I'm looking for a new laptop for travel purposes

I'm looking for a new laptop for travel purposes.
Pic related, they are laptops. You can't possibly hate all of them.

Tablets are out, because I like to be able to change the hard drive easily, and I already have a decent SSD that I can replace a standard issue hard drive with.

I also need to do a lot of typing, though I understand tablets are getting less shitty in the typing department as time goes by.
I very rarely game and when I do, it tends to be something with low graphics requirements.

I also need it to not be a used Thinkpad, because I have had three and none lasted more than a year. Let's not argue about it.
And after three years of 1366x768, I have a serious craving for a higher resolution screen.

Budget: c. $400, give or take 50.
I'm not opposed to buying used as long as it's not more than a year old.

What do you recommend, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/LapGear-Deluxe-Laptop-Lap-Desk/dp/B01C785EJ4/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1510001019&sr=8-5&keywords=lap desk for laptop computer&dpID=41xPORZMEBL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch



yeah I hate all of those except for that one Latitude, it's probably decent, depends on the model

>budget $400
>expecting anything somewhat new to be good
yeah you'll be shopping from best buy's bargain bin which is just full of plastic garbage

get a used thinkpad, lurk moar


>get a used thinkpad, lurk moar
Look, I get that buying a used laptop is a really cool, cyberpunk thing to do, but I'm not fourteen and I need a laptop that is not a used up piece of shit. I have been burned three times and I am tired of it.


I hear that there's a free operating system that has no practical use whatsoever, but it costs nothing and I'm fourteen. I can use it on my cheap thinkpad that I bought with my pocket money. It's like I'm really hacking the web!

Xiaomi laptops have good quality for their price. I love my 13.3 mi air

Since this is a laptop buyers guide thread,
Sup Forums, for a laptop to play games in medium settings with a frame drop not so drastic
Do you think a laptop with gpu 1060 3 Gb is enough?
I want to play during my night shifts but I don't want to spend more than 3000$. I already have a desktop with gtx 1070
Do you have a tip for black friday?
Which brans you recommend?

check legion y520
and yes, gtx1060 is enough, even gtx1050ti

I'm looking for a very thin/light laptop (or hybrid) with a GTX1060 card that's does not have that edgy gaymen design (needs to look professional).

Only one I've found that fits is the Surface Book 2 but it sucks for Linux and upgradeability (but I guess upgradability is something you have to sacrifics to get something that thin so I guess this is okay).

Would be pretty perfect if there was a Thinkpad X1 Yoga with a GTX1060.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

stop being a gaming faggot

I don't game much but it's pretty good to have. I work with CUDA as well so a 1060 would be awesome.

Just got a HP Pavilion Power like a week ago and it's been great so far.

Stop being cheap and just get a MacBook

>wants his laptop to survive for more than a year
>budget $400

Jesus OP, double the budget and we may give you some options.

If you can't you should consider a chromebook.

>Jesus OP, double the budget and we may give you some options.

Okay, try me at $800. Paying that upfront would make me cry tears of blood, but I will consider it, since it might save me money in the long run.

What's the typical lifespan of an Apple laptop? I would definitely have to buy used.

retina Macbook everything else isn't travel ready

With 400 bucks your options are used business laptops if you want them to last a while. Just get the screen mod for a Thinkpad or something if you hate the 1366*768 I did it and it's fine. Otherwise increase the budget. With 400 you'd be lucky to get a laptop that lasts a year.

But for brands
>Any chromebook
>Mbp 2012 if you can find it for 400

>>Mbp 2012
Can a laptop really survive five years of use?

This is a serious question. I think I might have been unwittingly using "single-use" laptops for years now.

You have $400 you fucking child
You don't have options if you want something that isn't absolute garbage

guys i think he is fourteen

>not more than a year old
Literal mental dysfunction, kill yourself.

Only 3 of those have easily replacable hard drives you goof
Also you're not gonna find a laptop that's shitty enough to not have an SSD, unless you pay $400 for it lmao

>none lasted longer than a year
If you're able to break a ThinkPad to the point where you can't fix it, no laptop is going to survive you. Try a Toughbook, I guess?

I have a preference for that price range.

It's interesting that you respond to me in the third person. Were you hoping I wouldn't say anything back to you?

You seem extremely intelligent. Are you able to explain your reasoning?

I think I'll just post a picture of a rock next time. I cannot put into words how little I care about the random assortment of laptops in that image.

op you still here


op check out this

check this out** also dont set it on your balls, you can fry your balls and cause urinary problems. get a lap thing that you can set on your lap.

