Interview a couple of candidates at a fortune 500 company

>Interview a couple of candidates at a fortune 500 company
>Need a good python/java dev and looking for straight out of college people since the application we made was in house and pretty easy to use, so we need a couple of people who can just maintain and use it properly
>7 pajeets
>4 asians
>12-15 whites, can't remember
>around 3-5 are women

>Asians are all good candidates, but they shut down if you ask them do something out of the box Like "make your own code for the fastest sorting algorithm". All of them were good in theory and understanding the deep features in programming such as lock and keys and shit. Around 3 are bring considered.

>Around a half are good and 2 in particular pass with flying colors demonstrating a very big understanding in theory. There were like 3 who just read the interview programming book and that is it. Asked them an unusual question and they shut down (they were like easy as fuck questions too, like I think one was "explain why bubblesort is considered good and yet bad"

>Literally only 5 that are good, others are garbage. Only 1 actually was considered for hiring
>Fucking 3 people used bubble sort when I asked them to create a fast sorting algorithm in python
>1 guy used 3 arrays for sorting
>1 guy (the question was line a deck of cards up and sort them, make the variables for the cards) literally made all 52 variables 1 by 1 without a loop
>1 guy was actually extremely impressive and had side projects in ruby and go for complicated gui applications

What is going on. Why are the Pajeets good and the Whites getting worse.

At the end of the day we called back
>3 asians
>3 pajeets
>2 whites

>1 female and her being a pajeet
Where the fuck did pajeets being bad meme come from? Are we talking about pajeets born in india?

Is the in house application that you are trying to hire someone to manage a library of sorting algorithms? If not I would have walked out of your interview.

...sorting algorithms are a standard hiring practice...

>fortune 500
Not for long

You never applied for a job have you? It is not just fortune 500 companies that do it.

I'm an Indian. I'm tired of all the things people say about us. I mean, which other country is hated the most? North Korea? We're probably next to North Korea. Several people called me "pajeet", "who shits on the streets" "giv bob and vegana" as soon as I told them I'm from India. I'm now afraid of telling that I'm Indian. I feel ashamed. One person said "US should nuke India" on a youtube video about India and it got hundreds of likes or upvotes. Most of the things people say only apply to poor people and uneducated. People like me in the cities probably never saw anyone shitting on streets. I honestly never saw anyone shit on streets. At least from what I know, people don't shit on "streets" but in an open area like farmlands in villages. I keep my identity hidden and don't tell anyone that I'm Indian. I'm afraid they'll treat me differently. I keep trying to avoid those comments but they are affecting me. Not directly but indirectly. For example, read any Reddit threads about, you'll see hate comments about India. Fuck this shit

Who the fuck considers bubblesort good? I can't recall a single reason for doing that.


>You need to know Algorithms
>UX Developer
"K I got dis!"

>Who the fuck considers bubblesort good?
Dingdingding you got the answer right,

>tfw practically no Lauren Southern feet pictures

>we need a couple of people who can just maintain
>ask sorting algorithms implementations on the fly


>majority of the native populous is white
>majority of applicants are shit

really made me think op.

>What is going on. Why are the Pajeets good and the Whites getting worse.
Why did you think pajeets were actually getting hired everywhere? The only people who sit around crying on the internet about "d-diversity" stealing their jobs are the people who were barely qualified to begin with.

Come on, let's be honest you know about the designated shitting streets and call center jobs. Don't act like they don't exist.

Poojets are alright Java & .NET programmers tho.

>1 guy (the question was line a deck of cards up and sort them, make the variables for the cards) literally made all 52 variables 1 by 1 without a loop
Christ, how is anyone that has a CS degree that stupid

Are you trained by Mr.NagoorBabu?

>Why are the Pajeets good and the Whites getting worse.
Because the Pajeets we are exposed to are the cream of the crop. Among a billion people

>Where the fuck did pajeets being bad meme come from?
Because they take our jobs when our bosses figure out pajeets can do what we do much more effectively and cheaper than we do and they don't complain and follow the coding standards without hassle. For example the guy recently who complained that his lead dev told him to write in C++ while he refused and always rewrote everything in ANSI C and came here to complain about his idiot boss who wouldn't accept his "clearly superior" code.

Pajeets just do their job and are professional

fresh pasta

Stop whining retard.

nice sample size lad, cant wait to see it on your blog

Programming a fucking quick or merge sort on the fly is trivial. You should be able to do it like a fizzbuzz, but for whatever reason dumb nu-male devs think this is some doctorate level CS when it's shit you learn on week one.

If you went to college and can't do something that you learned on week one on the fly at an interview after 4 years+ of education, you really need to rethink your life.

This pic is so old. It was around 1.5 or 1.6. I remember ms fags making jokes about the android developer community then and now they are the jokes.

Indians are the best programmers. Not even meme Russian hackers or autistic Chinese can compete anymore. The meme comes from angry whites.

>implying I could never look up a heap sort pseudocode or something similar


Why are you still here?

