What is the best text editor and why is it Atom?
What is the best text editor and why is it Atom?
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That's a weird way to spell "GNU nano".
>this fucking guy
> with by GitHub
That is pretty gay.
Any recommendations for plugins? I love atom
you misspelled "Vim"
>Written in Electron (CoffeeScript /JavaScript / Less / HTML)
But I use Python so PyCharm is the obvious choic
>text editor
>hogs 500mb RAM before even opening a file, with no extensions installed
>barely functions without extensions
ATOM is a great attempt at making the worst text editor of all time
Those fucking pixelated icons. I literally canno't
Why haven't someone killed you yet?
How did you get Ubuntu like that? Mine looks like utter bullshit
What does Sup Forums think about vscode?
Not my setup but here are some icons and themes with easy installation instructions to get your ubuntu looking nice fast.
Kys electrofag
I like it but I'm a windows pleb.
>Memory leak causes it to eat your entire 16 GiB RAM meme after a few minutes
>Atom is not a botnet unto itself, but rather another component of a fully functioning botnet powered by the not-ungoogled Chromium browser
>You now have a second, worse, but fully featured browser installed on your system, and it runs a local website in a single tab
>Likely SJW
>Only good for webdev really, despite all the available plugins for other things
not having at least 16 gig of ram, so 500mb doesnt bother you
just here to tell you to kill yourself, you retarded moron
i have 16 gigs of ram from before ram prices went up 150%
But for 500mb i can use a complete IDE. Or i can use a real editor without bells and whistles attached for minimal resource use and lightning fast performance.
Atom is for numale webdesigners pretending to get work done sitting at a starbucks 6 hours a day with their macbook airbag.
Kill all hipsters.
Because my lecturer said so
I honestly don't understand the point of atom. Both vscode and sublime do everything atom does, but lighter and better while not taking up 10GB of ram.
>using an IDE for python
Genuinely nice. It's light but still really feature-rich. Its honestly one of the few things MS got right.
Shame MS can't do that for the rest of their software.
You mean Emacs.
Micro > Nano
Because who actually liked Pico anyway?
Only good for webdev stuff. Not for backend/application programming (use an IDE for that) or config files (use a fuckin' system editor or vim/emacs!). It's really just a niche editor
Visual Studio IDE has the best debugger ever. Too bad it's Windows only.
I prefer CLion
You can do wonders with emacs, but it's not out-of-box experience.
>the godlike feeling you get when you integrate radare into emacs
I honestly tried emacs with spacemacs, but I couldn't get into it, the keybinds were way too autistic for me.
vim > all
I can understand that, i grew up on it so it's second nature to me, while i absolutely can't get through the keybindings of other software. At least i can do almost everything inside emacs so i don't have to learn other keybindings.
Is there a FOSS "it just works" text editor that works on windows and linux (no wine)?
I spend most of my time on *buntu. I use gvim. I tried installing it on windows 10 and it was a mess. I got it installed but I couldn't get my customizations (vimrc) to work. And the buttons/gui looked like something from Windows 3.1, looked really bad.
Nice FOSS editor...that is windows only.
Have to install GTK libs for windows
vim/gvim would have been perfect, but it was so frustrating trying to make it work the way it works in linux. So now when I do need a TE in windows I use Notepad++. Do any of you use a cross platform FOSS text editor?
Isn't VS Code also based on Electron? Why does Sup Forums like it but hate Atom?
joe still rocks
Microsoft optimized VS code better than Github did Atom.
absolute garbage for c++, stay away
now if only it could open files with long lines
Thanks. You just saved me some headaches
pls support vim by using it anons
I really like Atom's features, but a 10 seconds startup time is unacceptable for a text editor.
If there is some trick to reduce that time, please enlighten me.
Does Atom have better C++ facilities?
i used notepad++ on windows and switched to linux and started using vim.
the only thing i want out of a text editor is it to auto backup/save and also have a lot of tabs. i'd also like it to open certain files when i launch it automatically too. vim doesn't seem to have these features out of the box, but probably with plugins or some shit it can have them
Sublime Text.
