45 min commute each way

>45 min commute each way

What technology does Sup Forums use to entertain themselves on a train/bus journey?

load your phone up with movies/tv shows/hentai and watch on bus

I play on my Nintendo 3DS.

Sorry not sorry.

fap hero

read hajime no ippo and shitpost with Clover

read an e-book or e-comic or listen to music

Same here, give no fucks. It’s a underrated system with a TON of games

Just imagine the inside of a Google private commuter bus.

I drive my own fucking car, I'm not a public transport beta cuck slave.

>Free Bus
>Drive for 45 minutes

Considering it's a free bus, will save me fuel costs, will save me maintenance on the car, will give me time to do something, I see no reason that it makes me a cuck.

my phone to stay abreast of all the latest news along with listening to some classical music from the baroque period like any well adjusted adult should. I will sometimes put on some music from the impressionism era but I dont really want things to get too crazy.

Audiobooks. Thank me later

This, listening to music while driving

>owns car
>not cuck slave
pick literally one

My commute is a 20 minute walk, I just listen to music.

Google Play Books on desktop the evening before, read on public transport afterwards.

Kindles are better but it's more convenient to carry a single device

cars are fun.

I only do things that are fun

I move closer to work because I'm not a boomer who needs a giant McMansion in the suburbs.

I have picked up several qt3.14s because I ride the subway and busses. must be sad falling for the incel car meme.

>leeching off of free transportation despite being more than likely financially able to handle it on your own
>being at the whim of a corporation for transportation and having no control over destinations or the shitty passengers you will be forced to ride with
>all because you're a slave to your income and trying to maximize your consumption potential rather than being self-reliant
sounds like pretty much the Sup Forums definition of cuck to me my man

Is there anything more comfy than eroge on Linux?

>leeching off of free transportation


>Offered service

maybe you just haven't ridden the right bus yet

I live 4 minutes from work.

By foot.

>implying I dont tip the busdriver for his work

how autistic are you guys to not do this ?

>Being good for the environment by sharing
>Utilising freely available and encouraged transport options
"No control over destinations"
>I want to get to fucking work, that's where it goes!
>Sup Forums defintion
stopped reading. Sup Forums is a cesspit

512 GB iPad Pro

Ever since I've been a kid I wanted to equip a skateboard with electric motors out of a drill, but the batterys always sucked.

I want to waste my money on electric skateboard

shittalk them for me so I can save muh precious shekels

On a train or bus?

Both probably, it would be a new way of exploring the town, I guess. So I don't really know how useful it is.
I would like to be able to skip the bus trip to the train station, an electric skateboard seems optimal for that, considering the range they have nowadays.

I usually just listen to music and sing. Maybe some spirited driving if the traffic isn't bad. No bus or train tho, I drive to work.

I stare into people's souls and make them uncomfortable

Lmao so many poorfag plebs using public transport
I lol everytime I see you standing in the rain and waiting for your shitty peasant wagon
Meanwhile I enjoy the perks of my bavarian 7 series beast while you plebs keep giving me those envy stares

I bet you think the electric carts at Walmart are for your fat ass too and not the handicapped.

>Meanwhile I enjoy the perks of my bavarian 7 series beast
Like really expensive maintenance and poor gas mileage? I love having my own private heated box to travel in, but I don't see why I'd want a fancy one. Any old Japanese econo-box will keep you out of the cold and away from the obnoxious people who sit next to you on transit.

Not every econo-box has heated seats.

nah they're good if you don't want to ride a bike

Look at this poorfag that gets stuck in traffic and can't even sleep through it.
The real wealthy use their personal helicopter, son.

I watch 'cute girls doing cute things' anime on my x220.
Sometimes I hear people laugh and talk shit behind me.

actually kys

lol I do the same. It's always so funny to see peasants waiting for their cuckbus


what do you hear them say?