>>fuck this shit


Bubblesort is probably the worst sorting algo you will commonly see, but the one positive thing about is it is incredibly easy to understand/implement and thus is good for giving people an understand teaching complete retards a fundamental sorting algorithm (which is probably a bad thing because said tards will probably use it for everything even over something like qsort because they get afraid of passing a function name as an argument).

If you can't remember CS101 stuff then you probably need to neck yourself

I like these comments right here especially given the nigger tier interview process shit tier job reqs have fielded people with over the years only to arrogantly critique whether or not some brainlet read and remembered a how-to-pass a tech interview book.

Which is why the majority of tech jobs at big corporations are shit tier. The majority of the solid jobs are at medium/small size companies who don't ask nigger tier generic questions i interviews. They ask you real world questions, read your resume, respect your experience, and field engineers inline with their work. Overall, working there is a far better experience. An interview is a two way street... Companies have forgotten that given the surplus of code monkeys who will jump through any hoops to get hired and it shows.

This is even how hiring and jobs reqs are at the most reputable companies in the valley.. You get grilled to the 90th degree only to end up fixing bugs and working on minor features. The hilarity is, you'd never touch a hardcore algorithm in your life as its all internal libraries codified and rubber stamped by a platform team. So, you're literally tacking together APIs.

> mfw you get hired and the code practices binders are 300 page each x 2.
> the companies proprietary code/api books are 400 pages each and total 8 books.
> mfw, wet behind the ear grad thinks he's going to be allowed to code anything related to an 'algorithm' while there

I'm not even going to get into the real reason the industry adopted this shit tier interview standard that has nothing to do w/ the actual work you'll be conducting.

>I'm not even going to get into the real reason the industry adopted this shit tier interview standard that has nothing to do w/ the actual work you'll be conducting.
Please go into it. I'm interested.

But we want to hear it.

What the fuck is a sorting algorithm

ITT: /gee/ makes excuses for their own incompetence.

If youre not proud of street shitters perhaps you should rename your self to Clean India or ToiletIndians, to distinguish yourselves. I honestly wash my hands every time I come to contact with Indians, not being intenionally racist, but it just bugs me so much hearing abojt people not using toilet paper. I heard its rude to hand shake with the right hand in india, wish is the cleaning hand

As an Indian I have seen this pasta multiple times. Anyone who fell for it is a faggot. Also to whoever wrote this, don't lie you've seen shitting on streets in big cities as well

People say curries were made spicy to mask the smell/taste of rotten meat. We all know that it was really done to mask the smell of shit from the chef's hands. Remember that next time you eat a curry.

You're not fooling anyone, Rajeem.

>Guy has to be a Pajeet cause he looked favorably at a Pajeet
... I am an asian... gook specifically so fuck off.


*whites invent computers
*whites put a man on the moon with advanced technology
*whites invent internet
*whites start the largest corporations involved in tech
*whites invent nearly all modern technology


The best of India is competing with the WORST white America has to offer and they are barely winning. Anyone that has connections in the upper crust of white American society knows this and thinks gooks and Indians are uninspired monkeys.

>using memesorting get you hired
what the fuck is wrong with your company?

The company was not meme sorting, I was and the meme got debunked. in my situation.

because you are getting people who are the top of the top. If you have pajeets and asians who live in the U.S, you know they have an IQ of above 115.

The problem is the asians and indians are going to not be loyal to you or your group interest.
They are rootless cosmopolitans who will seek for their group interests or they are morally dead people.

indians and asians are superior at sitting down and doing as they are told. this is why you don't see many of them who rebel against their parents and why they do so well in schools.

overall its safer to hire asians and indians, they will provide you with excellent work. the problems start when you fast forward 30 years and the people you hired will start to exert their self interest to hire their own who are equal or slightly worse than other groups.

>be pajeet / indian HR
>see whites who are probably going to get the job
>trash their resumes
>see pajeets who will look better in comparison
>accept their resumes

In going to be honest, I've done a lot of algorithms for graph and tree exploration, often with asynchronous results (ie web crawler or code parsers), and never once needed to sort anything. If I was asked that question I'd have to say, I didn't know but could probably learn more than I ever needed to know in about an hour with an internet connection.

But really, over a decade of coding, and I've every case I can think of where order matters, the order I wanted was whatever was original. Perhaps alphabetical order at some point, but databases tend to have stuff like that built in. I just don't know when this is supposed to come up.

>1. Using a sample size of 20 people to derive vast generalizations about programmers
>2. Buying into memes

So you'd rather a pajeet got your job?

because the apjeet will fuck you as far and as much as possible after you hire them. The whites will actually try and do stuff.

My experience with pajeet being bad is not actually technical, but because they do a lousy job. You know it's a medium/large project and the guy who excels at programming is a shitty teammate, thinks yelling at trainees to write the doc for him will do for good docs, and then make blaming everyone but their sorry ass for any mistakes they do.