Thanks, I'll put it on my list.

amazon.com/LapGear-Deluxe-Laptop-Lap-Desk/dp/B01C785EJ4/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1510001019&sr=8-5&keywords=lap desk for laptop computer&dpID=41xPORZMEBL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

picked up a razor stealth
how bad did i fuck up Sup Forums

Stop that.

I hear it's actually okay.

This, OP is clearly some kind of laptop-destroying maniac.

For 400, anything you get is gonna be shit unless it's a Chromebook.

The ThinkPad E470 is a really nice portable 14 inch laptop with a good keyboard, it is a modern one

what laptop is that? 3rd one over in the 3rd row

Dell Latitude E5450, comes with a touchscreen option. Fairly slim.

Weight not an issue? Latitude e6540, typically cone with an AMD dGPU for your price range. Matte screen, quad core option, can fit extended battery (same batt as e6430 e6420 etc)

Used thinkpad.

>Let's not argue about it.
I don't want to argue, I just want to know how you could have possibly broken three ThinkPads.

>I also need it to not be a used Thinkpad, because I have had three and none lasted more than a year.

Nigger, you buy anything else and it'll be done in within a day tops. How did you break 3 of them? I'm personally always scared of dropping my x220, mostly because I'm worried I'll break the fucking floor.

Got a surface book i7, 256 SSD and power base for £1300. Usually theyre like £1500-1800. I know theyre over priced but i think i got a dece deal.

My fixing threshold is very low. Dead keyboard, inexplicable beeping noises, dead trackpad, broken ribbon cables, etc. all more than I can deal with and more than I am willing to pay to have fixed.


I hate all of the above laptops

NOPE! Thinkpads suck! go ASUS!!

I have a gigabyte aero 15 and it's pretty nice. It's light and thin and also has fairly thin bezels. Battery life lasts me about 7-8 hours if I'm running lighter programs. Design doesn't look gaymur and looks fairly professional but it does have a full rgb keyboard. You can turn it off or change the settings to be less obnoxious though.
Only things I don't particularly like about it are the color options and the webcam position. The only options are lime green, orange, or black with an orange accent on the lid. I got the black one and it looks okay, but I wish it was just entirely black. The webcam is positioned at the bottom of the monitor instead of the top (probably because of the thinner bezels), so you'll be stuck with a dreaded double chin angle if you ever want to use it. Not really a problem for me since I don't use webcams anyways.

Cost about $1750 when I got it. I'd say it's worth it, considering how much more similar laptops cost

Second-hand HP Elitebook 840 G3 with a 1080p screen.
Not even once.

>laptop with gpu 1060 3 Gb is enough
My friend is making it by with his 960m, so I think that a 1060 should be enough.

>more than I can deal with
>buying a new part and unscrewing a few screws is too hard
>using the trackpad
Even if you're actually too stupid to watch a YouTube video, whatever you pay to have it fixed would be cheap. But seriously, why are you on this board if you can't even play Legos?

>buying thinktrash
>spending more money on fixing a pile of shit to make it usable
>Not spending more in the first place to get a decent laptop.

>a decent laptop
What do you need from a laptop that a ThinkPad doesn't do, that you can't remote desktop to your real PC for?

Thinkpad t420

No you didnt fuck up. Youre just a basic bitch

this post will get no replies because there is no answer



That s right you have to buy old ass thinkapad with crap hardware ?

Seinfeld spends five minutes talking about how difficult his laptop is to rob on the train, and the rest of it talking about how incredible the huge battery is. This is not a persuasive thinkpad review.

No, no it would not. It would routinely be half or a quarter of the price I paid for the thinkpad.
Fuck that.

I do not have a "real PC."

How much did you pay for your ThinkPad that a quarter is more than $40? How are you so retarded that you can't fix it yourself?

You didn't answer the question. What do you need your laptop to do that a ThinkPad can't?

>I do not have a "real PC."

Thought on a cube i7 stylus for a poorfag student in CS?
Thinkpad aren't that good of a deal in Europe

buy a new Thinkpad like I did, 500e
Don't be an idiot and fall for the "hate Thinkpad" meme, it's literally superior to any other laptop out there

The only thing that can handle a toddler like you

What's wrong with acer?

If only I could get one to be shipped without having to contact support 20 times.

In my experience Acer and Asus laptops have been shit.

How so? Low bang/buck, low reliability...?

