Hey look at this

How much will I have to fork out on a build that can run this?

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Your toaster can probably run WoW classic bro


what’d you guys think of the new xpac at blizzcon?

>the absolute STATE of nu-Sup Forums (and nu-wow)

fuck the xpac. i want vanilla or bc

I think you can build a computer for a couple hundred dollars.

Depends on how much they "modernize" it. If it's the original 1.x engine with updated models, then probably almost any computer made in the last ten years could run it.

It won't be classic as in wow-1, it will use current client. On other hand current client still can be played on lowend machines depending on settings, so it matter less.

I've recently got vanilla running on a pc from the early 2000s with only 2gb of ram and a really shitty processor.


>make an xpac based around pvp
>then remove pvp
It's garbage.

>Fell for 2GB of random access memory meme

Can I run WoW on a Intel HD4000 laptop?

> >then remove pvp
You mean how they say new event is pve-oriented or general lack of pvp balance/updates?

hang on, hang on. i haven't played wow since 2010, brb.

Motherfuckers. Just when I managed to completely lose interest.

Then again, I've tried classic private servers, and actually experiencing the ass-backwards systems of old was pretty sobering.
It will be pretty hilarious when people start whining on the forums about how leveling is taking is long and they have to grind, because they dont know where the quests are.

> because they dont know where the quests are.
Pretty sure quest addons and sites like wowhead/thottbot exists for this reason.

>Being a casual
Ok friendo.

$100 for a T4/510

Depends on whether the client will be based on the old vanilla 1.x client or the current legion/BfA 8.x client.
If it's the former, you could buy a 15 year old Athlon 64 rig and run it at 60 FPS. If it's the latter, you're gonna need a new $1500 machine with at least a 1080/Vega 64 and a 5 GHz i7 Skylake to get steady 60 FPS in raids.

Any $100+ cpu and $100+ gpu from the past 7-8+ years can play wow very comfortably.

Those go for around ~$50 on ebay/craigslist now a days.

>Having the time to be 'hardcore'

Hi, Sup Forums

They are literally making all servers pve


nah, I was running wow tbc on intel t7200 and geforce go 7600 + 1gb of ram.

It would be impossiblu today

Pvp servers hurt people's feelings and make them unsub and blizzard doesn't want that and they don't want people to encounter harrassment/griefing in world pvp.

No, fuck off.
You can choose whether you want to be flagged for PvP or PvE. You will then be instanced to a PvP or PvE server.
If anything, this is better for world PvP as it will group people who actively want to PvP together.
It will, however, be worse for scrubs who just want to gank people below their own skill level as there will be more people who actually know what they're doing.

Source ?

Why are you guys always this fucking retarded ? Holy shit.

>You can choose whether you want to be flagged for PvP or PvE. You will then be instanced to a PvP or PvE server.

this, and also they even said they arent at liberty to say which one they used yet. also

>hurr i'll just keep saying no that'll show them

None it's my guess. Imo adding old content on server side and using current (one) client for both current and classic server is a path of less resistant other path being adding battle.net functionality onto old client i.e. rewriting major parts of it. At least they said it would be "impossible" to add that functionality to old client when this debacle of classic server started (around time when they killed nostalrius).

A piece of shit on bread.

>new bg
>new arenas
>new 3v3 pvp scenarios
>revival of world pvp
b-but guys t-they’re removing pvp D:

If it's a modern toaster, vanilla client is about as hard to run as modern post-Cata client. If it's ancient, vanilla may run fine, but newer clients are a no-go

put dat shit on a iphone niqa

350$ if they use old graphics, otherwise ~450. You can play it on high graphics even with an integrated GPU, depending on your resolution (and the CPU).
So either get a 350$ laptop or assemble a budget PC without a GPU, both can be done with less than 400$. 4GB RAM is enough.

i can run this game on wine in a first gen i3 laptop