Which of these Linux distros is the best? I want to install Linux but I'm not sure which one to install. I don't want Ubuntu/Ubuntu based distros however.
Anyone got any suggestions?
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Install Gentoo
Debian is best to actually install and use like a human. Arch is best if you want to to pretend you're Mr. Robot and be autistic af and be the linux equivilant of a vegan. Gentoo is the best to micromanage and learn about linux but it'll take aaaaages.
just stay way from everything having buntu in the name and you gonna be fine.
Debian if you don't wanna bother with shit, it holds your hand. Arch if you want to learn more about l00nix and feel 1337. Gentoo if you're autistic.
Debian if you have no idea and wanna have a somewhat easy experience.
Arch if you wanna fall for the meme of "minimalism" of packages with all optional dependencies enabled.
Gentoo if you want a hard to set up, but very advanced system with granular control over all installed packages and compiler optimizations.
Arch is unironically the distro that gave me less problems, both for compatibility and packages
In ascending levels of autism/tinkering-time: Debian, Arch, Gentoo
>Gentoo is the best to micromanage and learn about linux but it'll take aaaaages.
Lies, you can install Gentoo and don't learn a shit about how a distribution works, building one of these linuxfromscratch.org
So you're saying that I should go for Debian?
Yes, I don't know if the people making memes about arch have ever test it its like the basic gentoo stage with precompiled packages excluding the ones in aur.
Unless you have free time and are willing to learn shit, then yes. Just use debian.
Bro, doesn't matter what you test , if you are new in GNU/Linux, you gonna start complaining because is not like windows, and start testing and testing distributions instead trying to fix things and read documentatiion, you better start with gentoo or arch because its mandatory to read docymentation to install them so you get used to it.
ayylmao, he is going to get drag to shitbuntu communities and we gonna have more daily threads about how "Linux" its a meme.
read installgentoo wiki, it basically answers your question
Why is Arch considered less autistic than Gentoo?
Because you don't have to compile all your shit.
Arch didn't seem that difficult but I switched to Debian
You cannot compare 2 hobby distros with a serious one.
Try Devuan. It's Debian without systemd so it's faster and not bloated
na, Arch and Gentoo are at the same autism level LFS its a really autistic distribution, its not hard to make one I did 2 but are difficult to update.
It's more autistic though. It's generally less stable and offers no real advantage over any other generic distro like Debian.
>Linux distros
I found Arch to be more stable than what most people have told me in the past.
Heck I had more trouble with Fedora and KDE.
Literally anything but Debian. There isn't a system as retarded and broken as Debian.
Actual serious distros are Gentoo, NixOS and RHEL. Arch has the ABS that is nice but that's about that.
Fedora too?
Most of the critisism Arch gets is from the distant past.
why? xubuntu is really good
Well, my own criticism of Arch is the specific group of Arch users who act as though following the instructions on the Wiki is an accomplishment and any scripts available for installation are undesirable. Often they "sell" the distro on being one of those where you have to "build your own shit" but in truth I think the only reason I choose Arch over other distros is how actually simple it is to get shit working without much trouble in my own personal case.
DO NOT install Debian. What these tards keep failing to mention is, Debian is a freetard distro. You will have nothing but problems with getting networking going, and endless other headaches if you are installing on a laptop. Literally, DO NOT get started with Linux from a freetard distro until you know what you are up against.
install debian, it's WAY better than Noobuntu amirite? :^)
install Manjaro, it has both yaourt and pacman. you don't need to configure everything from zero. Manjaro is clean and ready-to-use. You don't need to spend your time doing unecessary things (like you need to do on Debian, Fedora, Gentoo and Arch)
In all seriousness, debian if you want something that just werks but you don't mind outdated packages or unironically x/lubuntu non-LTS. I use it and it's pretty comfy desu.
> Using yaourt
> Not just use git clone and build it
thats unecessary. you can just yaourt -S package-name. it's easy, no botnet
Debian for rock solid headless server, Arch for educational tinkering and ricing, and Ubuntu to get shit done on the desktop.
Ubuntu Server for rock solid headless server, Arch for educational tinkering and ricing, and Ubuntu to get shit done on the desktop.
