Firefox vs. Chrome

How come one had a head start of 6 years and the other one is better in almost every aspect.
Ranging from usability to performance.

Other urls found in this thread:

one is made by one of the largest companies in the world and has access to near infinite knowledge

>near infinite knowledge

R U fukin mad, m8?

security > privacy >> performance

>head start of 6 years
That's not how you spell "6 years worth of legacy code written for a different kind of web"

Chrome is more secure AND has better performance though.

>security > privacy >> performance
So you're a Chrome supporter?

it's so secure it doesn't need improvement :^)

Yeah, that was why

Chrome took the engine code from Safari, which took it from KDE.

Safari is stil better than both

Because they build on top of something, if chrome was made from scratch they would've taken 3-5yrs just to make something usable on daily basis.

I want to like firefox. Too bad it just fucking crashes all the time now.
Like, literally every day I open it, it crashes now. I even did a fresh install and it crashes.
But if it weren't for the technical aspects, I would much prefer firefox over chrome...

firefox 57 (currently in beta) is super damn fast and "feels" faster than chrome.

using it rn in fact.

Maybe, except you have to fucking use an overpriced Apple product to use it.
Irrelevant bullshit if I want to actually play video games and customize my PC.


I just use Microsoft Edge.
Fuck it.

> 6 year head start
That's not how it works. Besides this Firefox Quantum comes out in the 14th.

Just wondering don't get me wrong, but has anyone else fucking noticed that Firefox just fucking crashes ALL THE TIME?

Is that a pretty big meme right now?
I mean, I tried all the troubleshooting I could and basically it all just turned to fucking Firefox is shit. For all the things I use normally on my browser at least, Firefox is just shit.
Seriously what the fuck happened Mozilla?

Double this

They stopped caring about making a good service and decided to care more about identity politics. Thank god for Icecat. This way I don't have to support either one and get to keep my freedoms.

Hm... this actually does feel pretty nice.
Tabs are blocky. Don't much care for that, but I guess I can change that later or its just a beta related thing.


uh firefox has only crashed on me like once in a long time. maybe your ram is failing

the actual problem with firefox is that it still eats a ton of ram but chrome has the same problem

>mozilla makes firefox tabs curved instead of square

>mozilla makes firefox tabs square instead of curved
>tabs are blocky i want to change that

because sjw

Yeah. Just google "sjw mozilla" or some shit. It'll pop up since some shit lately caused a stir when they decided to throw their hat in the ring of the battle royale culture war shitshow.

That and their falling out with the FOSS community for allowing the DRM shit in HTML5 and not having a backbone. Whether socially or technically, or both, they went downhill fast. So, not surprised that your shit is crashing when clearly they have bigger priorities than getting the best programmers they can.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I just prefer rounded tabs.
Calm down son.

>forced to resign
Not by Mozilla. We resigned because websites were boycotting Firefox.


Yep because they found out he donated to prop 8

That sucks. I mean I don't agree with him, but when you really think about it on a serious level, that's a really petty thing to fire him over.
If he's still valuable as CEO it shouldn't matter what he votes... People can change any way over time and that's just one belief that one guy holds. I don't understand this shit any more.

God I'm getting fucking old. I miss when I could just arbitrarily hate people.

Also, it doesn't sound like Mozilla did that. It sounds like a bunch of random SJW cunts did it.

Edge scrolls a lot smoother than anything else. I just wish I could import all my passwords from Chrome into it.

>maybe your ram is failing
It only happens with Firefox. I was browsing with Chrome until that one poster in this thread reminded me it might be worth trying out beta.
My RAM isn't that old and this is a gaming rig which I have, in fact, played video games and used emulators on.

I just love the "Y+TAB" combo for searching youtube videos, thats all I need

I have it on good authority that he was placed in a "quit or be fired" situation by the board.

>would allow a hacker to do just about anything with your computer

That's not a hotkey I've ever heard of.

Firefox quantum is light years faster for me on my pc lmao. Converted from chromium instantly

The problem was not that they changed how it looked, it was they kept changing the API that controlled how it looked and never documented anything.
I used to maintain my own CSS of Firefox. After a few months of having everything break with every update, I gave up. I don't care how it looks. Obviously my own style was better but it was not worth it.

Which one are you saying is better?

well your sources are false because they offered him a high management job out of the public eye and he denied it

it was the public pressure that got to him

horse porn !yt

hardware accelerated browsing was a mistake

Exactly. They didn't even fire him from CEO. There was one woman under him who's quoted as saying she thought he might pull through right up until he resigned. The dude just sucked at managing people and he realized he was in over his head.

