Can Sup Forums rescue Sup Forums?

v1 captcha is expiring soon, everyone will get stuck with v2

v2 was not intended for posting comments, it was intended for logins to secure webpages and such. Therefore if you have too many attempts in a short timespan, it assumes you're a hacker and throws a bunch of shit at you.

Hiro has said that he would be fine with a homebrew solution if we could figure one out. The main issue is the cost of hosting.
Google provides hosting for free, if Sup Forums went with something else it would have to bear this cost.

What is the solution?
Is there a way to implement a captcha service with minimal hosting cost?

Other urls found in this thread:

how about doing it with cookies somehow?
>encrypt an answer key
>store it on your computer as a cookie
>when you captcha, it reads from your cookie

Could something like this work?

Instead of captcha we could each sign up for an account, verified by E-Mail and cell phone number.

That'll show those shitposters.

How about that verification IIchan used?
Too exploitable?

How about logging in with your facebook account?

>v1 captcha is expiring soon
What do you mean, expiring? As in they just won't offer a text captcha anymore, instead of a click-the-boxes one?

this would be my vote but then again Sup Forums is big enough to have whatever they use specifically targeted. Like if you did you'd have to rate-limit aggressively to stop people building some kind of automated spamming system where they punch in the captcha manually, get the cookie, and then fire off a hundred posts.

Typing "calle" over and over again doesn't make Google any money.

Let's go full SA and erect a paywall.

>super albacore
>space AIDS
>Sonic Adventure

Why not use invisible recaptcha?

no captchas, just do this
>ban telephones
Don't even let them lurk.
>flood protection
Limit the number of new people allowed to post per month.
If a new poster gets b& a spot would be opened up again for someone else.
You could do this blind so that anyone new after the limit would be redirected to something like a ban page that explained what was going on, or allow them to lurk and still see how the community operates.
>forced lurking
Don't let anyone who hasn't requested a particular board a certain number of times/days post. People shouldn't be able to just show up and immediately wreck havoc or even participate - They should have to see how the community operates before thinking they have a right to attempt to contribute.

To make this work, you have to add some kind of identifier cookie, not just have it be IP address based.
This also makes the longest possible ban equal to the initial lurking period (for the IDs anyway, you could still of course ban IP addresses). If you tried to permaban someone, they could just delete the cookie and get a new IP address - But then they'd have to wait through the initial lurking period again.
This all helps solve the other kind of flooding too.

yeah it does. basically you're taking things from street view images and then turning them into text (or proofreading and training the thing that turns them into text automatically) so that they can be plugged into maps. The text captchas were digitizing scanned books.

>Don't let anyone who hasn't requested a particular board a certain number of times/days post.
I give it 60 minutes between when this goes live and when every board has a thread on it with "here's a script that requests the board page every ten minutes so that you can always post".

it shows you know jack shit about how web and http works. Fuck off.

Somebody doesn't understand sarcasm.

> a "solution"

Nigga, (you) just went full retard.

the problem is Sup Forums is too popular, it will be targeted specifically.

but cloudflare had a solution to the captcha hell of tor users, can't hiro get his shit together and use that instead?

lurk forever
What you prose would destroy the fragile ecosystem of shitposing.
works for sadpanda
are you proposing to use that cancer service

The problem is not the ningen, but the robothreat.
Every chan that don't have some sort of captcha protection gets flooded with endless spam links for fake CP websites.

>works for sadpanda
You are comparing apples to oranges right now.

Last thread that lists some ideas Most notably:

>Make a single captcha be valid for x hours or y posts
Self explanatory

>Add an optional "invisible tripcode" system that keeps track of your reputation and gives you less captchas if you're proven to be a human
Required reading: >Implement a self-hosted captcha
Required reading:

>unpopular opinion
just buy passes, when you are stuck with v2

Buy a pass.

>Every chan that don't have some sort of captcha protection gets flooded with endless spam links for fake CP websites.
As far as I am aware 8ch is second most popular English-speaking imageboard and it gives you one captcha every 24 hours.
I don't see any spam there.

Many smaller chans don't have a captcha at all.

>autists can't click on pictures for a capcha on a website about clicking on pictures

>he literally can't afford 20 dollars per year

Sup Forums should just implement better spam filtering.
Decent Bayesian spam filtering with an easy quick interface for all the hot pockets.

The current system is just awful and just seems to be a collection of manually added regex rules.

No, this limits phone users or anyone who isn't stupid enough to keep cookies.

>this limits phone users
The horror.

>this limits phone users
And nothing of value was lost.
>anyone who isn't stupid enough to keep cookies.
The actual casualty.

anyone who's smart enough to be deleting or blocking cookies is smart enough to use a whitelist.

phoneposters can fuck off

I haven't been on the desktop site since Clover was released. It's clearly a superior way of browsing.

And it is enough to stop most of it.

naoto is CUTE!!!!!!!!!1

no captcha
better regex for spam
better spam identification

Some peope have a 3-digit IQ and visit /sci/ too, user.

>limits phone users
So, win win?

>To make this work, you have to add some kind of identifier cookie, not just have it be IP address based.

$20? $200? Can afford, just no way to pay.

>being so insecure about his intelligent that he has to insult others on an anonymous image board

Hating on phoneposting is a meme. Grow up, grandpas.

Something Awful, a dead community.

Guys I'll host

The beauty of Sup Forums is that anyone can post at anytime .

Problem solved.
thanks user.

All chinkmoot needs is a rich user to host it for him. Thanks user

In typical scroogle fashion, they're killing off something useful in favor of something shitty and irritating.