Excellent server Distro. Most of the software is out of date when it's released. I don't think stretch even has Wine 2.02. You can get some up to date software from sid backports, though.
The install is not at all minimal. There is an enormous amount of random shit installed that you may not want or need.
Multilib support for dev libraries is shit. If you have a 64-bit version of a library, then try to install the 32-bit version, it will likely tell you to uninstall the 64-bit version and anything dependent on it. apt-get in general is awful.
Reasonably stable and all software is up to date. I ran into a few packages breaking back when I used Arch, but they were only ever obscure packages like Arduino IDE. You'll probably run into occasional issues like GCC being too new to compile certain programs, though, because everything's bleeding edge.
Fairly minimal. Installing something like XFCE should only give you XFCE and not extras like xfce-terminal.
Gentoo is very stable with a default config, but you can install bleeding edge packages alongside others. You can also install multiple different versions of certain packages, such as multiple GCC versions. It's nice because you don't need everything on your system to be bleeding edge, but you want the most recent Wine or something like that.
Gentoo is also extremely minimal if you choose the hardened system profile. I don't think you'll even be able to open pngs in GIMP unless you explicitly add support for it with USE flags. This isn't really a problem if you use a desktop profile. You can also have weird features with USE flags, like Wine-d3d9 and Firefox with JACK. They're a pain in the ass to deal with, but it is nice if you have strange needs or are autistic about minimalism
Also, you have to compile everything with Gentoo, so upgrading chromium takes 3 hours.
Install Ubuntu/Ubuntu based distro. It's the right thing for you.
Go with Devuan.
how's Trisquel?
I would go for ubuntu because you can install steam without hassle,
>doesn't want to install the best distro
Go back to windaids homo.
>configuring guis is leet
>hobbyists believe this
Better to use a system with good defaults to learn by example.
gentoo is unironically the bestest
You can get a Debian based mint distro. Mint is a beautiful thing.
Arch is overall the most flexible out of those, but they are all valid choices if you know what you're doing.
Install gentoo is a meme, but it can also unironically work quite well if tamed.
Considering how much of Ubuntu filters back to Debian, you might as well start there. Install Ubuntu and you can easily install all the desktops and switch between them, see which ones you like best.
Kali Linux
>Multilib support for dev libraries is shit. If you have a 64-bit version of a library, then try to install the 32-bit version, it will likely tell you to uninstall the 64-bit version and anything dependent on it. apt-get in general is awful.
Have been running Debian for over 10 years and have never had this happen. Have actually never even heard of this happening.
i am happy with manjaro
If you haven't used Linux before and want the latest software, I would suggest you try Antergos or Manjaro Linux instead of Arch or Gentoo since the latter two, while still being on the cutting edge, are a tad difficult to use.
Ubuntu and other point-release distros are pretty shit compared to rolling-release distros if you care about having the latest software. However, if you need a point-release system for some reason, I suggest you use Fedora or Linux Mint instead.
Fuck, misread OP. Ignore my Linux Mint suggestion, and replace "Ubuntu" with "Debian".
Gentoo. It's the harder one to install but the wiki is very thorough and once installed it's stable as rock. At the same time it enables you to install bleeding edge packages without compromising the rest of the system (because you can just recompile dependents against the new version, and you can compile the package against the stable library deps, something not available in binary distros). USE flags offer insane flexibility not seen in other distros. A very good example of why that matters is vim. In other distros such as debian, you have 30 variants of vim (with or without gui, with python2 enabled, with python3 enabled, with ruby, lua, ... enabled) but only a small subset of possibilities. What if you want lua, ruby, scheme and python3 support at the same time? It's only possible if you compile from source, or if you use gentoo.
Gentoo is the only distro I have not hopped out of. I tried, because honestly compile times can become annoying, and some packages are very poorly maintained (good example: texlive, the maintainer doesn't use feature X which is extremely important for even basic formatting so he removed it, people complained, he got super-butthurt and threatened to leave altogether). But nothing else even begins to compare.
