First generation DX11 card are now 8 years old.
First generation DX11 card are now 8 years old
DX11 had a good run
My HD 6670 DDR3 1GB is still kicking.
Damn miners.
5870? Feels like it was yesterday.
Went full retard and recently acquired a second HD5670 1gb. They do run in crossfire but it's buggy as fuck. PC has 8 gb of memory but still complains about lack of memory when crossfire is enabled. doesn't when not enabled.
World of tanks also doesn't allow crossfire at all so have to play windowed (and off course with crossfire off).
Should've gotten any other modern card thats 50 yuros.
>gorgeous flagship for $379
I miss nVidia being in the shitter.
If you bought AYYMD HOUSEFIRES garbage, enjoy your buyers remorse with no drivers
Meanwhile Fermi gets OpenGL 4.6 and WDDM 2.3 support with the latest Nvidia drivers
Jensen please, even you are smart enough to understand VLIW4 —> RISC SIMT change.
tfw the only game i play is 5 years old and still uses dx9
My 5850 is still running in a secondary PC, but the cooler is held together with electrical tape. because the plastic got brittle and broke apart around the screw holes.
>tfw I was using a 4850 w/ Q6600 until 3 weeks ago
still /comf/ desu
DX11 is still widely used in today's PC games. There are only 25 PC games that are compatible with DX12 even after 2 years and 7 of them are DX12 exclusive (and they're all published by Microsoft)
What does DX12 have over DX11?
What poor Eastern European shithole are you from?
Maybe better lighting, but other than that, it's DX11 with very minor changes.
Forget crossfire and put away second card.
Update CCC and enable in settings
>Morphological Filtering
>Surface Format Optimisation
30-40 fps boost
It helps out weaker CPUs a lot. I was using a Phenom II X6 last year and I got a boost from 13.51fps in DX11 to 43.74fps in DX12 when it comes to minimum framerate, with a nice bump in the average as well. It does very little for high end hardware though, except perhaps if you have an AMD graphics card.
I also forgot to mention those numbers were for Rise of the Tomb Raider.
>tfw still using a 4850 and a shitty old dual core
If you have to ask that question you aren't in a position to understand the answer.
Crimson Edition 16.2.1 Beta
Thats a nice open plan office he has there.
Well, yeah, I'm comparing to dx10 and dx12, which are both birderline DOA
Bought this for my Pentium D 940 machine. Need to upgrade the PSU in order to even run the thing.
If you knew anything about DX11 you'd realsie why DX12 (and vulkan) are the way forward pricesely because the hardware has evolved far beyond what the API's were written for. Most of DX11's revisions have been about loosening restrictions on what you and cannot do but fundamentally the API is just not flexible to be able to squeeze a gpu dry of performance. Hell a major point for DX12/Vulkan is it lets you unfuck the scheduling which goes a long way to alleviating the cpu bottlenecking that currently occurs.
>has Thermi
>calls HD5xxx series a housefire
Hell so is dx9. Fucking hell and thats 15 years old. And runs on win 98.
And TF2 supports DX8.
>Pentium D 940
Bitch get yourself a Core 2 Duo, that netburst piece of shit is going to bottleneck it otherwise.
Ah, forgot I was on Sup Forums
Given the state of Sup Forums these days the line between Sup Forums and Sup Forums is nearly nonexistant.
I would if my board supported Core2's, but alas it doesn't. Best I can get is a Pentium D Extreme.
crossfire on HD5000 was a load of wank. do what that other guy said and also disable Tessellation.
Then get a better board scrub. They aren't that expensive.
I thought about it a time or two. I'd still have to upgrade my PSU in order to get the 5830 to work (400W PSU at the moment).
You could probably get away with running the 5830 on that 400W (unless its a turbo-chinkshit tier PSU). Even then, if you need a cheap but decent replacement go on ebay and snag an Antec Earthwatts unit. They're solidly built (not the best, but they're far from the worst) and quite cheap.
>World of Tanks
You're fucked when that new graphic overhaul comes out
Works fine on Linux
I literally install one (open sores) package and get full performance out of my 5870.
Meanwhile on nvidia I can't even use fucking Wayland and the power saving is garbage.
lol, I tried. I actually got logged in and saw my desktop come up before Win7 locked up hard.
Minimum recommended psu is 500w, but because this is a Pentium D space heater I'm going for 600-650.
Well he still has at least 4 month until new graphics.
If he starts saving 20 euro a month, he can get some nice second hand card.
1.7% wood screws
But you might as well go for Vulkan, since DirectX 12 is basically just Vulkan.
I upgraded from a 1gb HD5870 to a 4gb r9 290 recently.
For the longest time that HD5870 overclocked was running games at highish settings at 2560x1440 getting 40-60fps. Just couldn't ever use bloom, depth of field or antialiasing or frames go to shit.
Shits nearly as fast as an r7 260.
>Caring about Direct X11.
>Not OpenGL 4.5
dem lips