Check me out

You guys jelly? Git money and gig gud. Bunch of poor losers.

Other urls found in this thread:

I could buy one of those right now.
I'm not going to.
Why should I be jealous? It's just a phone.

Envious because you can't get the 256gb like mi e at retail like I did, by next week. Guaranteed, faggot.

>git money
You mean your $20.78/mo installment billing with a trade in?

>implying I even KNOW the monthly installment plans
>implying that's not one of the first things you did as soon as you heard about the iPhone x.

If I wanted one, I'd have one. I'm content with my 6S, and will be for at least another year or two, at which point, I'll probably be able to get the SE2 for cheap. Maybe even an SE3 if I'm willing to wait 2.5 years.

I'm still not sure why I should be jealous. If I want 256GB in my phone I can stick a 256GB microSD card in there, but I don't have a need for that much space so I'm not going to.
What is it I should be jealous of? I already have a phone, I certainly don't need a new one.

what a waste of money. I could spend all of the money you wasted from that overpriced shit in a good phone with new features that i haven't seen before

Yes you do know about it since it's plastered on literally every single website that hosts and sells the TEN on a carrier. If you walked in to a store to preorder it would be plastered on signs everywhere. The employee helping your poor ass would have mentioned the deal at least 3 times within 10 minutes.

btw I have a Note 8 poorjeet

Those huge bezels are absolutely disgusting.

>next week
>not release day
lazy boy

I'd buy \_______________/ want one.

Apple Defense Force is in overdrive after that Samsung ad

give it back jamal

Get on my level OP. That’s not even your phone or it would be unboxed you fucking nigger

Apple doesn’t have to stoop to arguing about the competition. Samsung must be pretty desperate after the X sold out in 5 minutes

jesus christ I just realized we might get an iPad with minimal bezels

>tablet with small bezels
you're actually a fucking retard

I do wonder which schmucks bought from that crate of stolen ones.

What you got there? New Pixel?

I haven't even used up the 32GB internal storage in my superior phone and can toss in a 256GB microSD card whenever I want.

Your phone can't even survive a freeze test lol

Great test

Envious of your inevitable buyer's remorse? No, not really

>Android phones are a disgusting sack of shit to use with nothing on iPhones
>but they can 'survive' being frozen

So, Android phones are only good for keeping my drinks cold? Nice to know. I'll go freeze some S8s, put them in a glass then pour my drink while I send delightful Animoji to your sister.

It'd look so futuristic though dude! I'd buy one.

Got mine OP

> not Android


>butthurt itoddler


Hi, check this out

But I have two, lol.

Apple still doesn't even compete with the samsung note. Kek at you poorfags who don't have 464gb of memory.

> 59Hz
OMG, your eyes! Save it!

> 1200MHz ram
> Gaming

Finally a semi trustworthy photo.

All the rest look like they have been taken from reddit.

requesting timestamp.

I'm Russian, as you can see on my keyboard.
У нac нaчaлиcь пpoдaжи iPhone X бyквaльнo нeдaвнo, люди бyквaльнo нoчeвaли oкoлo мaгaзинa, этo был кoшмap.

It's in the filename. That's why it's actually semi trustworthy.

>paper launch
>hurr it sold out everywhere!
Why are you so pathetic, iFag?

>Samsung must be pretty desperate after the X sold out in 5 minutes
There was an extremely limited supply of the X on launch day.
Most stores only had stock to fill their preorders, which they also would have had a set limit of.

>phone with small bezels
you're actually a fucking retard

>There was an extremely limited supply of the X on launch day.
>Most stores only had stock to fill their preorders, which they also would have had a set limit of.
cite your sources please

When I posted it in another thread an user pointed out I could change it to by going into the advanced adapter settings, so it's 144hz. Rest easy.

And 1200Mhz RAM was the fastest offered by Puget Systems (they refuse to sell higher rated RAM due to reliability issues they encounter and lack of real-world performance boost).

Source: your anus

Nah senpai, stores didn't sell out until Saturday. Good try

Nigger just fucking google it. Samsung couldn't deliver enough oled screens so apple could only make a hundful of iphone 10s.

Thanks for funding the S9 and note 9 faggot.

>only phone with 5 bezels
Holy shit bruv, I'm so envious

>Buy 256gb micro SD
>Put into 2014 phone
>Have more storage for 150$, not 1150$
>Higher resolution, no notch and rounded corners to reduce the display areas
>Weighs less, breaks less
>Headphones and USB jacks
Why would I buy an iPhone 10?

I had a package arrive at my door with some chink shit for christmas. It was some iems that were very light but in a big box

I saw some nigger on my security camera come onto my porch and pick it up. he was obviously looking for an iphone X but it was too light.. i was in the shower and saw him run off from the top window and checked camers

Fuck you apple for making this expensive shit
Fuck you sheep for buying it
Fuck you niggers for being niggers

Fake news they make you sign for phones.