
Fuck off, Nazi.

Only if you're an apple product.

It's a must to be white.

It's better to be beige

Hello Sup Forums. Good morning friend

For the love of God stop posting this on every fucking board.

Once you go black, you can never go back

>be nazi
>hang a poster
>everyone calls it a nazi poster

>Sup Forumstards unironically believe whites are under attack

that poster is just a bait to lure sjw or some shit

>It's okay to wipe out or enslave most of the world
Whites have to pay for their crimes.

I have a bare metal ThinkPad.

But I'm white (aryan/nordic) and my ancestors were slaves for centuries.

When did the rest of the world abolish slavery, again?

Stop trying to skirt around the issue. There exist two kinds of people in this world, oppressors (those with power) and the oppressed (those without power). Whites have power, so how is it wrong for the oppressed to rise up against whites? A dog backed into a corner has to fight back at some point.


Come frikin on. This is a tech board. Do whatever you want in your board
I just wanna see tech things in a techboard and not controversial politics bullshit? Is that too much to ask? Saged

stop baiting faggot, no sane person believes this.


I guess that must be why the people who proclaim to be fighting the oppressors target small businesses. Clearly, smashing the local baker's windows will solve everything.
Yeah, there are oppressors, but you really suck at identifying them.

I'm neither white, or right-winger, nor left-wing/

JUST take politics bullshit OUT OF HERE plox. This is a board of GNU/Peace

Fuck off liberal nazi hitler was a nazi

Let me guess, Sup Forums, it's "da joos", right? The people you put into gas chambers only 70 years ago are now somehow the rulers of the world? Seems legit.
Small businesses are still oppressive, you libertarian moron. You think just because a white person isn't in government doesn't mean they don't hold institutional power over the oppressed.

>hitler was a nazi
Haha this is what liberals actually believe
I bet you heard this shit on CNN

It's OK to make statements like 'black power' and 'black lives matter' but it's not OK to say it's OK to be white because that makes you a racist.

I hate this world.

My family was nearly wiped out fighting Germans during BOTH world wars. Clearly, they must be at fault for that shit.

And no, I'm not going to blame a huge group of people as the problem because you really only need a fine tipped brush to paint the ones at fault. The entire world is being dominated by a handful of families. You want to solve shit? Go after them, not the guys who are struggling next to you. One slave killing another for having a crumb or two more of stale bread is not righteous.

>It's OK to make statements like 'black power' and 'black lives matter' but it's not OK to say it's OK to be white because that makes you a racist.
Are you going to just pretend there was no backlash to either of those groups?
Black lives matter is as intentionally inoculous a phrase as "its ok to be white", but that didnt stop people from freaking out on Sup Forums and starting counter movements.

>Stop trying to skirt around the issue.
How was irrelevant to you?
Seems rather biased, it's not about slavery, is it? It's only slavery if it fit's you.

hello Sup Forums

I love how it's pissing off all those "hurr go away Sup Forums" faggots.