When you're waiting for a joke to be over but it's taking forever

>When you're waiting for a joke to be over but it's taking forever

>When you are too much of a tech illiterate to understand something as simple as a markup language so you decide to post an unfunny joke to some anime website

Here's your (You)

i know right, still don't know how discord is a thing

i know this is bait but what exactly you don't like about it?

Html cant die, you plonker.

html is fine, the thing that needs to die is W3C

You mean the Trump presidency?

Still mad? :^)

Drumpf btfo !!!! xDDD

Fuck off, Pajeet. Just get through your fucking skull that you don't nee to write "javascript:void(0)" in href attribute of an anchor tag for an click event handler in order to prevent the default action from being fired.

I don't write HTML markup directly anymore, I build everything up programmatically with JS. Same with styles, where possible (there are a few things that are still more convenient with a separate stylesheet).


JSX needs to die.

No not JSX, I hate that too. Just regular JS (I use jQuery a lot currently but am working to minimise that dependency over time). I have lots DOM construction/manipulation helper functions.

Do you mean Go?

HTML is fine (not "great" or even "good", just "fine"), it's everything we keep putting on top of it that is at fault. Not helped by chucklefucks like

>I use jQuery

I do realize it's 2018-2, right?

HTML is not fine because it's fundamentally flawed.

Mixing content and layout is just stupid.
And making it hard to read as plain text is even dumber.
Add on to that slow to parse and space inefficient and you have one of the worst ideas of the internet.

>Here's your (You)
>When you're too stupid to understand the meme you are repeating...

>Mixing content and layout is just stupid.
Tables were never meant to be used that way.

>And making it hard to read as plain text is even dumber.
The first browser was text only, even now Lynx still shows plain HTML just fine.

>Add on to that slow to parse and space inefficient and you have one of the worst ideas of the internet.
Really not an issue now, is it? That it takes up a few more K than a plain text file or takes 0.05s to render isn't really an issue. It's "fine".



meant to type 2018-2m

So what's your alternative?

Nice job, brainlet.

OPs don't get (You)s, the (OP) takes the place of it.

Separate files for content and a layout.

What every serious web CMS does, but it would be great if you could do it natively and if a CMS didn't have to shit out HTML.

You're right but he was just using 'Here's your (You)" as an expression because it has a pre-established meaning and "Here's your (OP)" would be retarded

Wouldn't it be faster to download 1 file than 2?
Is the idea that the layout is cached and reused with different content?

Not if it's a container like ODT.

I love this special needs Wojack.

>>When you're waiting for a joke to be over but it's taking forever