/pcbg/ - PC building general

Coffee Lake has been released! Benchmarks / Reviews
techpowerup.com/reviews/ (Seach 'Intel')


>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and monitor suggestions; click on the blue title to see notes
>Learn how to build a PC (You can find a lot more detailed videos on channels like Bitwit)
>How to install Win7 on Ryzen

If you want help:
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

>G4560/G4600 for non-gaming (light tasks) or bare minimum gaming builds with a dedicated graphics card
>R3 1200 - Budget builds (best with OC + fast RAM)
>R5 1600 / i5 8400 - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
>R7 / Used Xeon / Threadripper / i7 - Heavy Multi-Tasking / VM Work / Mixed use

>Before buying RAM for Ryzen, check your Mobo's QVL or look for user reports
>Current CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000-3200 MHz is ideal

>Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up (particularly Radeon)
>GTX 1050Ti and 3GB 1060 are the only reasonably priced cards; 6GB 1060 or 4GB 580 if you want to overpay a little
>GTX 1070 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
>GTX 1070/Ti and 1080 are standard choices; currently overpriced
>GTX 1080Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
>GTX 1080Ti

>A 240GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory

Other urls found in this thread:


Who's that semen demon?

also she didn't put the ram in dual-channel :(
stop inserting your waifu into the op

I want a 1070, and these are my 4 cheapest options in Canada. Which is the most reliable manufacturer here? Are there any significant differences between the cards?

2nd or 4th

Should I manually install Chipset drivers for my Ryzen system or leave it to W10? The MSI package for my mobo is so bloated and the launcher says Radeon graphics so it's not inspiring much confidence.

Are Assus ryzen mobos good?

Not that other user but




The second one is actually $599, not $627. Which one is the better choice? Is the FTW version worth $50 more?

Is 144hz a meme for non-fps?

Should put a line in the op about how coffeelake is hard to come by because of the paper launch.

>>NO i5 7500/7600K or i7 7700/K.

What GPU should I get with my ryzen 1700? For dual monitor (144Hz) setup?

What are you trying to ask?
If you are never planning to get 144 fps don't buy the monotor, duh.
If you are, consider it.

1080 Ti

Racing games are amazing at 144fps, I enjoy them more than FPS games. It feels much more fluid, I can't imagine playing racing games at 60hz anymore.
Other kinds of games not so much, for example I've been playing Fallout 4 lately and it turns out that game is capped to 60fps due to physics stuff, other singleplayer games like Mordor also don't benefit from the 144hz as much, but it's still nice to have.

Be wary, once you go 144hz you never go back. I found myself upgrading my GPU because I want to continue getting 144fps or more (even playing on lowest doesn't give me that much fps on my shitty old GPU).

Should I get the Ryzen 3 1300x for high performance gaming, since I won't be video editing or creating content that would require extra cores?

Get the 1200

Why? I should mention that I've never overclocked before.

Are there any pre-built PCs that are equal or cheaper to this in leaf dollar, and is equal or better as a computer?
If so, how can I improve mine to make it better/cheaper?

what's your budget

You probably don't need an 8400 CPU. Have a look into Ryzen 3 or an i5 7400, depending on the games you play.

Don't get a single fan GPU

You can probably get similar RAM for cheaper and you can get a 240gb SSD for around €40 cheaper on Amazon

Around 1000

Is having g-sync for a 1070 ti worth $250?

Planning a PC for a friend, he specifically requested that it will be able to run ARK and Sword Art Online; his budget is about 850-900€.
Is the R5 1400 a good enough option or could I go with a 3 1200?
Please point out any fuckups to me.


You're a cunt

Im in NZ, so prices are a bit high. I have an old 7970 and 1tb HDD already, any improvements for the build?

I second a 1200, no need for 1300x

Asus is to expensive and has gaymer shit that you don't need and will never use

Thats NZD btw

The one I'd get is this one
Don't plan on overcocking

1200 is fine, there isnt much of a perf dif between the two. Save the money and get a better gpu

I like it. Any game where you can spin the camera looks better in 144hz

I'm thinking of picking up a custom CPU cooler and some thermal paste on black friday.

Will I notice much of a difference overclocking an R7 1700 if I use a custom cooler?

If so which would you rec?

Asus is the most reliable. EVGA has the best warranty. Zotac usually never gives much issue but when it does your done.

You only get 2 ram slots, I'd spend 20$ more and get nz.pcpartpicker.com/product/dWL7YJ/asrock-ab350m-pro4-micro-atx-am4-motherboard-ab350m-pro4

although if your fine only having 2 Ram slots go for it, its a solid board

EVGA is the best warranty for Canada.