Because the greedy fuckers running Mozilla decided to waste huge resources on their own mobile OS competing with Android and iOS, something Microsoft had already failed at while have insanely more money and know how.

Yes, that is how dumb they are, then we have the fucking Pocket shit that NO ONE wants, yet after first unsuccessfully incorporating it as a third-party blob, they went and bought it...

Firefox is dying, and so is Mozilla as Firefox is the only thing that has ever made them money. As they drift further towards bancruptcy they will be increasingly desperate in selling their shrinking userbase to get as many shekels as possible in bonuses before it sinks, so look forward to more bundled bullshit.

Only really use Firefox because I am used to it and the awesome bar. You start typing letters and over time it learns what you access most so you can get to specific page in a couple key presses. Chrome's address bar sucks in comparison.

Been using Firefox since the first release and nothing good ever happens. They either add crap like Pocket or shitty gimmicks like the screenshot tool that doesn't work in """private browsing""" mode, although I'm not even in that mode. I don't want to be too negative, the CSS grid debugger is kind of nice.

Anyway, the fact that there are 20 daily threads how Firefox is so damn fast and how it makes your PC boot faster and your dick longer is EXTREMELY suspicious. I have no doubt that a crooked company like Moz://a whose number one priority is to make gullible people believe they're the Unicef of the Internet would pay Lankshit and his friends 0.5 rupees for each thread.

privacy > customizbilty (behavior) > security > customizability (interface) > performance

shills, get out.

and doubles ram usage

>Ugliest interface in the world but really customizable
>Coded by huemonkeys and SJW tumblerites and has shit security
>Making a lot of progress with Nightly having really good performance now and not a lot of bugs

>Decent interface out of the box, can't customize anything
>Coded by who the fuck knows and has decent security
>Making less progress with Chromium/Canary and tend to have quite a bit of bugs

One bug in particular. Open up Youtube, go to a video and seek forward in the video. On Firefox Nightly it will work like normal. In Chromium/Canary it will freeze but the audio will work like normal. It takes a second or two for the video itself to catch up.

If I could be bothered with customizing Firefox I'd just use it. But I can't.

can someone recommend a Sup Forums extension for firefox that just fucking works

>still on firefox 55
>when i update ublock it breaks
>when i update violentmonkey all scripts break (including 4chanx)
>forced to use older releases
>too scared to """update""" to firefox 56
>UI customization, i.e the only reason why i use firefox instead of chromium, is going to be killed in the next update
way to go, jewzilla

Sup Forums X is unanimously recommended for a reason.

You can still customize Firefox just as much as before with userChrome.css you fucking retarded monkey. Do you wanna remove the titlebar? You can do that. Do you wanna remove the adressbar? You can do that. Do you wanna remove the hamburger/menu? You can do that. Do you wanna remove or customize the right-click context menu? You can do that.

chrome is google/nsa botnet, I get it

but is firefox any better in this particular respect?

This. There is no point in to mourn in advance but what is the alternative ?

Firefox is better with privacy, but not as much as Sup Forums wants you to believe.

Just look at their homepage and compare it to what it looked like 5 years ago. Back then it was all about technology. Today it looks like they are some kind of red cross human aid company. It's all about "values" and sjw bullshit, they seem to have forgotten what they were about.

If Apple or Google went all sjw (google sort of is) then that wouldn't be the end of the world for them since they are big enough and have enough revenue to do sjw crap and still have some resources left over for actual technology. Mozilla is very tiny in comparison. They can't afford to focus on more than one area.

No websites that mattered were boycotting Firefox. To many companies these days ignore their core values and get scared when one fat ugly feminist throws a fit on Twitter. It really is quite sad.

knowledge == resources?


for starters they can't abuse you over the collected information, if they even collect anything

>infinite knowledge
>can't make a working captcha

>for starters they can't abuse you over the collected information, if they even collect anything

The fact that you think Firefox doesn't collect any information at all is reason enough to dismiss your entire existence.

There's only one respect that really matters, and that's privacy, and Chome is the worst of the bunch.

That said, it's not like default FF is all that great, either.

>1% percent in Germany

yes, and you can even opt-in to send them reports, so? It does not make it an ubiquitous privacy nightmare like google

the fact that you are spreading fud makes you a thinly veiled shill

chrome is a good daily driver, but they lack a bunch of shit. it's back doored more than your mom and they actively supress stuff in it. firefox has raw power, but lacks speed.

honestly i think it's just the jew-lumanti actively targeting firefox browser and putting it in the slow lane whenever possible Firefox exists outside of their control structure.. google wants that ad money if they can spy on you they can give you more ads

The fact that they included it to begin with, even if it was for only one person, compromises Mozilla as a company. They will sell your information if they can.