I used Atom for a couple of days before I removed it out of frustration. The start-up times were too much. Fucking Electron is a joke.
Disabling/Removing all plugins you don't need.
As stated before, Atom is not meant to be open a lot. You open it once and work on your (web) project.
Basically only useful for JS stuff
nigga people like you pushed this fucking state of mind among devs, that every fucking app can be written in electron for some reason and hog 10x the ram it would take up in a barely decent native framework.
why tf did NOBODY even mention sublime?? it's basically a faster atom that takes up like 70% less memory...
Plugin management and theming is really awkward in sublime.
2.vs code
3. anything else
Besides RAM usage, I have not found any significant advantage for Sublime
Vim with a fee plugins for quick edits.
VS Code is unironically really good for programming.
>almost 2018
>ramlets still overexaggerate electron ram usage and are still triggered by it
shiggy diggy
What do /elitecoders/ use?
Well aight, changing configs is weird but with Package Manager plugin management is fairly easy. Bottom line is, it
s infinitely faster than atom on my 1.6g celeron, 4gb ram laptop...
If you're talking about well-known programmers and engineers then it's mostly emacs.
Open a text/log file bigger than 10 megabytes and you'll notice a real difference. Open one that is over 100 megabytes and you will see Sublime do its job and Atom freeze up and cry like the little whining bitch that it is.
4coder is smooth as fuck, it's still under dev tho
how'd you rice Sublime to be so flat?
except when it takes 10 seconds to load and is laggy as fuck
I don't even have that many packages installed
thinking about taking the dive into emacs. or sublime text?
I have not done anything to it , its just how looks with budgie I guess.
what is that distro?
What's the best text editor on Windows for somebody that just needs to edit various text files? The formatting is all fucked up on Notepad sometimes.
>postulating an initial open ended question then changing the question to one that seeks validation for your own opinionated answer to the initial question disregarding that the initial question is open ended and has no definitive correct answer
Unironically sublime!
welcome to Sup Forums
this shit happens all the time
no emacs?
it's meme you dip
who declared it should be one
Young males trying to assert their dominance over one another. This is like wrestling for nerds.
i am currently trying to switch to vim from vscode its quite good default features are really good but plugins are really hard to get working i just wanted a java code completion after jumping through hoops got it working but it kept suggesting wrong functions. vscode has amazing java facilities.
i am wondering what languages have best code completion support in vim, i just want to test if code completion work in vim or not, if not i will just stick to vscode
Vim > whatever bloatware you're using
how to effectively use it ? all plugins are a pain to to get to work, i just want java completion ;_;
I love Atom too, so comfy.
Well, share some knowledge about integrating radare2 into emacs?
Fuking this. Atom will never be as sublime as sublime.
sublime has fallen way behind atom in addon support. i reluctantly switched recently.
atom isn't that bad.
I use Vundle to manage my plugins, it's pretty easy to use and can be all configd from your vimrc
Just use vim like a sane person
>Huge Ubuntu logo in the bottom left
For the regular old English language absolutely nothing compares to Microsoft Word. I've used open office and libre office, google docs, a million things I found in the AUR and it's all shit compared to Word.
For C++, Python, and VB.NET I use Visual Studio as I am more productive with it than anything else I've tried.
The worst part is I hate Windows and would love nothing more than to banish from my hardware forever and ever but it's not worth the loss in productivity.
p.s. OP your desktop environment looks very nice I like it.
yeah but is it kubuntu ??
it's better than atom and more open that sublime, but knowing that microsoft is behind it makes me feel dirty.
Does neovim have a gvim equivalent?
I like you
You could always use Eclipse on whatever platform you prefer... CLion is nice too. Unfortunately not much compares to to VS, but they're are nice tools being developed for non-Windows people. Check out the tools offered by JetBrains
This. Probably 3/4 of "famous" programmers use emacs
vimr for os x
3/4 programmers have autism
Couple generic python scripts for radare, some elisp to tape them together and you're good to go. I'll write out the procedure+source to pastebin later next week, stay tuned.
It's open source, please explain yourself.
if your source code files are bigger then even 1MB, you are doing something wrong
for viewing log files, use less or vim anyway