I'm a little at a loss here. Why the fuss? This part of the screen was basically useless in most cases anyway due to the bar at the top. The only loss was the time being centered. Is this really the best folks can bitch about?
I'm a little at a loss here. Why the fuss...
Other urls found in this thread:
you idiots will litterally defend anything.
>OP makes actual argument
useless in most cases != useless only on the homescreen, but not in apps
see pic related
It's not useless when you're watching a video.
Defend what exactly? I mean if you look at the S8 they just chose not to use that space so you end up with a black bar since they didn't bother extending the screen up there. What's wrong with getting stuff up and out of the way?
or going through a list
Granted, and I would agree that allowing that space to be used for other than information is a flaw in execution if that is how it is done.
That looks fake as fuck though - some names stay 5mm away from the notch, others get covered by it.
Steven jerbs would have never let this happen.
nope, legit
as is pic related
Or he might have just locked down usage of that screen section in how it is used.
Nope. Jobs is a perfectionist.
The guy proposing the notch? He would get fired on the spot.
Jobs would have waited until they can integrate the camera in the screen itself, so until then the Iphone would look like an S8, small symetrical bezels at the top and bottom.
So I was just watching a video and I was presented two options for full screen. The first defaulted to the webkit dimensions and was the default view. It did have a second option to extend to the edges and then that segment DOES cover a portion of the video. You had to select it though so at least the dev gave you options.
Apple tell hey I am unique and original, don't care usability or standards
You might be right, but I think you are also assuming a bit too much. He DID occasionally cave contrary to thought though I am 50/50 on what he would done in this instance.
It’s not legit, it was a shitty concept released by a developer on GitHub.
Your second pic is in crop mode, same as current iPhones if you zoom in ho crop black bars. Normal playback it still full 16:9 unobscured by the notch.
OK it finally dawned on me. The webkit dimensions are recommended so that an app will fit the iPhone 8 screen as well. NOW with that said, apps can be better written to better utilize an X screen. Instead of being lazy and just using the webkit dimensions they go wider and use those notches for information or maybe functions. Instead of separate screen formats, they go with separate app modes depending on model used. More complex for a dev, but better experience for the user.
Looks like shit. For a phone that's literally bought 100% for looks, it's a death sentence.
>Why the fuss?
because it's a change that has a lot of downsides and literally ZERO upsides. why the fuck is it there? it serves no purpose yet takes up part of the precious screen space and introduces an anomaly into otherwise simple work (screen space allocation)
defending this is inane
>I don't understand the issue
>so it's not an issue
fucking saved
is ugly
you didn't take a second to even think about this possibility.
I'm not concerned about the notch itself, it's what surrounds it that bugs me. Why does it take the color of what's behind it instead of being a black strip that lines up with the notch?
Not polished obviously but something like this interface wise if used correctly (obviously this is just tailored to the NES)
I'd probably prefer that myself
You obviously didn't read past the original post.
OP is a huge cock goggling faggot, we know.
what actual argument?
You still didn't read past the original post besides the reply.
because i don't care past the original post to my own post in a thread like this.
stop using:
a) an anonymizer
b) no brain cells
c) the reply field
Did you even try...
more than you did
>posts a reaction image that just resonates with me.
Well done lad.
Jobs was only open to things he would like.
Remember, he designed the iPhone to be something he would use himself.
This works more for the Essential, not so much for the X. Needs updating.
>nice screen there
I'm glad I don't do web design, I'd be moaning about this kind of shit all the time.
I KNOW! It's terrifying how they look in the end. I mean look at this shit! Look what they did!
iphone x is shitty
It’s less obtrusive than my s8+ curved edges. Shit has glare like a mofo and is a different color than the rest of the screen. Sticks out on basically no matter what you’re doing. With the notch at least it’s pitch black, coupled with the amoled display, you don’t notice it at all because it turns off the screen in that portion when doing anything that uses that part of your screen
I think the iPhon\____________/pple has ever released.
the japanese are mad about their gatcha
what is the point of having a bigger screen when they don't use it? whoever buys this has to be retarded.
You’re retarded.
t. Someone who actually has $1500 to spend for something he uses every day (256 GB with Apple care, so le expensive repairs are a non-issue)
>when ur only defense is to call other people poor
that's when you know you've lost the argument
>the absolute state of Sup Forums.
This is why we can't have good things on this site.
>That looks fake as fuck though
It's real. Embrace the notch. Jobs would approve.
If you buy your fucking device on a 10 year lease of $5 a month you aren't rich OR successful.
An actually successful individual thinks of ways to earn more while spending less.
Fuck off back to
>Implying others aren't causing this.
