Micro$hill Wangblows

What did Microsoft mean by this?

Yeah and there aren't even more than a handful of black people in my country. Kinda awkward to get a notification like that.

They meant that you left automatically install updates on.

It means that you'd running an outdated version of Windows for no reason whatsoever.
Had you updated you wouldn't be seeing that message.

Black men must be fathers, I agreed

It means that your update is ready to be installed, that it includes new features, and that the installation may take a little while

it means your tight little neghole is going to be pozzed by Microsoft's latest and greatest update.
you should immediately switch to Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB because 1607 isn't really THAT bad.

>remind me in three days
where is the remind me never option?

Windows 10 pro and below don't get that ability. You can delay it up to 180 days on the CBB branch, but that's only if you use the GPO which is only available to pro.
If you want to delay it forever you need to use LTSB.

is Sup Forums really full of idiot millenials who can't into tweaking these days?

Making windows10 update-proof is fucking easy!

take control of your windows, not the other way around, stupid millenials

>using Shitdows 10
>get raped by pajeets and niggers

asking for it t.b.h.

Being fair about this, the vast majority of the ass blasting Windows users have taken over the years has been due to the general reluctance of the population to install updates.

>Hey guys we have this major wormable vulnerability

Nah fuck you

>Please install


>All your documents have been encrypted. To obtain key, please deposit one bitdollaridoo

>make PC undiscoverable on network
>make sure firewall is enabled
>common sense
>make sure RDP isn't turned on
wow, no more viruses.

>the vast majority of the ass blasting Windows users have taken over the years has been due to the general reluctance of the population to install updates.

That's wrong though. Most of it is simply user stupidity, like manually running virus.jpg.exe.

I'm all for installing security updates, but the feature updates in W10 are a huge annoyance and they always break something or change some setting. In the best case, they'll occupy your PC for an hour or even more if you have a HDD.

>I'm all for installing security updates, but the feature updates in W10 are a huge annoyance
that's why you use LTSB.

or you know, go to services.msc, and completely disable Windows Update instead of running LTSB just for the ability to delay updates.


My idiot neighbor told me yesterday that his "verizon at&t comcast" and other shiet were stealing his """"mobile data"""""""""".

I inspected his machine and yeah...

TOR-TA-NA the """"torturer"""" running wild again. Transexual faggot deserve it.

On a side note, where are all the Sup Forums reverse-engineers 2007-2011 era here? you guys still lurking? Or already turned into a prisoner/breeder with """ball-and-chain"""" attached to your legs

If you're the kind of uses who does this, you're obviously not who that user was talking about, and you're very much in the minority.

There's obviously the case of running virus.jpg.exe, then clicking "yes" on the UAC prompt, but someone who is non-technicaly yet not actually completely retarded (i.e. probably the average user) will see the big, evil, scare dialog and might get second thoughts about this "picture".
So in most cases virus.jpg.exe still needs to exploit a vulnerability to at least escalate privileges.

no need to escalate for your files to get encrypted or for a keylogger to steal your passwords

True, but ransomware is a reasonably new phenomenon, only becoming widespread in the last few years. Windows's reputation comes from decades of being comandeered into botnets, from when that was still the most profitable type of virus.

And I'm pretty sure a keylogger or botnet needs escalation in order to run on startup, right? Or can you do that while unprivileged

The fact that Sup Forums thinks you can't turn off updates just means that MS did a good job of keeping the option hidden from clueless normalfags who just want to roleplay as a power user

>And I'm pretty sure a keylogger or botnet needs escalation in order to run on startup, right?

Major outbreaks like sasser were completely independent of user input, all the user needed to do was not install updates and the worm would autonomously run and spread itself. It crippled millions of computers and cost millions of dollars in damage - all because retards think they don't need updates.

There is no option to turn off updates.

Of course you can fuck about with deleting services and registry keys, and you can use this to disable all known telemetry, cortana, the game panel thingy, and updates. But there comes a point where installing LTSB is just the easier solution.

>what is group policy editor
Not all settings are exposed in the main settings panel and never have been.

Open service manager, select Windows Update, right click, properties, switch to disabled, hit ok button.
Wew lad, that was some hardcore assembly shit right there.

I respect you and your people

Windows 10 LTSB doesn't have this problem

>he loses features like ReFS creation

MS put black people on my computer too, so I finally switched to Linux on my main computer.

If I wanted to see minorities on my computer, I would've bought a Chromebook.

But then you don't get security updates.

>they literally provide GUI to fuck with anything you want
kek no wonder microsoft is treating majority of their consumer userbase like mouthbreathers

It's called metered connection brainlets

Literally where did I say that? I've done it all myself - I don't have Cortana, or updates, or (hopefully) telemetry.

I'm just saying that sometimes it's easier to say "dude just install LTSB", and it's just as valid a solution.

It means microsoft are paying for more to be sent your way

Finding a copy, installing it, and activating it is much more trouble though. So no, it's not a valid solution it's a meme pushed by fags who literally don't even know what LGBT edition is for and were shilled it on Sup Forums.

I have seen internet browsing celeron laptops in a govt sector use LTSB. What microsoft recommends isn't necessary something you need to listen.

It's easy. Search LTSB on TPB. There's plenty of preactivated ISOs that work great.

>All your documents have been encrypted. To obtain key, please deposit one bitdollaridoo
And of course, people then are like "it's Microsoft's fault my shit is outdated and insecure".
During a general security briefing, credible sources actually told us the reason we didn't get fucked by WannaCry like the NHS, or other countries, is because the state's admins actually patched the windows-based servers from time to time, and the general populace grudgingly installs updates now, unlike xp days.

>finding a copy
I've never tried, but I assume microsoft doesn't offer ISO downloads? If so, that may be the only valid point.

>installing it
Since when is installing any windows hard? Unless it's notoriously unstable or something and often needs manual debugging to get working, which I haven't heard about.

Does it have some sort of advanced anti-privacy that stops microsoft toolkit and shit from working with it? I haven't heard about anything like that either, and it would really surprise me if they had this kind of meme anti-piracy and didn't include it in the other versions.

Quite honestly I was fine using windows 10 before that but that was the last thing ms could have done to make me downgrade to 8.1. Pushing fucking literal monkeys to my screen asking me to update ? Wtf ?

Now enjoying my comfy Arch/Win 8.1 dual boot and I don't have to deal with this shit whenever I switch to windows for gayming

Glad to see I'm not the only one. Maybe it's irrational, but I really don't want "diversity" forced down my throat on my own computer's OS.