Something Awful, aka the site where an underage toolbag got picked on for being a weeb until he eventually ragequit and started an imageboard site called Sup Forums.

Sup Forums? Never heard of it. Tell me more about this Sup Forums.

>12 year olds
>Having any way to afford Sup Forums passes

The key is moderation. Atechan mods are motivated like Reddit mods because the board is theirs and they decide what stays or else everyone leaves. On 4chn the mods are paid shit to scrub shit off of shit all day. No motivation to worry about spam if the board isn't yours. Cookies would work if the mods were half decent.

What do you mean $5 is too much? Surely you can pay $10 a month? What are you, too poor to come up with $20 a month? Hahahahah, look guys this hobo cannot even pay $30 to shitpost on a vietnamese underground cartoon sharing website!

come back.
You deserve death, you lack of oxygen.

Just replace all of us with bots of course

I think we should refrain from asking to prove people whether they are robots or note. I mean, some of us unironically think they are, just go to . I opt for a species-neutral classification, so we don't discriminate against out tin can brother. Something like "Prove you're not a glow in the dark CIA nigger" should suffice.

Just buy a pass lmao

>Sup Forums mods ban entire ip ranges now
>major providers in my shithole won't allow to post on vidya
>don't worry goy, obtain Sup Forums™ pass® and you can post through it!
>now captcha will require you to fill AI learning databases of our google overlords
>oh goy, if there only was some kind of a way to bypass captcha

just make it mandatory you pussies

- You don't know how many people actually use v1
- You don't know how many people have to actually solve v2 instead of simply getting the green check mark
- You don't know how many people actually get bullied by v2 instead of just having a simple pick all dildos once challenge

Basically, this all kind of looks like an imaginary issue mostly started by retards (tinfoilers, "muh botnet", desktop ricers, etc) and/or people like the 4chanX dev who just want attention.

This post nearly made me burst into tears. Why did Wakachan have to die ;_;? It's not fair!

Instead of captchas, lets ban all edgy 12 year olds from accessing the site.

Just break the CSS to the point where you NEED 4chanX + oneechan or a custom CSS to use the site. That'll prevent all the retarded overflow from reddit from coming here, because they wouldn't be able to adjust to the site.

Then make it one captcha every 10 posts or 1 hour, and every thread must be made with one.
If your post triggers the spam filter you need to fill out another one.

>being this triggered by people reminding him he lacks a digit in his IQ

Childhood is when you idolize 4chanX.
Adulthood is when you realize 4chanX users such as weeb circlejerkers, desktop ricers, pleb consumerists and other subhumans are the actual retards.

True wisdom is not using Sup Forums.

It isn't about ricing you buttblasted mong. Its about discouraging people from joining the site.

google recaptcha works with cookies iirc

Not a problem on my machine.

I don't get any captchas :^)

delete Sup Forums altogether to save money

>just repeat cookie content
>100% pass rate from bots

Holy shit Sup Forums these captchas are fucking pissing me off. The past few days I have to go through about 7 or more captchas to post. Why is google punishing me? Why can't 4chinz just have a captcha every 15min or so?

You're doing something wrong. I don't do anything but shitpost, but I haven't seen captchas for weeks.

>I haven't seen captchas for weeks.
How? I just fucking click what it asks me to click and press verify after which I'm recently getting another 5 or so after that and more.

>better regex for spam
you what

Who even keeps cookies? The solution can't rely on history/cookies/JS or nothing of the sort, because nobody on Sup Forums has those enabled.

Sup Forums pass

Wouldn't it be possible to just whitelist places?

You're sad

Enjoy your ban

>not paying for gold
Are you all poor?

Make phone users buy a pass.


>whatever app now fakes user agent
wow, that was hard

I don't know. I just have to click "I'm not a robot" and that's all.

Google thinks you are safe, maybe you're logged in one of their services.


Sup Forums X already offers no-JS captcha so I'm not worried.

That's how it's generally done, yes.


>tfw bought a pass with buttcoin I mined

I don't mind typing some text into a box to post, it's pretty fast to do
what I don't like is having to click the fucking thing 200 times

Wrong, Google collects a lot of metadata like the size of your monitor (which is why you don't browse sites in fullscreen, browser (testing support of different features), user agent etc. via Javascript regardless of captcha version.

>v1 captcha is expiring soon, everyone will get stuck with v2
[citation needed]

If all of the tracking is included in the next version, data collection is irrelevant as an argument. My point was exclusively on the task given.

you are aware that /sci/ on clover is fucked right? have you ever pulled it up? That's what the other user is referencing.

I bet m00t had something to do with it.

He's been trying to kill Sup Forums for a while now.

Why would (((books))) have so many calle's?
Since it is digitized, can I grep the books to find the source of this?

Too expensive for chink moot

Guys just accept it. Gook won't do shit just like he did with 2ch and this site was dead since chanology. Moot was right when he said that this place no longer generated any new content. Fixing the Nazi mods might be the solution, if not the only solution. This isn't about the captcha, this is about removing the shit to lower costs.

A website where people pretend to be retards will eventually attract actual retards

Calle means Street in Spanish.

maybe the new captcha will save Sup Forums an cut down on posters, and that's a good thing.

>The text captchas were digitizing scanned books.
Not for years. It's mostly street signs as well.

Didn't Google had to give up most of its digitizing efforts because of some copyright stuff?

Moot is a faggot that banned raids. Fuck your meme content, literal thought cancer in picture form.