Anyone else watching the Naomi Wu drama?


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A bunch of men have decided that she isn't a real person who does real makes, so they refuse to let her into Maker Faires. Which is bullshit. Love her or hate her, she does her makes.

Does she still have that bimboification fetish that she glamorizes by turning all of her shirts into belly shirts and making light up skirts, or did she grow out of it?


Yes. She is still "into" extreme body mods. So what?

So long as she keeps doing that, nobody will take her seriously as a "real" maker.
As far as I know (or care), she does this solely for male attention.
If her efforts could stand on their own, she wouldn't take 300 glamor pics for every single small project she works on.
It's not even the amount of pictures she puts out, it's that she carefully frames each one so she's in full view.
This is a woman looking for thirsty male gazes and nothing else.

She does 3D printing, Open Source hardware, hardware reviews, Youtube video reviews, CAD reviews, and generally gets no respect from the Maker community because she wears shorts and has big tits. I didn't use to think she really had a reason to complain, but lately I've started to see her point. Chinese and western companies are freezing her out. Because of her "clothes." It's bullshit.

Nobody respects prostitutes, so if you dress like one, prepare to get treated like one.
Men aren't immune to this either, presentation is everything.

m8, if a man made and wore high-tech loincloths, he'd get shunned from places as well

I disagree. She looks the way she wants to look. It should not influence the way her work is perceived. She is doing good, important work. And you need to get over it, not her.

Fuck off, I wouldn't take a guy "maker" seriously if all his projects had to do with drawing attention to his erogenous areas.

This has absolutely nothing to do with gender.

If you get a tattoo across your face nobody is going to take you seriously

If you dress like a gangster or rapper nobody is going to take you seriously

If you dress like a prostitute nobody is going to take you seriously

that's not how the world works, male or female

I dont follow THOTS. I could tell from the beginning that she only does this to get people to compliment her tits and donate money.

Well, I just disagree. I've learned a lot from her videos about China and 3D printing. And yes, I liked the boobs and ass.

Yeah but to stoop to such levels as to judge based on appearances so blatantly and openly.
It's beneath most people really.

I bet you donate to her patreon too, you pathetic beta orbiter.

she's a female autist, she's /ourgirl/

>calling hoes thots
they're not worth a thought, why call them one?

Took a look. Why is a bimbo all aboard the SJW MUH TRANSPHOBE MUHSOGINY train? And randomly bringing up gamergate, which has been dead for years. Sounds like a cunt and there's probably more to it

THOT = That Hoe Over There
Its just a modern version of hoe i guess. I dont really think about language stuff much but thot and hoe seem pretty interchangeable.

Women are not men. Men are not women.

She totally knows that she is pandering to a certain audience of western men. The interesting thing is that in her home city of Shensez China, people DON'T CARE. They just like to take selfies with the "sexy lady." But they don't hide their children and freak out. Real Sexy Cyborg just walks around town letting anyone who wants to take a selfie with her. She's cool with it.

Had to google to figure out who Naomi Wu even was. I don't get what you're trying to discuss with this thread. Some CEO of a magazine/site thinks an obvious real life human bean making things isn't a real person. I don't get it and it doesn't really matter. I wouldn't be surprised this woman is a maker considering the city she is from.

Hey look an awful person

Well, the point is that he refuses to believe that a female person could do the shit she does. And yet, she has provided the evidence in tweets and videos. It's not (to me) that she is a weird female person, but that she is a person doing cool new tech maker stuff and she is being denied her selfhood. That bugs me. It's not fair and I don't like it.

Gamergate probably will become a SJW only term on the next 10 years because nobody else will remember it.

Try dressing like a slut and acting like an entry level geek "maker" with a 3D printer and a camera to document your dumb projects.
Outside of some fetishist circles, you won't get any respect from normal people.

It just sounds like some old bitter man is mad that someone in China with an abundance of supplies around in just her local space that allows her inner maker flourish.

So he's actually sexist and doesn't believe a hot babe (implying his perception here) can't make things and is just marketing someone else's creations?
Well I'm certainly opposed that idea.

>28 posts
>12 IPs
>constantly defending some whore
Holy shit, didn't think there's anybody on Sup Forums who's such a pathetic white knight.

She should make her own fare.

sounds like another shrill fembot hoping to hit the oppression olympics lottery because someone said mean words to them on the internet desu senpai

What? You mean people are actually having discussions on Sup Forums? Unbelievable. Mods should stop this.
Read the fucking posts not the post counts.