If you post benchmarks showing the iPhone better, you're a pajeet and applefag.
If you post about better frame rates or frame times on iOS they'll deflect to "FPS ONLY MATTERS IN GAYMS."
If you post about features that you personally enjoy using on iOS, "X MANUFACTURER DID Y FIRST APPLEL FAGS BTFO."
If all else fails, they'll just start spamming pictures about India.
So now everyone who's fishing for a guaranteed 150 (You's) is posting shit like "You know you'd buy one if you could afford one" with just a single fucking image and never need to post again, yet actual threads struggle to hit 30 posts.
Stop fucking replying to people who post like this, and hop off your high horse, if someone would rather pay 5$ a month for two years instead of coming up with 1000$ magically and then pay 5$ less per month for a phone without a contract they're not stupid, they're using common sense.
what's with the first image there? Is it just a reference that the device is super repair-unfriendly?
you idiots will literally attack anything
New iPhone batteries expand and crack open the phones
Oh my god.
Thanks for the explanation.
No prob
>t. iToddler
>haha you guys are poor, i'm not
>also, i took this insurance so repair will be cheaper
I thought you were rich...
>if you crack the screen it costs $550
>another $220 on top of the $1000 for the apple warranty on the screen
jesus christ.
>tfw lost my save file
The only people I know with an iPhone complained about battery life even after 11.1
You have a point if Apple implemented it in a sensible way.
And I certainly wouldn't be against an Android phone putting a couple status icons up there to free up the rest of the screen.
But Apple isn't sensible.
Apple INSISTS that every app actively uses that area in both portrait and landscape mode.
Apps that black it out or only put some status icons there get banned from the app store.
App makers are forced to implement retarded shit like
I like having at glance a lot of information, so whatever suits your needs.
>spending 300+ dollars for a phone
Forgot pic :3
That’s absolutely disgusting.
God I hate MIUI..
If you don't like it you can completely customize it user... :3
Nice user, honestly I rather have a lot of info at glance but you made a good point
>Inb4 customization is bad!!
Not really, when I had a Redmi 3S all I wanted is stock Android. Pajeet ROMs were buggy and you couldn’t really customize MIUI to look like it. Themes for it were absolutely garbage.
>Stock android
>Bought xiaomi with miui
Top kek
Tbh I've got no problems with MIUI or my redmi 3s
I have an internet speed indicator there. The main issue though is that it looks jarring and it could be EASILY fixed by making the rest of the bar black. But nope, gotta extend the image in that area for the sake of gimmick.
Bloated but I get your point
No bugs here, redmi 4 note user
I was on a budget and the Redmi was perfect hardware wise. I didn’t expect that it’d have a non-existent dev community.
Never said I was rich. Only pricks brag about their money, but I won’t lie that I’m well off. :^)
But anyways why would you skimp on something you use every day? Why would you make it to where you need to install an entirely different OS and other shit just for a functional phone? I wanted something that worked well and was fancy.
I pity you.
Pic unrelated. It was from my trip to Hawaii.
>not compiling your own ASOP when kernel is open sourced
Dude you're really a brainlet
>expects stock
>buys xiaomi
Stop using your chinky winky rom and actually use something proper.
Apple claim that they are selling out faster than they get them yet we can find these phones in almost every Apple store days after the launch... This is just in my immediate area, what is apple trying to pull here?
>using the smiley with a carat nose
I expected to be able to install a stock ROM because the Note 3 had a really great dev community. Wasn’t the case for the 3S for months.
>compiling AOSP
Dude are you really expecting people to do all that shit to have a usable software experience? Also, the kernel sources were incomplete, GPS and fingerprint were buggy as fuck for months..
No they weren't.
And it's not hard at all, even pajeets do it, I pitty you user :3
t. Redmi 3s owner
Fuck yeah they were. My model had a different fp scanner which had no driver for a while, and LineageOS had like 5 different GPS fixes, none of which fixed the random reboots I had whenever GPS turned on.
>even pajeets do it
Yet all of them (and a russian guy) failed to do so at the time. Fuck off.
I hope that wasn’t taken on the iPhone X
It looks terrible
>I wanted something that worked well
Why would you buy iTrash then?
Apple is struggling big time with manufacturing of the X, yields are low as fuck
Ugh, you can't just compile AOSP for your device, even you have kernel sources. Unless you're fine with broken camera and RIL, that is. What the "xda pajeets" are doing is writing shims for driver blobs from the official ROM to make the work on AOSP, and that reqiures expertise far beyon what 99% of Sup Forums is capable of.
>Apple Monterey
>few miles from Cupertino
>libtard capital of the world
Even the people who fucking designed the thing refused to buy one.
Top kek, brainlet