Why don't android users spend money?

>larger market share
>half the app revenue
Why do android users not pay for their apps Sup Forums, could it be because they are poor?

Why do iOS developers charge money for things that should be free?

Clover is way better than The Chan (which costs $2).

Clover is also free as in price and free as in freedom.

I'd wager a guess that it's because that "larger market share" is pretty significantly made up of people who don't give a shit about apps, and just see Android as "the thing that came on my phone".

That's no excuse for stealing apps, but it explains a big part of it.

>iToddlers unironically pay money for apps

because we can pick third party sources while you're boasting about not having a choice

>Why do iOS developers charge money for things that should be free?
Because iOS users believe that developers will make better stuff if they don't have to beg on the streets like Android devs do.
s why iOS apps are always higher quality than Android appa. How many fake Whatsapps have been downloaded to deliver their payload of malice?

none of the apps on either app store are worth buying. you're a retard if you actually pay money for an app you'll end up uninstalling at some point. I bet OP paid for WinRAR

>Why do android users not pay for their apps Sup Forums, could it be because they are poor?
the answer to that is in your collage

iPhone users have more disposable income

Yeah well there are actually good apps on the app store so I can see why Pajeet doesn't buy any.

>android has more viruses argument
they only proves that its more profitable than apple

More like proves that Android is more vulnerable than iOS.

What, stealing peoples data?
That's what androids are made for!
You bend over for google to harvest everything about you, and the poorfag retards who download virus shit get all their data harvested and sold too.
Apple has quality controlled and safe apps, and because we actually have money we have no problem paying for quality apps.
Try getting a job Pajeet.

worth attacking more over iphone users
imagine that

>yes goy tell me what i can have on my phone
>let me even pay you to allow me the privilege of downloading a third calculator app that thinks 1 + 2 + 3 = 23

You can have what you want on your phone, there are plenty of free apps Pajeet :-)
Also that calculator meme is old, something that was fixed quickly, plus if you don't have an actual calculator app or a real scientific calculator what are you doing in life?

Third-worlder here.

Apple's app store cannot be used without a credit card, even for downloading free apps. As such, only people with a credit card are going to use the app store. Also, all Applephones are expensive, so only only people who have lots of extra $$$ are going to get them.

Android's play store lets you use it without a credit card. Many Android phones are cheap. Thus rich people and poor people can use Android.

Over here in the third world, many people still go without credit cards. And many people do not have that $1 or $2 to spare on an app.

The above factors combined explain why Android apps make less $$$.

You know even in the third world you can get a credit card as long as you have a job?
Are that many people seriously unemployed?

Not an Apple user (the platform, at its core, is shit). Not even charging purchases to phone bill? That's how I've done app purchases since forever :-/

There isn't a single mobile app worth spending money on. I won't give a single $ for garbage.

What country doesn't have credit cards? You live in Africa somewhere?

It is not a case of "no one here ever has a credit card". It is more of "many people here still use normal cash".

That is what I do.

>he has a phone bill

Because when you ifags paid for a flashlight app. We had it for free.

You guys used to pay for flashlight. Some Norwegian guy became a millionaire just on a flashlight app.

Paid flashlight lol. Looool

Becasue being able to install apps from anywhere means some one has always made the same app for free

please use uniform widths for typesetting, i won't read this

Because they're not stupid.

>you can ask people to rate your app multiple times
Yeah, I uninstall apps that do that.
It's the first sign of a completely shit app and company behind it.

>Because iOS users believe that developers will make better stuff if they don't have to beg on the streets like Android devs do.
What mistaken belief.

Make an app with full of ads. also app shouldn't working without internet. Problem solved.

Remember doing favour is actually selfish.

The Chan is way more comfy tbqh

t. iPad + Android phone user

Please stop such shitty threads. This is the reason why I hate coming to this shitty place.

What's wrong with it.

Why would I or anyone pay for an app that costs $5 when there are four apps that do the same thing better for free?

Apple's very restrictive with their app store and it's hard to side-load things. Thus; there's only one app to "choose between" and that one costs $5. In the Google Pray store there would be 10 apps that do the same thing, 5 free and 5 competing for the sale.

Since you never learned this: Competition tends to bring overall prices down.

Credit cards are a whole lot simpler to get if you're poor and have a lot of debt. I have zero debt and I either pay cash or use a debit card (for American's who never used one, it's like a credit card but it charges a bank account). I have one credit card that I have just in case (Some hotels abroad require that you use a cc not debitcard) which collects dust. Zero credit card offers show up in the mail.

I know a few people who have a lot of debt and live above their means and juggle credit cards (use one to pay off another). They get a TON of free credit card offers in the mail each month. It's crazy. You're only an attractive credit card customer if it's likely that you're not going to be able to pay the bill (late fees is where they make their gravy).

the chan sucks

either im blind or it really is so:
>no legacy captcha
>no replying

basic shit nigger

Play store don't work on China.


>lying on the internet

I love how "poor" is being used as an insult around here. Fucking capitalist bullshit logic.

poor show andreet, 10 rupees have been removed from your account

update your phone stupid

t. communist poorfaggot

Well for me, I spent $200 on an Oculus rift DK2 to test the waters, I could then not be fucked spending a cent more on that sack of shit, I own an LG G2 and feel similar about it (except I purchased a DS emulator that in pretty happy with and MX Player because I watch that much fucking JAV on it I figure I owe the developers)
And then I go out and outlay $1000 Dollarydoos for a HTC Vive and after that I'm happy to drop $9 on some dumb game for 20 minutes of fun, I know I'm going to enjoy it more on a great platform and I've already spent upfront so $9 ain't shit on $1000
I figure I'd feel the same if I went for an iPhone

I'll buy The Chan when it supports passes.