sup Forums Pass™

4 rupees have been deposited to your account

The only people on /soc/ are robots, chads and women looking for validation and attention. If /soc/ goes away they either fuck off to reddit, somewhere else or Sup Forums which is the de-facto containment board anyway. /soc/ has literally no reason to exist at all.

Boards are not an issue. Discussing that is pointless.

>ccd0 is planning to add alternative sites suggestion
Such as? Pretty much all Sup Forums like boards are blocked by most ISP's. Also don't other sites have to use google captcha too?

>on Sup Forums

>Such as
There's a link in the same line you quoted.

Noscript captcha v2, motherfuckers.
Or just use the audio option.

One wrong answer can be safely discarded if you have large enough sample size.

/soc/ is the ONLY containment board to work

I will only accept clicking on those fucking images if one of the two solutions mentioned in the OP are implemented.

Why is making a simple fucking captcha so damn hard for hiro?
just implement something something like deepdotweb's captcha
basically gives you a simple equation (example: ?+5=10) and you fill out the missing number and boom you can make 5 posts now

there's no way this is as expensive as that cunt hiro says it is, nobody should listen to that fucking serial scammer anyway

>sadpanda system
kindly fuck off.

Is there any way to do something like that on other sites? I'd like to have noscript captcha on all sites.

Stop wanting to kill boards you fucking retards, think of something else other than your personal vendetta against user number 4000 who hurt your feelsies and ran back to /x/ or some shit.

>Why is making a simple fucking captcha so damn hard for hiro?
He has said several times he isn't implementing anything server-side. It isn't a question of difficulty it is a question of money.

>there's no way this is as expensive as that cunt hiro says it is, nobody should listen to that fucking serial scammer anyway
It's his website, his rules. Why would he need to lie about it? People aren't going to buy new passes because of this. Most people are using legacy anyway, they won't notice when it goes away. I use legacy captcha. I would prefer to use it. But I'm not going to leave because of the change. I don't understand why people think Hiro would need to lie to a minority of users.

>it is a question of money

Why were people in the old thread concerned about bandwidth?

A recaptcha v1 image is ~20kb but could be made ~5kb if converted to high quality jpeg.

Sup Forums has ~1 million posts per day

That's 150-600gb of bandwidth per month. That's nothing even on a cheap as fuck vps

having this much confidence in google... underestimating a channer this much.. okay mate everything is fine :) stay asleep