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eggsplain the need for 2 power supplies

One for the PC, one for the peltier heat exchanger.

What are the temps

how much it weights? in kilos please

How much did you drop on that spaghetti monster

No airflow.

All that extra money spent on cooling when you could of just bought better parts rather than OC for your few extra frames.

meh, trying too hard

I was about to say 10/10 in space taken, but then I saw other photos.
Gotta go with Superwot/10.

Looks like madness embodied, but if it works fine then it's a job well done.

clockmed / 10

>10 trillion (well organized) wires
>2 psus
>all this for 1 cpu & 1 gpu
Am I missing something or is this just a waste of money/time versus just using an off the shelf cpu watercooler, and the same for gpu with an adapter?

No CPU/CPU cooler/RAM?

3 psu

"it's so dense, every shot has so much going on"

but why

what hardware is going in there? 7900k?

The watercooled SATA SSD next to the PSU.

What are you diong with 3psu ?

>using a fucking peltier
how do you deal with condensation?

Also why is your tower sitting in what looks to be your grandmother's kitchen?

I am grandmother.


not him, but you can set them up to run just over the dewpoint

Cool. How do the temps compare to regular liquid cooling?

That actually looks really cool. Love the cyberpunk 7 seg diaplays

>Cool. How do the temps compare to regular liquid cooling?
depends on how cold you can get the water/maintain the low temps (for hybrid water TEC cooler setups like OP)
you need to know the delta between cpu temp and water temp of the normal water cooled set up to know how the chilled set up will work.
so if water temp is 30C and cpu is 60C your delta is 30C, if you drop the water temp to 10C you should see 40C cpu temps and so on.

Achmed's PC


because I want dangerously high voltage nm away from my most expensive components

guts thread?
Get on my level bitches

>get on my level
>pata drives
>no air flow
no thanks

>All PATA drives
Good luck fitting all the cables in there, let alone enough controllers to connect them.

>12v is dangerously high
>peltier plates are nanometers thick
u wot m8

DAMN! Think of the heat/temps man. Those drives must be cooking. Not to mention the electric bill that sucker must generate

Nice try faggot, that ain't yours

how on earth did you figure that out

I'm curious, what's all that storage space being used for?

here's something that's actually mine and gets used

Its weird & the cpus are old, but user I like it.

peasants take note.

custom case mods

You are like little baby
watch this


try installing the DIMMS so they're in a balanced dual channel setup as opposed to unbalanced triple.
A1 A2, B1 B2, for both CPUs
Should help bandwidth and latency

Porn? Lots of Ripped videos? Maybe both? Just think if all those drives were 10TB

too small diameter tubing/10
bent tubing /10

what diameter tubing is that jfc


>CPU backplate fan

Someone post that user that had a RAID of USB's in his backspace.

That's still what the cable management looks like even 5 years later.
Front is clean though.

Lowered CPU load temps by 2C on average.
You'd be surprised how much heat is generated behind the socket.


>Boiled hard drives
Those quads though

i did it when i had my house fire overlocked tripple house fire fx 8350. really helped cool the socket down. also had fans strapped to my vrms as well.