Is there something wrong with my hardware? 1050TI + Ryzen 5 1400 + 8GB Singlechannel 2400

Is there something wrong with my hardware? 1050TI + Ryzen 5 1400 + 8GB Singlechannel 2400

I can't get 30+ fps on Dark Souls 3 even when i'm running on LOW or HIGH, it doesnt make any difference and i get the same fps (1600x 900 resolution).

I don't know if the game is shit on nvidia or my card is broken.

Post in game temps goober

goes to 55ยบ max, the cpu isnt overclocked so its cold

Stop cracking software and mining for pirates, newb

My Dark Souls is original and i dont have any weird processes running


Update drivers?

ur poor lol

try another game and see how that runs

Either your PSU isn't strong enough or your cpu is throttling, my fx8350 used to throttle at 60 and I wouldn't put it past your one to be throttling, you should have at least a 500w psu

updated to 388.13

go into your power settings in windows and make sure its set for high performance

that was a issue with ryzen for a lot of people

should i change in the nvidia control panel - power management too?


make sure your motherboard bios is up to date too

The problem is your Ryzen 5 1400 3.2 turbo is pretty low end on the spectrum.

When your GPU is running the same FPS no matter the setting, the CPU is the bottleneck.

its up to date

what should i do?

>Singlechannel 2400

Fucking hell, user. Why would you do that with a CPU architecture that loves fast memory?

Dark Souls 3 barely tickles the CPU in most areas. I played through it on a Phenom II and achieved 60fps everywhere outside of Lothric and the swamp. His CPU wouldn't be the problem if it was working correctly.

the single 8gb card was cheaper

also, i just tried running the game on MAX and in 1080, i got the same 29~34 fps

is it because of the ram?

What is your cpu/gpu usage during gameplay? Have you tried running other games?

the evil within 2 and shadow of war, they are fine and running at 30+ fps

i'll see about the gpu usage

I got 60fps on high settings on my GTX 760

>I can't get 30+ fps on Dark Souls 3 even when i'm running on LOW or HIGH, it doesnt make any difference and i get the same fps (1600x 900 resolution).
That's a CPU bottleneck, you got memed by Sup Forums into buying poozen, i don't feel bad for you

lies, maybe in low you can get 50

it your card, try clean install

Intel shill trying this hard

>CPU bottleneck
what, even last gen AMDs can run this game better than that

Last DLC destroyed performance for me. Even outside of DLC areas. I could get 60fps with all settings(except lightning) on max, now I can't get 60fps at all.

doubt it, ds3 is more gpu bound than cpu bound. I can get roughly 45+ fps on my laptop that has an i7 4700qm/gtx 960m. This cpu caps out at 3.4ghz. Theres definately something wrong that the OP is doing

>Single channel
There's your problem, DDR4 at single channel bottlenecks hard. Weird however that you get that with a discrete GPU.

>Single channel 2400mhz RAM

I have i7-8700k, and last dlc dropped performance to 25fps, yes very subpar I should have listened to my based m8s, and have bought a ryzen with money save over for fast ram. You are okay op it's game fault. Try upgrading to fast ram with amd vega 56.

I too have a jewish procesor made by jew team israhell. I am most mad that the dlc of this game crashed performance, and am now receiving very low frames For me it was a unwised choice. Why come I not buy ryzen.

you are supposed to plug the hdmi cable into the GPU not the motherboard

Haha, could that be it? He's using integrated?

Well, ryzen doesn't have integrated graphics yet. Maybe software emulation ?

oc your ram as much as possible and get ur cpu
upto as close to 4 as you can