What pdf viewer do you use. Been using Evince for a while just wondering if I'm missing out on anything else

What pdf viewer do you use. Been using Evince for a while just wondering if I'm missing out on anything else.

Foxit Reader, also works as a PDF printer

Probably should've mentioned something that respects my freedom

Acrobat Reader

shitbuntu user detected, what else you use to do ,run GPL software in wine?




not this


I mean this

Not that

xpdf. It isn't pretty, but it's pretty lightweight and snappy.


emacs pdf-tools

Does mupdf have the ability to display the index of a file?


SumatraPDF is lightweight, can be used without installing too.

Sumatra for normal stuff Acrobat to modify/create/print


Ive been using sumatra but recenlty i got a pdf saying i should open it in adobe shit or it wont work
What should I do my fellow americans?

Okular. Once you nail down the right configuration, it's actually pretty nice.


okular. Low amount of dependencies and just werks for live latex preview.


Is there a FOSS PDF that can create and view annotations? I've only seen two solutions and its either aidsdobe reader or PDF from tracker softwre?.