>not using a tiling window manager
Explain yourself, user.
>using a tiling wm
1980 called. They want you back
I'm using mate with a transparent top paneland dmenu. I used to use i3-gaps, but found I personally prefer floating, but with the general layout of i3 (minimal with 1 bar, keyboard shortcuts for everything)
>Durr use a tiling wm
>Look how awesome it is when I disable tiling
Nice dude.
but I am
that's too much ricing, you've looped back into being lame again
My nigga.
Whats the point?
if only i knew how to make something like this without poettering bloat
Don't have the autism required to configure it
I use awesome.
It does what you actually want to do. (Re)arrange windows in meaningful ways on workspaces, without extra mouse pushing
what bar is that
I much prefer to keep whatever I'm doing full screen.
i3wm pretty much just works (and looks nice enough) out of the box. What I do is I install i3-dmenu-desktop, add an autostart for udiskie, change the fonts and remove the stuff I don't need (battery, wifi, cpu usage etc.) from i3bar config.
Actually learning the shortcuts is a bit more demanding.
>not rewriting every shortcut to suit your taste
I get it but I just can't be assed. Vanilla GNOME is good enough for me
Need one of those ENLIGHTENED brain images with:
Retard: Full DE
+1: No GUI CLI only
+2: Tiling WM
Enlightened: Tiling WM with floating mode only
Real talk:
I'm thinking of falling for the wayland meme, and using sway as my WM.
Should I do it, anons?
>Vanilla GNOME is good enough for me
>Using unstable distribution
Explain yourself
>ALSA volume controls
>uses i3
>thinks he's not retarded
the most beautiful image on the whole internet
Then it really isn't about the configuration part being hard, is it? If you're happy with Gnome though, then more power to you.
what music visualizer and bar?
what wifi manager are you using?
Most of them suit my tastes out of the box and felt very familiar and/or logical straight from the start. I did rebind mod+h and mod+shift+h to make it more Vim like.
>uses tiling wm
>wastes 10% of screen on gaps
the absolute state of Sup Forums
i run a minimal xmonad setup with taffybar and dmenu. No transparency bullshit, no compiz bullshit. I don't even have a background and can't understand why you would want one, you're running terminal or emacs all the time anyway, what's the point?
A tiling wm id barely any more productive than the windows 10 desktop
should be mpd+ncmpcpp
ncmpcpp and the nicest post on the whole internet
you would be right but running a dull terminal all the time for months gets somewhat depressing . i at least need some colors.
install gentoo
unironically install gentoo: it doesn't have systemd by default
don't worry user, I've got space
and it's not like I can't reduce the gaps if I really need to
Damn what town is that? It unironically looks like some place from an anime.
>192 Kbps
>Riomaggiore (Rimazùu in the local Ligurian language) is a village situated in a small valley in the Liguria region of Italy.
Parabola's better
Actually enlightened should be no GUI/CLI only.
>italy is now an anime country
WTF I love Italy now.
You installed cloverOS and then changed the default configs, nice.
Can someone explain the logic in hating to use an IDE and then use a tiling window manager?
I thought the main issue with IDE's is the tiling window manager
>what is .Xresources
>being this insecure about an operating system
don't worry installing gentoo is easier than everyone makes it out to be, even you could do it
>>not using a tiling window manager
>Explain yourself, user.
I honestly can't figure out how. I did dnf install i3 on a fresh install of fedora server 26 but startx won't start anything.
So I installed twm. Now start x works but I just don't know what I'm doing and nobody has taught me.
Why use a tiling WM if you're gonna use it in floating mode only?
pape pls?
It's pointless to explain it to an unenlightened individual such as yourself.
read the arch wiki articles on xinit and i3
and the i3 user guide after that
Please enlighten me, my lord.
It's retarded. Like all other "enlightened" things in those brain images.
