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mars is COOL

Does curiosity run on Linux?

it runs on Windows XP

>VxWorks is a real-time operating system (RTOS) developed as proprietary software by Wind River Systems of Alameda, California, US. First released in 1987, VxWorks is designed for use in embedded systems requiring real-time, deterministic performance and, in many cases, safety and security certification, for industries, such as aerospace and defense, medical devices, industrial equipment, robotics, energy, transportation, network infrastructure, automotive, and consumer electronics.

>> Notable uses
> The Mars 2020 rover scheduled to launch in 2020
> The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
> The Mars Science Laboratory, also known as the Curiosity rover
> NASA Mars rovers (Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity)
> The Deep Space Program Science Experiment (DSPSE) also known as Clementine (spacecraft)
> Phoenix Mars lander
> The Deep Impact space probe
> The Mars Pathfinder mission
> The SpaceX Dragon
> NASA's Juno space probe sent to Jupiter

This is pretty interesting.

>Developer: Wind River (a wholly owned subsidiary of Intel Corporation)
>VxWorks 7 includes three compilers: Diab Compiler, GNU, and the Intel C++ Compiler. Diab Compiler is the default C/C++ compiler for building VxWorks kernel, libraries, BSPs, and applications. It has been used for mission-critical systems for over 20 years. The GNU Compiler 4.8 is based on the Free Software Foundation (FSF) distribution of GCC and g++. Wind River has modified it for use with VxWorks. The Intel C++ Compiler processes C and C++ source code to generate machine code for IA 32 or IA 64 applications.
>License: Proprietary

All of this is from

why mars has a sky? doesn't it just have a black sky with the stars?

For the same reason earth has a sky.

Shieeet mars roach niggers confirmed!!!

Yeah mars

Mars doesn't have an atomsphere though

It does, just much thinner than Earth's.

No, it has a shit load of bubble athenspheres

Dude google bruh stop being a fucking fag.

This shit is fake as Fuck. looks like they spread some paint on a clay model.

earth is flat, senpai.

wow nice TECHNOLOGY you have here

I find it very hard to believe anything ever has existed on Mars.

Just looks like a barren sand wasteland.
Basically the Moon, except bigger and orange.

Wait, could this mean there is a compiler on mars?

Is there a point you're trying to make?

For all we know there could be dinosaurs under that desolation.

where's this picture from? Is that a persons shadow?


>It does, just much thinner than Earth's.

Interesting. I was under previos assumptions that everything on mars ran ibm power cpus.

The picture is from nasa and yes it is a persons shadow.

Mars. From the robot Curiousity. Curiousity