Women in tech

why do women feel the need to band together to show their interest in technology

women generally have no interests beyond what other women are interested in. this makes them prone to fads and popularity contests in every aspect of life. you should know this already OP

omg i love tech xD

You're literally on a tech forum for men

I wonder if my girl can pick up someone there when we go to Melbourne next week.

This. Hence why they can't be in a tech field without being overweight with coloured hair like

Why do loonixfags feel the need to band together?
Why do ayymds feel the need to band
Why do memepadfags feel the need

we need to close the gender gap in Sup Forums

I'll close your gender gap
*Unzips dick*

we must do more to fight misogyny in technology!
lesbians, UNITE!
we are meeting up for happy hour at 4pm
see you all there

>mocking people for hanging out with people in their industry
is Sup Forums really that retarded or is it that none of you actually have jobs

are you being ironic because that's how dudes in tech are as well

a quick google/linked in research into the founders of this meetup group actually shows that they are not working in tech.
e.g. the redhead co-founder did a meme linguistics degree with her thesis on Sup Forums related subjects and currently works in sales.
have you actually worked with women in tech? they are hired as part of a HR diversity hire KPI. theyre the worst to work with and get nothing done.

To try to legitimize their mental illness. This is what containment cities are for.

> you are just obsessed with every new app that comes out.

Muh Technology.

This guys is right.


Into the trash it goes.

Why do women who like to eat out other women bank feel the need to band together in a realm totally unrelated to their degeneracy?

None of the group you cited band together and you know it.

>meme linguistics degree with her thesis on Sup Forums related subjects and currently works in sales.
What was the thesis about? How Australian society is too monolingual and needs to become multilingual and diverse because feelings?


That's some nice reality distortion at work, user. You guys pat each other on the back 24/7.

Why does anybody feel the need to band together?
(Also as a group of people who can only date ~3% of the population, lesbians kinda need this sort of thing to not die alone).
