Why would you need a heatsink on a wireless adapter?

Why would you need a heatsink on a wireless adapter?
And on RAM for that matter?





We actually need heatsinks for the fan motors too

touch a 2.4 or 5G wireless transmitter with your bare hands, it's pretty warm, even more so at the higher, more complex modulations that enable 1000 Mbps+ raw throughput


>wireless card
>for a desktop

router is in middle of house, why would i want to waste money running a ethernet cable to my room when i get the same speeds and latency. not everyone has a gigabit connection

>t. I can rip open walls to lay phone cable (Cat5+)

The radio gets toasty

Enjoy burning your motherboard.

well its pretty easy to most rooms in all honesty. You can just get a new socket with existing power plugs and run a cable to it, no wall ripping needed.

how? my 881nd is not hot, it has no heatsink yet i can touch it with bare hands

Nu-male hipsters who try too hard to appear "hacker"

Man, even my low end 150Mbps adapter gets pretty hot, that thing has even more power.

You do know that it doesnt HAVE to go in the wall?

so you just run super long cables on the floor? or worse staple them to the wall?

>he doesn't run cat 6 through his attic and lay them into the wall with cover plates

>Not living in a house made of concrete and revar

>What is a conduit
>What are cable trunking

>staple to the ceiling
>out of sight
what's the big deal?

>What are cable trunking
always looks bad, way to make your home feel like a house.

if your gonna samefag at least space it more that exactly one minute lmao. anyway stapled to the ceiling isnt out of sight, its out of way

t. apartment cuck

>why would i want to waste money running a ethernet cable to my room

"I don't want to waste money running an ethernet cable, i'd better buy a $200 wireless NIC instead."

>anyway stapled to the ceiling isnt out of sight
>he looks at the ceiling

How the fuck do you make a wireless hotspot for your wireless devices then?
Don't you have a dedicated desktop machine running as a router?

>phone cable
you fucking what

I agree. Idiots that don't know what a wifi cable is are the worst.

>wifi cable
Brainlet detected.

>not knowing what a wifi cable is
newfriend detected

>wireless adapter gets hot

>electronics don't generate heat

>You can just get a new socket with existing power plugs and run a cable to it, no wall ripping needed.
how do you get the cable run through the walls without ripping them up?

>cant phase material through walls

A doorway appears. What do you do?