Only arch has more packages than gentoo, but it's unusable because of how unstable it is. Every update breaks some shit terribly while fixing a few other things. The system is never in a usable state. Debian is both ancient and chuckfull of ancient bugs that never get fixed (this is what they mean by "stable" - doesn't change, not doesn't break). It also has good package availability, but nowhere near as good as arch or gentoo. The devs are also pants-on-head retarded, such as the time where wine-64 didn't install wine but rather an x11 graphical program that simply displays a message that says "this isn't wine because we don't support wine-64, please download wine-32 instead" with an [ok] button and that's it.
Arch doesn't have anywhere near as many packages as Debian retard
>reality doesn't real
got it.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Arch+ AUR's 20k-ish packages are much more than Debian's 80k+ packages. My bad.
Linux Mint, it can do everything you need it to do without spending hours fixing shit.
If you are seriously discounting anything Ubuntu based you either do nothing productive or just like making your life hard.
Are you paid for these posts or are you just pretending to be inbred?
Not him, but so what?
How come gentoo manages to be "bleeding edge" without being unstable while arch is unstable as fuck?
just install something with an installer
Arch doesn't have a stable channel at all for its packages, you only ever get the latest available package. Gentoo on the other hand manages a stable, unstable and bleeding edge channel. Stable is generally quite well tested and thus stable. The ability to pull in a few unstable packages without having to upgrade everything else, which is a due to the source-based nature of the distro, allows it to remain stable in these circumstances.
I'm using ubuntu 17.10 after trying distros like, fedora, arch, mint
Installed Arch multiple times on netbook, then reverted back to debian; because APT and lubuntu was my start on linux.
Arch linux my friend, iits the best and easiest. Along with giving you so much god dam control
same for me
>installed Debian a few days on my sexpad, had no trouble getting networking stuff set up.
Hackerman here
Manjaro KDE is a really nice arch-based but human usable distro.
Give it a shot today!
Nibbler get mint is the most based distro.
manjora >>>>> arch
arch breaks like every week
install Trisquel
yes i'm getting pop up adds in lubuntu (pic related)
i posted pic in other thread last night but people think i'm trolling. I also sent a pic to Lubuntu Official as well.
Link or it didn't happen
either you're lying or you must have unconsciously installed some shit on your pc while visiting porn websites. I've been using Windows 10 and Xubuntu on two different machines for 2 years and I've never got a single popup ad. Common sense is more important to your safety than the OS you're using.
Windows 10 has popup ads though.
I never had them.
It doesn't have em if you disable them.
Some people don't like having to disable them. I personally don't give a shit about unticking a box.
No, even disabling it they still appear.
I've been using W10 Pro (not LTSB or anything, I even have automatic updates) for months now. No ads, no popups, no suggestions. Not sure if it has to do anything with region, uninstalling the trash that it installs automatically when doing a clean install or not using a Microsoft account.
Almost certainly the lack of MS account I think. The ads are usually for appstore apps and the likes. They popup just like a notification and then stay in the notification stack until manually removed.
Oh well, there you have it. I'm not sure how using a Microsoft account would be beneficial to be honest. MS services are not my thing.
Archlinux of course
Yes, run Debian. Ive been using it for almost 8 years now and its great
yes, this
gentoo isn't that long as long as you aren't a corelet, like cmon aside from huge stuff like chromium or the kernel most programs install under 5 minutes, sometimes under 10 minutes
check out fedora too, might be for you
>Fairly minimal. Installing something like XFCE should only give you XFCE and not extras like xfce-terminal.
Yea, no, that's because you probably install xfwm4 instead of xfce4 group (which includes xfce terminal).
You can do the same on every other distro, there is nothing minimal about arch desu
you just download the file it asks for at network config and drop into the firmware folder on the boot usb if you couldn't figure that out you should probably leave this board
Yep easiest distro to install by far
Linux mint cinnamon.
Ubuntu and Debian are deprecated.
you're obvously a noob and that means obongo but you have some autistic resistance against it so your only viable options are fedora and manjaro. I'd go for fedora since it has more support, but they're both really good.
>claims ubuntu and debian are deprecated
>reccommends a distro based on ubuntu which is based on debian