Who here /easy/ job?

Got hired a few weeks ago fresh out of school for a medical company to be basically their entire IT and data department. I know a little bit about computers but jack shit compared to most Sup Forumsentlemen and programmers. Basically I just sit in my office all day and occasionally someone will call me and say their keyboard isn't working or their screen is fucked up and all I do is google search the problem, fix it and they all think I'm pic related. Down the road I will have to figure out a way to play with their data from their EMR software so it can be reported to the government but until then I basically just get to chill, fix an error here and there and anything I can't figure out email or call the IT outsourcing company that handles all the servers and real IT infrastructure. What would be some decent certs to work on in my abundance of free time?

How much do you get paid to do this fake job?

about 40k, I'm in the midwest so that would equate to like 60k in a real city. Nothing to brag about but it's a few thousand more than a lot of the other jobs I interviewed for.

Not tech related but I work with an invester on an acquisition. In the cold months I try and find a way to pass time so I am usually on the web. At work right now.

I do the same sort of thing for a local company up here in Leafland.
>go in
>check emails to see if there's anything important
>check for new tickets
>fix whatever needs fixing, usually doesn't take long
>close office door
>play my old DS (with flashcart), read normie sites, etc until I'm needed
Thinking of investing in an mp3 player. I've got a lot of music and podcasts and such I could listen to during a workday, even if I had actual work.

sounds comfy m8.

Makes sense now desu

It's pretty alright. A lot of what I have to fix is pretty basic issues. Things I learned to fix on my own before I ever finished high school, even. And everybody has low expectations of me to start with.

fresh out of school? what did you get a degree on?

basically doing the same thing also in the Midwest but at 55k a year.

Mine's pretty easy; Management of ELK stacks is for the most part straightforward, writing tooling and automating it is a lot of fun and rewarding, coworkers are cool, pay is good, working with the entire pipeline is pretty neat, multiple senior/staff engineers tell me I do more work than most people at their level. Glad I'm here.

Information systems
Sorry lad we can’t all be Wendy’s chefs and software devs that make 479k our first year out of school like 99% of ch0n posters
I’m jelly

Midwest here. $55k a year in my town would basically be equivalent to $100k anywhere else. Where do you work at what was your education?

Op all you gotta do is call the EMR vendor and have them do it for you.

I should restate my first post, as I'm not clueless like op but my workload is very light. I work for a manufacturing company and have a CS degree. Just started working there as IT in highschool and kept getting raises. Graduated a year ago.

You have a CS degree but work in IT? You planning to stay there or transition over to a job related to programming?

Yeah, I've actually convinced work to allow me to do software dev to make internal software but have to hire a replacement before that. Just too comfy right now but will probably start on it in December.

Well damn I was hoping I would at least get to play around with their data a bit. Guess that’s easy enough then.

ah that's ok then. can't see myself become an it monkey like that with my CS degree 2bqh.
sysadmin would be sweet though, depending on salary and location.

its funny how the children on Sup Forums will actually think a low paying ticket jockey job like this would actually be worth doing

I started out the same way as op, shit posting on Sup Forums from work too 10 years ago, making about the same amount of money. I now make over 3 times that and work on senior engineering team at a major tech company. You gotta start somewhere and a nice comfy low stress sysadmin job is great.

Just make sure you use all that free time to learn some new shit.

I do the same shit as you OP but am on 65k AUD

make 50k a year just installing chrome

>installing chrome
give them ultron you lazy fuck

Kys kike

back to pol faggot

You homophobe! I'm LITCHERALLY shaking right now!

good. i hope you shake so much you develop parkinsons.

I work as a help desk shitlord. I make 32k. Job's getting too easy. How to move up?

>How to move up?
you dont. what the fuck made you think your company was REALLY going to spend money on you to make you better for someone else? you study in your own time and apply for a new company. upward mobility within companies is a lie. if you want a new position you need a new employer.