Overclocking isn't hard. Honestly you have a bit of a false assumption in the question "Ryzen 3 1300x for high performance gaming, since I won't be video editing or creating content that would require extra cores?" which implies that gaming does not benefit from extra cores, which it does. Generally speaking, you should get the R3 1200, R5 1400, or R5 1600 and overclock. Gaming performance is good using the 1200 but better performance can be had with the higher thread count CPUs, with the 1600 basically being the best of the three but also being the last decent gaming CPU in the Ryzen lineup since the two extra cores of the 1700 and up don't help in games enough to justify their cost.

Get 3000MHz RAM
You could also drop to the R3 1200, which would save you about 120USD, more in CDN. The R3 1200 is a good match for the 1060

If you're talking about ARK: Survival Evolved, you'll want at least a GTX 1060
You can see there that the reviewer gets an avg of 25FPS with a GTX 1060 on Epic, and assuming scaling on the GTX 1080 between the High and Epic presets still holds, on High (which is the lowest you want to go, according to that review), the GTX 1060 will get a +50% framerate bonus, so a constant 40FPS might be achievable. A 1050Ti probably can't hold 30FPS on High

It looks like the game isn't CPU bound at all, but given the performance of AMD's graphics cards in that bench, you'd want to check before you use a Ryzen CPU. If the game runs well on Ryzen, you'll probably be able to use a 1200 without issue, given the 80FPS possible with a 4c locked i5.

Get fast RAM, 3000-3200MHz. There was some nice 3200 CL14 Samsung "b" Die floating around in the USA

Does RAM speed matter tho? Ive heard the it barely makes a difference, and is not worth the extra cost.

Any last thoughts?

you're missing a processor


I have the i5 8400 already

If you know that you're going to stick with the Nvidia ecosystem, yeah get a Gsync monitor. If you're brand agnostic, not worth it.

>i5 7400
Still way overpriced. Fuck no.

Might want a difference CPU for 144Hz
What's your resolution, and will you game on both monitors at the same time?

For gaming it does, both for Intel and AMD.


So my 770 (02GP42773KR) just crapped out, it started artifacting, crashed my video, and now it's crashing my computer. Put it in another PC and it crashed it during driver installation.

Bought it in april 2014 from a fucking shitty 3rd party that isn't a authorized reseller to EVGA (provantage.com) for $330 and it apparently has a 3 year warranty. Do you think EVGA will show me pity and RMA it for me? If I shouldn't bother, what's the best way to get money out of this without scamming? I'm poor and starving :(

i guess you gotta starve

If it's outside of warranty, they probably won't RMA. You can still try though.

You could also gamble and find someone to BGA rework or reflow the chip, but that would be $50 at the least and you have no guarantee of successful repair or a lasting repair. If you can't RMA and you don't want to try to repair, you can sell your dead card for quite a bit.

>you can sell your dead card for quite a bit.


OP is a faggot, you removed Vega 56 which is at $400 MSRP.

finally completed my first build. Its for 60/40 gaming/film and I've tried to make it very quiet for watching with good airflow potential for load. thoughts?

What brand of PSU are good? Which one should I avoid?

oh and forgot to mention - I have heaps of external storage and I plan to get another ssd a few months after building

He might have been copy / pasting from an older thread or have the revision he posted saved somewhere. I just added that line the other day, maybe it got posted once or twice.

Vega is a pretty power hungry GPU compared to the GTX 1080 though..

eBay, for sure.

What if I bought the 1300x and overclocked it?

You could, but you wouldn't see any benefit as opposed to overclocking the R3 1200, and the 1200 is cheaper.



Goal is solid 1440p gaming + HTC Vive VR + light Unity/Blender work.

System will likely be used for 5-6 years.

Swap to i5 8400 and 1080Ti, unless that rendering work happens often enough to make the extra threads worth it

My father keeps trying to convince me to just upgrade my GPU and not "waste money" upgrading my CPU (I'd be paying for it all anyway so I don't know why he's adamant about cost), but I know that pairing an RX 580 GPU with an FX-6300 CPU will create a heavy bottleneck, but he doesn't really get it and I stutter a lot under the pressure of trying to explain this stuff.

I want to put some lights in my pc. My idea is basically have red and green flashing effect for christmas. Which strips would be good for this?

>4TB seagate external drive
What is the catch?

Not sure I want to compromise on the CPU. I built an i5 system in 2012 and I'm still using it today, wishing I had gone with the i7 instead.

Will games still not take advantage of more than 6 threads in 2022?

Just tell him that the CPU is utter trash even compared to ones from back in it's day.

>I stutter a lot under the pressure of trying to explain this stuff
Life is pain.

Anyway I have an FX-6350 and an RX 470 and I find that the pairing is pretty good. If I were you I'd just OC the FX-6300 and get the RX 580 and see how you like it. If you're still not satisfied upgrade your CPU

5400RPM, binned for early failure.

What is stopping you from saying fuck you and upgrading it?
Is he gonna crack open your case and check your cpu everyday?


