Is C worth knowing? Is it worth learning in 2017? What are real pros and cons? Can we have a real discussion about this language?
Serious C discussion
As learning tool, but most jobs on C are microcontrols begins made by EE,CE.
Low level software jobs are rare,begins more on C++.
I started with C and it led to me having a solid foundation upon which to learn more abstracted forms of programming, like web development backend with javascript and self-imposed object oriented within C itself.
C is love. C is life.
t. embedded programmer
It is absolutely worth knowing
It's usefull, you can learn your RECURSIVE HYPERTEXT PROCESSOR to write it down from any code than and C runs fast.
99.9% of the time its not worth using.
on that 0.1 percent tho its literally the only and best tool you have.
It's worth learning, it's not worth using.
I use C because of programming in embedded systems.
When writing libraries I also prefer C because you can just call the library from basically any langauge without having initialize runtime specific garbage collector or writing shitton of wrapper code export C API.
But C as language is kind of poor. Too bad there's no "better C" which would be just C with maybe type inference and better macro system.
You don't use Linux?
The fact that the Linux kernel is monolithic and contains millions of lines of C of varying quality should scare the shit out of everyone.
It's so much more fun than other languages
If you don't understand C you can't understand Unix.
Worth learning? Yes.
Worth using outside of embedded? No.
I think C is the most minimalistic usable imperative language.
Forth its minimalistic but fucking autistic.
yes. you should use c for everything because muh performance just like muh vidya gaems xDDD
Now it does...fuck.
Absolutely worth knowing. By knowing C you gain a solid understanding of lower level programming fundamentals. The world of Linux development will be open to you. Learning the C++ language will become much easier. There is no better general programming language out there. Only downside is it isn't so professionally practical anymore. I program most of my hobby projects in C.
Yes. But you shouldn't write things with it unless it's absolutely unavoidable.
no,i dont.i like software support and childrens games.
I use C for all my linux developement.
t. Gnome man
if you don't know C you're a brainlet
it's a small and complete language. it does everything it needs to and you can learn all those things in a week.
It's not the end all of programming, but it is essential knowledge and there's no reason not to know it
>t. embedded programmer
>OMG DUDE did u just see the LEDs turned on xdddd
get the fuck out of here you brainlet faggot
i'm pretty sure you're a cs dropout or a web developemer fake degree gay ass nigger
>t. Code monkey, no degree
It is inevitable to know it if you want to become a decent programmer. It teaches you lower level memory operations and gives you an insight into how computers work on a hardware level (not a complete view, but a valuable one).
It is often taught in Universities as a first programming class, not really because the language itself is do important, but rather because it is a really solid foundation and makes picking up other languages a lot simpler.