Also, you are probably talking about a DE, not an IDE. Those are two different things.
no point in having a higher resolution than that on a 12.5" screen
Stupid phonephags however are obsessed with 4k screens on 5 inch displays.
looks like rofi
Post your best megucas
Kyouko is my best meguca and also my waifu.
>tilling meme
>I ONLY use CLI programs
Neck yourself. I need to do REAL work.
No brain power to waste for such a futile thing.
I know it is different things, but I do mean IDE, as in integrated development environment.
Most if not all IDE's have a tiling window manager where they display different the editor pane, the build pane etc as tiles, the same way you would see it in a tiling window manager.
So it is because some people prefer speed of the application over speed of using the application?
does this mean I have a big dick?
Anyone make the switch to wayland yet?
I'm considering it
Why linuxfags don't use proper screens with resolution that isn't terrible. Are linuxfags really that poorfags?
all the dumb asses on Sup Forums only install linux on their laptops because they can't fully commit to putting LOONIX on their desktops
The way these people run them that's true.
I will never understand why i3-gaps exists.
Cuz i like xfce
Teach me everything about this. I have so much to learn, but it's beautiful.
>components from this generation
pick one
the 13" macbook air has a 1440x900 display :)
OLED screens are not the same as LCD displays, user. A 4k OLED panel will have similar sharpness to a 2560x1440 LCD panel if the size is kept constant.
is this some bspwm user meme?
>better than gentoo
also, parabola has shitstaind
It's been around for a while now.
Every time a someone uses something you use or likes something you like...
>almost 2018
>using a tiling wm to make pretty screenshots instead of being productive
yeah I know, but in the last ~10 times I've seen my nigga posts on Sup Forums, most of them have been in response to a bspwm user
and almost every time a bspwm user shows up, there's a my nigga reply to him
Make sure to have some spare time to dedicate to any of the WM out there, since most of them require a bit of work behind.
Personally, I just use the floating mode for the *fetch threads, while when I work/write I keep 3 or 4 windows tiled per workspace.
Check my res on this 10-years-old Thiccpad senpai ;)
Well I guess a lot of users of bspwm are here.
I usually use it on anyone with a nicely customized tiling wm.
is there a point to twm vs just using a terminal multiplexer?
firefox theme is a mod of twily's theme
the bar on the bottom is vimperator
4chanX+oneechan for Sup Forums
I use wal to generate an initial colorscheme from my wallpaper which I then usually tweak a little
not sure what else to tell you besides the things mentioned in the neofetch and some previous replies
use the command line for basically everything
and install gentoo
if you have to ask, it's firefox
Make a video on how to make it like tgis and i will suck your dick. You dont have to use mic
Multi monitor support is a bitch. Also I am using a tiling setup on my main PC, but I have no time to port my config to my work PC (where that multi monitor support must be top notch).
also, read the arch wiki article on .Xresources and skim through the urxvt man page to see what options you can set from there
and with these, you should be able to make a cool bash prompt
it should go without saying that you should go through the documentation for stuff you use
man pages, github wikis, arch wiki, /usr/share/doc/, etc.
I use Windows
Also I'm not going to use something that requires constantly remembering different keyboard shortcuts to work with. I'm a brainlet and I remain mouseful
these are nice if you use a lot of GUI shit
also, you can look at some example configs on dotshare.it
>asks others to explain why aren't they using a tiling window manager
>not a single tiled window in his screenshot
Explain yourself, user.
>1980 called. They want you back
Sadly, they don't. You chose the words that would hurt me the most, didn't you?
you should fix your font
pity arch and tiling window managers are just good looking memes that have no practical real world value
Well, Parabola respects muh freedoms by default, also you can always install OpenRC version
These days I just run all my software full screen and alt-tab between programs. What are the chances that I need to see both my browser and my terminal at once? I already use screen to multiplex my terminal, and this allows me to blow up my fonts a bit so they're big and comfy.
>not using a Sway/Wayland
Explain yourself, user.