The origins of Sup Forums 's letter

Probably gonna sound like a fucking retard, but where does the Sup Forums come from in naming this board? I have some ideas, but they may not be right:

Any ideas Sup Forums

technolo G

I guess that works too kek

Sup Forums is the proto-/lgbt/. in the early days of Sup Forums all the homosexual users gathered here - the board titel as Sup Forumsay which at that time was nothing but a slur like the rampant use of "fag". once the homosexual community got their proper board, staff decided to just leave Sup Forumsay be and give it a meme name like "technology"

this. it was originally Sup Forumsay but all the gays did was talk about technology, programming, socks, feminine penis, and other things. it just became the technology board because that's what gays like to talk about. you know programming socks

Genesis. Look up free masons. They chose to build the world in order to dominate it. Because if they didn't want to dominate us then they wouldn't have property tax

Gijutsu, it's Japanese for technology
Remember, you're on an anime website

I understand that this is an anime website but that argument is silly because a majority of boards have english abbreviations

it's not a silly argumen, it's the reason that it is
it use to be Sup Forums for guro

It was Sup Forumsuro but was taken down and brought back as technology

4ch, american, inherits from 2ch, from moon land. The original boards, Sup Forums, /m/, /h/, Sup Forums, /k/, and others, all come from japanese words, anime, mekka (mecha), hentai, keisatsu. It wouldn't make sense to use japanese words for their names. Sup Forums is more memorable for a burgerman than (maybe) /ks/ or kokusai. Also,


objectively wrong. Sup Forums is an American image board, kinda like reddit but less features

we also inherited their fucking admin
we are truly the recycling bin of the internet

2channel != 2chan, idiot.

>kinda like reddit but less features

our admin isn't the admin of futaba/2chan. he was the admin of 2ch which is a text board. it is funny how we got a japanese guy to become the new admin after moot left though. more proof that Sup Forums is an anime website

jap running website =/= jap website

>jap running website for jap culture started by a wannabe-jap, which was based on another jap website
Sounds pretty fucking jap to me.

yeah, whatever, but a jap running the website doesn't make it a website for japs.

Didn't they move the servers to Japan?


t. oldfag

also pretty sure it used to be the guro board but I never visited boards outside of Sup Forums and /tg/

He never said it was, schlomo

no, they're in sanfran and subject to us laws

Nominally technolo/g/ but really fa/g/et.

you have to go back

I'm pretty sure board names were just alphabetical for a while

Well there you have it. Traps are gay.

Sup Forumsuro

Good job missing the joke.

oh. pretty shitty joke then


Wait this is the technology board?

If that's the case where's all the guro?