Initially a lot of bang for the buck then a steep drop off
Plus low reliability, shit components, etc etc
The very few things that live on from my acer is it's quad core and 8 gb of ram, which are now present in my thinkpad that was made in the same year

Tell me one thing that you absolutely have to spend money on after buying a thinkpad

Don't get me wrong Acer is shit but 400 dollars

400 dollars for a laptop that only lasts until warranty
If you're okay with a laptop shitting the bed in everything but specs for the first yeah or two then shitting the bed in whatever it couldn't in the warranty period
Then go ahead
The V3 571G I had was pretty good when it first came out
I played a lot of shit on launch

Lenovo is shit with shipping
Plus don't buy new thinkpads, especially not for 400


What thinkpads did you even own? All of mine are 5+ years old with newest being a T430

If you're in the Bellevue area I'll sell an HP Envy to you for a decent price.

Why? Not reliable? What are options for modern laptops then? Anything librebootable?

The actual price is irrelevant. It's the proportion of the repair cost to the just-fucking-buy-another cost. Thinkpads are by nature a money pit. They don't make any sense from an investment point of view. You're buying something on the verge of falling apart, then paying for the repairs. Why not add the repair costs to your original budget and buy something that will not give you any headaches for at least two years?

Not fucking break after ten months?

The other user believes that a desktop computer with a separate screen and CPU constitutes a "real" PC. I do not have one of those, and I also do not carry around cinderblocks, even though it would be really hard for an average new yorker to rob a cinderblock from me on a train, which is a feature that makes cinderblocks really attractive as a personal computing option.

I am typing from a cheap Acer that is hardwired to refuse any operating system but Windows 10. I was beyond furious when I discovered this after voiding the warranty seal. But then I just pirated Windows 10 and stopped caring.

The lenovo Y series you have listed there are pretty good I like them for a Desktop replacement in their 17" format.

Using my wife's late 2011 MBP as my laptop; I have a desktop at home. Replaced the HDD with an SSD (250GB ~ $100) and upgraded to highSierra; works extremely well for programming and projects. If I'm doing something heavy I remote access my PC anyway. Don't bother with video playback or high CPU usage programs; the thing will throttle but low power tasks it does extremely well.

Why should I not buy a used Lenovo yoga?

I use a notebook for working at different places in my workplace and at home, and not letting somebody steal it from me. When I carry it, it's in my bag. When i go from one table to another, so about 5m I just grab it and put it where I want to put it. He's also talking about the air which is 420g heaver than the retina Macbook. The only thing that makes it less portable is when you need dongles, but for my workflow I don't need them.


watch the first 30s to see how light the notebook seems when he spins it

>even after being told to fuck off in the OP thinkpad cucks still won't shut the fuck up about their geriatric dumpster dives

I just need to two fingers for going around with it.

Do you not know what remote desktop is? Try reading

Nothing you buy for $400 is going to be better than a ThinkPad. How did you pay $300 for a ThinkPad, anyway? Which one was it?

I'm sorry that you're fucking retarded, enjoy whatever total piece of shit you end up with.

>not break after 10 months
If you can break a ThinkPad beyond repair in 10 months you're going to obliterate any other laptop.

New thinkpads are expensive so you'll be buying either E or L series thinkpad which are trash for 400
The cheapest "real" thinkpad, the T470 starts 800 with a 768p screen
>modern thinkpads
Anything up to xx30 ie T430, X230 or W530 (and T530 too) is good
But newer is sort of okay, but might go over 400
Older than xx30 is fine too
Strictly xx00 or older IBM models
There is talk about libreboot for xx20 but I wouldn't hold my breath

>not an actual value
Don't want to throw accusations yet OP but that doesn't quite right
Are you from Europe or similar?
I got a T430 for roughly 300 and it worked fine out of the box, didn't require anything fixing

I just can't even bother to greentext you right now tb.h
Just tell me what you own so I can mock it

The best laptop for OP is clearly a used thinkpad and he had a bad experience with one and some of us are trying to find out what he did wrong
Or just make him admit that he's never owned a thinkpad

Don't pick bottom left, it will overheat.

I do not know or care what that is. Is it some cloud drive fuckery?

Can't argue with that, which of course suits you just fine.

That is certainly a thing you have just said, and which does not make you feel cyberpunky and muscular for owning a thinkbrick at all.

Yes. And I don't doubt that you did, but it is much more of a toss-up than the thinkfags make it out to be.

And to be completely blunt, I think they are making them out to be indestructable because it makes them feel good for owning a thinkbrick. It has the fishy smell of a circlejerk to me.

If you're really too retarded to accept that your ThinkPads breaking was your fault (if you ever had any to begin with) or that not being able to fix them is due to you not even trying, get a Dell Latitude.

Three, thinkcuck. Well, what am I saying? I am the thinkcuck here. But I am done with that.