The state of apple

>the state of apple

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what is with the water?

That guy has baby woman hands, makes it look like a #plus iPhone.

>one defective screen
OMG iPhone X is a joke hahahahah. faggot

An iToddler has defended this.

Looks kinda cool, like a hacker boot screen.

aesthetic as fuck desu

The iPhone X uses a closed loop water cooling solution filled with semen and what you are seeing is what happens to the phone once all the cum leaks out

What happened to that kid?

i hate apple but id love it if my phone booted up like that. Looks fucking sweet

His mom wouldn't buy him the new iPhone

Apple™ Nerve Gas


Holy fucking shit, get it together apple. Jesus christ.

Apple is shit so fuckin stupid and iPhone is stupid as fuck, think they are better than android

Pretty sure that was due to millions of new iPhone Xs being activated at the same time on launch day. Carrier network s aren't really really built to handle that.

Except those iPhones are still not activated.

I know apple is trying to improve icloud security since the 4th fappening wave but completely locking out users is definitely not a way to do it.

Context is important - a concept none of you sonyniggers understand.

iPhone X was immersed in water and frozen. Screen isn't working upon being unfrozen - maybe having to do with the new hardware Apple selected for the X.

Why is there a hole in your screen?

Apple is a piece of shit they are trying to make their phones Better but they look stupid. And what's inside the phone is worse u can't even do anything . Literally nothing

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 doesn't have this problem.

Quality control is an issue.

The guy who was first to buy an iPhone X in the UK bought two and one was defective.

>Screen isn't working upon being unfrozen

I am not saying which one is better or worse, retard. Just what happened to the phone. Anyways, doesn't look like the X is a good investment:

>glass cracks easily on drop (with/without case)
>shit like this despite claims of waterproofing

Worked for me on Verizon.


So don’t throw your phone or put it in a bag of water in a freezer? Like what’s the problem here? None of you losers even leave your house so it’s not like it’s gonna get broken.

IPhone x is a piece shit

>people payed over $1000 for this

If you are looking for durability you would have gotten your ass a Nokia phone anyways.

Is there any phone worse than the iCracked X?

IPhone a piece of shit

Its trying to break out of the matrix


Jesus christ those bezels are disgusting

>t. iToddler


to be fair, that isn't the screen


Watch apple remove the rear camera and front screen next year

How will iToddlers ever recover?

I've been texting craigslist sellers telling them that I will buy their $2000 listed phones for $3,000 each. Then I text them from a different number offerring them $600, because the phones are used. They then text me saying that they have much better offers, and that they would rather keep the phone for themselves.
After this I schedule a pick up for the $3,000.00 deal at a safe location, and flake out on all of them.
I've gotten some texts back asking what happened to me, and I say that I just bought a few for $300.00.
It was pretty fun at first, but it got boring. What else should I try?

It's not waterproof.

>the state of a malfunctioning phone before it gets replaced under warranty
This wouldn't be interesting if it was Samsung, either. This is why warranties exist.



>Frezzing your phone


There's something quite humorous about how relatively gingerly he put down his glasses...

Yes, see

Yes, around 0:50



>that sign of the cross
My sides.

That's pretty fucking savage.