That's what my dad said. He's like "If you think you need to upgrade the CPU after getting the GPU, then you should consider an upgrade", but it'd be kind of a pain installing a GPU and playing a game just to realise the CPU is a bottleneck instead of just swapping out both at the same time

No, I guess it's just kind of annoying. He has a co-worker whose son is studying Computer Science so he's getting his talking points from his co-worker

Installing a new GPU is the easiest thing to do in a new rig.

>it'd be kind of a pain installing a GPU and playing a game just to realize the CPU is a bottleneck
Honestly you sound like a cunt.. swapping a graphics card is ridiculously easy. Swapping a whole motherboard out will take you a WHOLE lot more time. A graphics card swap will take 5 minutes, including downloading drivers. A mobo swap will take a couple of hours, including reinstalling the OS and fucking around with the heatsink.

Buying another internal hard drive because my current 2tb is nearing 10 years old. What should I look for?

Additionally, you're assuming the CPU will be a bottleneck, but it probably won't. What game are you trying to play? An example would be Wolfenstein 2

>Honestly, you sound like a cunt
Whoa, what did I do to you?

Some older titles, and some newer releases like Monster Hunter World.

I think I'd rather just upgrade the rig a good bit now and then not have to worry about it for another few years.

I'm not sure Wolfenstein 2 is the best pick. I recently played it with my Phenom II 1055T 2.8 GHz and GTX 970 on max settings 1920x1080 and it never dipped below 60 FPS and I had 80-120 FPS most areas. However there's plenty of CPU demanding games that are unplayable for me.

Also, a motherboard swap will take hours? I doubt it. YouTube videos I've seen building a PC get the motherboard in in like 20 minutes

You sounded whiny and weak

Okay /gee/ I come to you today for advice. I built my PC a few months ago but there's two things I regret. My ram and my gpu. I plan on upgrading both very soon. For ram, I plan on getting 16gb 3000 or 3200. For gpu, either a 1060 6GB or a 1070.

Now, which should I upgrade first? Gpu or ram? Should I get the 1070 or save some money and get a 6GB 1060? I'm only going to be playing on 1080/60Hz.

is 5400rpm ok?

GPU will pretty much always have the largest impact for game performance even at 1080p. Do that first and get better RAM for your ryzen to chew in the future when you have more money

How future-proof is the Ryzen 3 series? I'd rather not have to worry about big upgrades again for another two years or so

gpu first
Ram makes a big difference for Ryzen, but ultimately won't make game all that much more playable



not him but I hate the noise HDDs make

>unity/blender work
This isn't even good bait.

Okay I'll upgrade gpu first. Should I get a 1060 6GB or 1070? Obviously, 1070 is the better card but is it worth the $200 extra? Is it overkill for 1080/60Hz? Would I be better off saving some money and getting a 1060?

Believe me, it will take you a lot longer if you haven't done it recently. And the fact that you thought swapping out the graphics card would be a pain indicates you haven't been under the hood too much.

Agreed, but Wolfenstein is a decent example of a corridor shooter. If we look at an open world game like Assassin's Creed: Origins, you can see that an an OC'd FX6300 wouldn't bottleneck an RX 580 at Ultra. (My stock 6350 is just below the 8350, usually.) For this title it's pretty hard to get it to run at 60FPS period, because you have to have an R5 1600 at least and and you have to dial back on the graphics setting significantly to give the 580 breathing room over 60FPS.

RAM is fine. Not worth the cost to swap it out
You need an SSD
You can get either of the cards. Personally I'd suggest the 1060.

Definitely will last for two years, probably more

Why the hate for Pentium chips? Aren't they basically an i3 now?

Everything above and including the G4560 (2c/4t) are basically as good as old i3s (2c/4t).

do you want to turn settings up? can you afford it? get the 1070 ti imo

Look at that, the plucky little CPU that could. I hope the coffee lake pentiums are dropped soon.

Should I pull the trigger on the Sapphire version of the RX 580? It's getting 5 star Amazon reviews (about 4/4 reviewers in total), but I'm hearing a lot on forums of people getting coil whine with this card, and that's something I desperately want to avoid. But it's also one of the cheapest versions available.

Well, not coil whine with this one in particular, but the Nitro+ version of the Sapphire brand of this card

you might want to kill yourself you autistic intel shill

your gonna have a bad time and thats not even mentioning that housefire cpu

What processor for 1440p 144hz?

>someone mentions Intel in a neutral light
>someone writes a master's dissertation on why AMD is the objectively better choice and anyone who thinks otherwise is subhuman
>"yes, this is fine"

Im really happy with mine. I was debating the 1200 or 1600, decided to put the extra $100 towards other parts like a ssd and faster ram, the upgrade path is always there in 2 years.

Should I
>buy a used 3770 + used 8x2 of RAM (cheap, can do right now)
>buy new mobo, new 8x1 RAM, and a r5 1600 (need to save up for it)

What does your current rig not do that you need it to? That will help dictate what you should do

Multitask while gaming. That i5 is pretty strong, but it gets capped real quick.