Firefox came into being because Netscape died and IE sucked ass. Chrome, on the other hand, came into being because Google wanted even more control over the internet. Also it's not free software, unlike Firefox.

The real choice in my opinion is between Chromium and Firefox (or one of the many great Firefox derivatives), but even if you decide to choose Chromium, you're still feeding into Chrome by proxy. They take code from free software and use it to make non-free software -- just like how FreeBSD is used by Apple. There have even been multiple controversies where Chromium would transmit information to Google without the user's knowledge or permission, or download a proprietary module with ability to spy on users through voice recognition, again, without the user's permission.

For these reasons (and because I prefer Firefox in many aspects anyway) I use Firefox and not Chrome/Chromium. And the claim that Firefox is insecure I find kind of laughable, given that the browser used by the operating system Tails -- is Firefox!

Tor =/= Firefox

no it is not, unless you can only think in black and white there are different shades and mozilla has nowhere the power google does to abuse you.

This is the actual answer.

We're not talking about a website reading your IP address; we're talking about security exploits. Try and keep up.

Tails doesn't use Firefox.

Why don't you think it's Firefox? They took the browser, switched a few of the settings around, downloaded some add-ons, and changed the name. It's still more secure than other browsers, like Chrome.

>You can still customize Firefox just as much as before

>Firefox came into being because Netscape died and IE sucked ass
>Chrome came into being because Netscape died and Firefox sucked ass
Like seriously, Chrome was so much better when it was introduced.

Well how can I argue with Google's viral marketing campaign?

I'm not going to start a different thread for my question, so here it goes: after leaving my PC unattended for about an hour or two with Chrome on and several tabs open, it stalls my whole system when I come back to it. It is unresponsive for about 10 minutes (if not more) and all pages are frozen. I also get that pop-up that says it's unresponsive; meanwhile, every component in the computer runs at 100%. After a while it sorts itself out if I leave it to run like this. Everything is updated. ESET says there are no viruses. I've also added an add-on for blocking mining through the browser.

Isn't it even more? Firefox is literally Netscape 2.0

performance >> everything else

Chromium masterrace here
performance >> comfyness > privacy > security > customizability

I haven't had a Firefox crash in over 6 years. What piece of shit are you trying to run it on? Are you using a 32bit firefox on a 64bit OS?

>Chrome is secure
It isn't

>Chromium over Iridium

>firefox vs. chrome
>noscript isn't on chrome
no problems with firefox on ANY machine ive used it (phones, laptops, desktops, weird industrial arm machines) on my end.
likely to be the users problem if it crashes.

How come none of you neckbeards even care about WEB STANDARDS. Chrome has for the past 5 years been the best at developing and implementing the latest non-proprietary web standards that allow for much better development and overall production of web applications. Firefox has barely just caught up in the last 2 years, and the garbage browser still lags when scrolling. I don't even want to know what you idiots who use meme browsers like Vivaldi ACTUALLY do for a living.

One is maintained by a fortune 500 company with infinite knowledge in optimisation, performance, speed and general high IQ programmers.

The other one is maintained by a bunch of communist trannies who love to write gay furry fiction with shitty languages like Rust.

Webdev, lmao. Get ahold of yourself.

>Firefox can't even show all open tabs in the tab bar

You're mixing up security and privacy. FF is the more private browser. Chromium base has been more secure by far for years. 57 is a massive improvement on that front though.

works on my machine.
FF 55 was a giant turd, been on nightly for months now (june maybe?) an had exactly one crash
>mfw the nightly build is more stable than stable release by factor of 9000

Best answer. Also the fact that every person on the planer uses google search so they keep seeing ads about chrome every time they open google.

>posting old news
>he thinks they didn't come back this year
They may support faggots but at least they don't run like one.

>a teenager identified as PinkiePie

You must be an underage or else you would know that many years ago, instead of focusing on things like multiprocesses, ram management, and security, Mozilla was focusing on SJW virtue signalling, Firefox OS, and integrating shit no one asked for like Pocket.

I remember memory leaks in Firefox... God, it ate so much memory that you had to kill the process.

>try the new Firefox
>all my extensions are ded
T-Thanks webextensions it's not like I liked Firefox because of the addons or something

What you need replaced? A lot of the gui shit is gonna take a while, but you can do some things with CSS.


Vivaldi >>>