>That bugs me. It's not fair and I don't like it.
So? You're seriously coming off as some creepy beta orbiter. It's not even a big deal, just some guy on twitter who thinks her success is manufactured. Wouldn't be the first time a female spokesperson was used to make money, businesses do it all the time in the US. You think those Women Owned Businesses that 9/10 times happen to be run by the wives of businessmen are actually run day to day by those women? It's common to use women as a front for social or financial gain and no one cares.

>Chinese and western companies are freezing her out. Because of her "clothes." It's bullshit.

>contract her feminist complains use her as sexdoll to sell

>don't contract her still complains about it.

She doesn't work for you. She doesn't owe you shit. Your respect isn't relevant or wanted.

Exactly. He is totally being a dick

Not at all. She is doing her own work, making her own designs, engineering her own plans. She is cool and doing her own stuff for her own entertainment.

>get old
>looks start to go
>cries "GamerGate!"
wtf does that even mean in this context? is she saying she's getting harassed? just say it was all you and be proud of your own work. why push the victim angle?

How do people even become beta orbiters?
If you had any sense, you'd realize that chinese bitch is never going to reward you with sex, recognition, or even a simple thank you for "defending" her honor over the internet.
Sure CEO will love this woman stage products.

I don't want to have sex with her. I want her to be be respected for who she is.

I know what she looks like.

What has she even done other than that glow in the dark skirt for going to raves lighting up like a goddamn ricer car?

neither her, nor other "makers" deserve respect. you're just reading and following instructions. imagine thinking you DESERVE respect just for putting together some lego electronics kit.
gender/look is irrelevant

What does that even mean?

Walking 3d printer, for one thing

Did she design it or follow a bunch of online instructions to do it?

Nothing,but orbiters think just because she exists she deserves to be respected.

Mad that your waifu got told? Fuck off.

so what has Wu made, exactly?

She admits that. She says "Anyone can do what I do." Or "If I can do it, anyone can." She doesn't claim to be special.

Wtf is a "maker"?

What does this person make? Is this term similar to "content creator"?

I'm creating the content of the air right now by exhaling carbon dioxide. I'm making waste heat due to metabolic processes.

Is it too much to ask for more specificity and precision in our language? Oh wait, everything I say has to be minced into 140-character sound bytes because the average internet user's attention span can't handle more than that.

Nowhere has she ever said she's being "marginalized" or "shuttered" out of the industry.
This is some insane scenario cooked up by a beta orbiter.

How dumb do you have to be to think that approx 2 posts per IP is some kind of sin.
Difficult to imagine how you function in the real world. You'd be flipping out at the cashier for saying hello to you, because that implicitly forbids you from speaking. But I guess that'd be fine in your case because you've already proven yourself a hypocrite.

>some fag gets angry over some hot girl doing tech stuff on her own
>this must be the work of gamergate!

an easy phrase for sjws to claim victimhood from the ebil white man

Artfag's thinly veiled claim of general to universal importance, probably the >2 trillionth wording for it.

It's a person that gets an arduino, plugs some leds to it, encase it into a 3D printed model they downloaded from some cancerous 3D repository and claims to had done anything of value.

I know what maker culture is.

What has this person made? When Wu goes to a maker faire, what projects does he show off?

Makers are DIY people who make things for fun more than need.
It's marketing terminology mainly.
>content creator
Term that started being used to differentiate between larger scale effort to produce media (training videos from companies, studio release movies etc) from the smaller scale effort (movies where a fella tells you about how he thinks you should operate your lathe, short film people etc).

It's spawned from YouTube mainly. Where content creators is the role of the uploader.

I don't find it too imprecise.

After reading a bit about her, I don't think she's "just a persona". Maybe an exaggerated one, but nothing about what she does seems to be unrealistic for a hobbyist, it's mostly just 3D printed widgets and Arduino LED projects.

Post pics already

>The interesting thing is that in her home city of Shensez China, people DON'T CARE.
I live in China, and people all the time gossip and judge people for their appearance, moreso than Westerners. They just do so more discretely, perhaps.

nozzling my zozzle rite now

Really ethicsed my journalism

>yfw gamergate is now a verb

Shrill feminist retards will use it thinking it means "harassed".

People who brain cells to rub together will use it knowing it means "screeching about disagreement".

>do something stupid on the internet
>people make fun of you for it
>muh gamergate