Which one does pay more and it's worth investing into nowadays?
Which one does pay more and it's worth investing into nowadays?
java, microsoft is on suicide watch
he's wrong, it's C#
Java, unless u like microcuck.
Either are fine. And the syntax is so similar that you will have an easy time to learn the other one if you need to.
The syntax is the easiest part in learning a new programming language, though.
You can't get paid if you don't know how to use well enough the whole bunch of either spring/hiberate/swing/whaterer or aspnet\ef\wpf\etc.
Going to have to point towards Java as its used everywhere. While C# is used quite a bit, it's better to have experience in something that can be used cross platform.
Java obviously.
>What is .NET Core?
>.net core against java ee
If MS would realise their eventual failure and port full fledget .net to every relevant platform, but this is just plain bs.
what's it like still being stuck in 2008?
C# is only for shitty corporate jobs
Java is used everywhere and for many different purpose
Also I don't know a relevant application written in c#, I use java applications all the time with android and various jar you can find on the internet
I can't find a reason to use c# except nicer syntax (who cares except Starbucks programmers) and willingness to suck Microsoft's cock
You might as well go full PHP at this point.
neo-pajeets learn both from 6th grade.
There's definitely still more demand for java
it can be used for more things where the c# infrastructure isn't there yet like on mobile and linux servers
is Kotlin worth learning?
Sieg heil! Load the "Entity Framework" Library!!!
>Server spends another 100MB
>Hear in the distance, turbo spergs giving it their all, flipping shit high into the air
Load "a list" in "LINQ"... yes.... YES.... YESSSS!!!!!
>shit-spergs within 8 seconds get over their autistic-on-purpose differences between their 80s shit dropout langs and form the new model sperg army and march directly upon this business with horrible signs written in blood like "K not M" and "lists killed my family!!!!"
>Some call rep overheard on the phone: "Oh okay let me just look that up... IN SOFTWARE THAT ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKS FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!"
>Entire new model sperg army explodes both down and up the stairs cartwheeling hundreds and hundreds of M1A1 tanks made out of anime for hours before they explode into cheetohs and treats all trash compacted onto a trailer which fucking floors it but just spins tires and goes nowhere
Java. It's everywhere and much better than C#
Both you fucking nigger
Low level coding pays well. C# is poojet tier. Java is wage slave tier. Web is Califag tier.
EF got nothing on this big boy.
For extra points use only the JPA API and lose your persistence.xml magic file.