Give me O N E reason why you hate Rust that has nothing to do with SJWs or Mozilla. Go on, I'm waiting.
Give me O N E reason why you hate Rust that has nothing to do with SJWs or Mozilla. Go on, I'm waiting
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It's made by the SJWs at Mozilla, who fund Antifa terrorists.
Programming is for anti-social autists who never had a positive male influence.
I don't hate Rust - I have no idea what it is because none of the employers I ever met (quite a few) knew that either.
Maybe it's good for a hobby, but that's about it.
Its claims to be better than C, but isn't.
the smallest rust app compiled for Windows NT is 1.8 MB __stripped__
only one compiler exists.
enable LTO.
otherwise it links in the whole standard library :|
Is Rust, dare I say it, /our language/?
it's pretty clear there's a viral campaign by sjw retards shilling rust everywhere. all the women and others undesirables clearly weren't ever going to learn actual programming so they would need to figure out something else. rust is that something else. about the only thing i ever say something shilling rust say is something about muh safety muh safety. exactly like sjw and their safe space and the bubble they live in. everything is about making them feel safe
>name one argument that isn't Mozilla or SJWs
>names Mozilla and SJWs anyway
D is better.
I think you hit the nail on the head. SJW infected Rust, but SJW don't know how to program. Instead, they decided to shill the language everywhere to attract actual programmers to work on it. That's why Rust, started in 2006 took until 2015 to release 1.0. Meanwhile Go was started in 2007 took until 2009 to release 1.0.
That most loved thing is bullshit. How the fuck does smalltalk make the most loved language list when I have literally never seen anyone use smalltalk ever. I have never even seen a smalltalk project on github.
The syntax is complete and utter shit. If Rust ever becomes popular, it will be relegated to the shit pile like Java and C++ before it. It's over engineered and caters to hipster Javascript and Ruby developers who won't even use it anyway.
>this is poisonous, but name something bad about why you shouldn't eat it and die besides it being poisonous
everything positive mentioned about it so far revolves around "it's safe". like toddlers who want to use training wheels. driving in a car is the most dangerous thing a person can do on average but that doesn't stop anybody. life and progress doesn't happen in a bubble or with safety wheels on
so putting airbags, seatbelts, and other safety features into cars is a bad idea?
other programming languages have safety belts. breaks, and other features. rust tries to put you in chastity belt and have some sjw decide if you're writing toxic masculinity code or not :^)
Borrow check make rust a lot complex, a lot shill tried sell low level Language to webdevelopers, and C/C++ developers don't solver real problems them had.
If you want to opt out of manual memory management you can't. And there are occasions when you need multi terabyte heaps with synchronized garbage collectors..
Also, concurrency sucks in Rust and syntax sucks.
And there is no syntactic sugar
I actually love Rust. Rust is the future unless something better comes along
I don't like restrictions.
I just don't see the point of it. It's not an easy language to get into or even learn, what incentive do programmers have to bother with it? I don't understand what it brings to the table for, let's say, C or C++ programmers.
>C/C++ developers don't solver real problems them had.
Does chrome uses Rust?