5 cute facts about maki:

5 cute facts about maki:

- She's a girl!
- She's a tomato!
- I love her!!!!!
- Maki!!!!!!!!!!!

Go play with your autistic anime friends

I missed Makiposting

good thread 5/5

That's just 2 facts fag, where are my other 3?

>i can't count

Who /makiposters/ here

maki literally brightens my day


Finally a good Sup Forums related thread

purest girl

>when the thumbnail is bigger than the image
what the fuck op

Pdp a shit

>He wrote that Maki is a girl, which may or may not be true, but that isn't what he was fired for.
>He wrote that Maki is a tomato, which doesn't make any sense, but that isn't what he was fired for.
>He wrote that he loves her, which we were all sick of hearing already, but that isn't what he was fired for.
>He wrote 'Maki!' which isn't a fact at all, but that isn't what he was fired for.
>He was fired for withholding the fifth cute fact about Maki. It's that simple.

>being this retarded



Fuck off faggot


The irony

thread has 15 ips you dumb nigger

diapers are technology, yes?

This is a girl and clearly not a tomato

I like anime as much as the next guy but what does this have to do with technology?

Kill yourself fucking worthless NEET

maki is why they invented screens.

I thought Mio was the reason.


>mad wagecuck
every time

5 cute facts about OP:

- He's a boy
- He's a nigger
- I hate him!!!!
- OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>autistic neet makifag
Every time.

Oh cool, went for a jog around the neighborhood and this thread is still up.

5 cute facts about you:

- No!!!!

pretty big neighborhood you have

>not girl (male)
Into the trash it goes.

Degenerates, the lot of you.