Which linux distro do japanese programmers use?

Which linux distro do japanese programmers use?

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Windows XP

This. Japanese use Windows XP and Fax machines.

japanese are cucks of the USA capitalism, if mr Gates tells them to use MSDOS again they do it, thats the reason the stoped the fifth generation computers and followed the lisp path instead keep using master race prolog because they are cucks.

>Which linux distro do japanese programmers use?
Whatever Matz uses

he uses mac.

No he fucking doesn't

He's part of the FSF, Stallman gave him a blanket

he used that blanket to polish the floor.

If she steps on her pig tails will she trip?

Probably redhat

but japanese prefer bsd, solaris, mac os and windows xp

Japanese are always 10 years behind

>currently 15 btw


Debian, then?

Windows 10

Nice source. Fag.


What distro/OS's does she use, Sup Forums?

Japanese use whatever the oldest supported Windows version is and program in Lisp or Ruby. They also tend to prefer emacs more than other editors.


it would be extremely painful

master race arch for everything, laptop, desktop, servers and LFS on other embeded

Most asia barely knows linux or anything that's not windows exists, is strange how they can be so backwards in some aspects.

Windows Vista

general users yeah, but at least some companies use linux (Rakuten as an example)