>look at this fucking loser
>he thinks Lalatina is best girl

>but I'm being a good boy! sharing is caring!
>who cares about freedom, I'll only ever want to go to places where I can create capital for my employers anyway!
you're really not making a good argument for your not being a massive cuck

>doesn't own car
>must rely on public infrastructure or taxicabs and lyfts driven by serial killers
>can't just go wherever he likes on a whim
are you fucking kidding me? a car is rightly a symbol of freedom

fucking backwards ass commies


I wish we weren't so cager focused

work gave me audible subscription to listen in managerial books but instead i listen to hitler and stalin books
i have 2hr commute to work, can be done 30mins by car but im too lazy to drive.

>implying I don't own a car
>implying I only ever travel to work
>Implying I'm not taking a benefit

Something along the lines of "he's probably retarded" and something about my laptop and my mom buying me stuff, and I'm pretty sure they were talking about me, since they were looking at me before I turned my head and when I turned my head back to the front, they burst into laughter.
There were a couple of similar instances, although it's hard to make out anything besides the fact that they're staring when I turn back and laughing because I'm wearing headphones and I don't really care enough to mute the sound in order to hear what they're saying.

I'm too scared to listen to music because I'm constantly paranoid that it's somehow playing through the speakers.

Who the hell tips the bus driver?

I travel all the time by bus, headphones and some music usually do the trick.

Normies deserve to be killed

I spend more than an hour each day, technically I'm going from one town to the other. I'm just sleeping and listening to music.

>I'm too scared to listen to music because I'm constantly paranoid that it's somehow playing through the speakers.
are you me

I wish I could be as based as you.


Found the normalfag

Too afraid to show your power level to normies?

What anime where you watching?


I don't want everyone to hear my weeb music.

I'm not him but I would literally die of embarrassment if the stuff I usually listen to started coming through the speakers. I won't say what it is.

except 15 minute walk

walking to work is truly the master race

truly feel bad for anyone who thinks driving a car to work is the bastion of "freedom" lol


My commute each way takes AT LEAST 90 mins. Average >100 mins. And that consists of walking, train, train, bus, and more walking. So that means I can't even get too comfy settling down at any one mode of transport. Fuck your shit OP.

Any decent phone will stop playback when you pull headphones out, and simultaneous playback through headphones and speakers? That just doesn't happen.

I read, on my kindle most of the time

Right now or when that happened?
When that specific instance happened, I was watching Hibike Euphonium.
I was also watching Yuru Yuri and Sakura Quest recently on the bus (I have yet to finish Sakura Quest).

>What anime where you watching?
Don't know why I read it as
>What anime are you watching?

I know. My phone does that.
Still paranoid though.

Have you ever watched an ecchi/hentai on the bus?
Try watching ToLoveRu next, or something similar.

Yeha, my phone does that, it still doesn't stop me from being scared or worrying that it's able to be heard leaking from the ear phones

i beg you, please kill yourself

That would draw too much unwanted attention.
I'm not an exibitionist, I just want to watch the anime that I'm watching on the bus and not be bored.
I'd rather look a little weird than stare out the window for 2 and a half hours.

For those of you who have to or choose to take the bus as your primary form of transportation, more power to you. I can't stand public transport. I don't like people. I don't like the people-y things they do. I took the subway into NYC with some friends a while back and long story short got into an "altercation" with some poor, unfortunate, dark skinned inner city youth who seemed offended as to my choice of seating.

Plus I can nauseous when reading a tablet/phone/book while in a vehicle of any kind so all the extra time if sitting around is lost on me.

I can see it from both sides. Not having to be mindful of the road and dealing with other shit drivers and finding parking while on my Kobo or 3DS/Switch is pretty comfy. But driving a car is just so much fun. I drive pic related down the freeway to get to work and I save hours of time wasted if I'd been taking public transport. It's also great for weekends and after hours when public transport is scarce. Going for a midnight food run when I couldn't he bothered cooking is nice.

Chatting to strangers on public transport seems a bit... Weird. I seriously doubt the user that thinks he can chat up cuties on the train. If that goes wrong, you're fucked.

I meet women the usual way. Friends of friends at social gatherings. And wherever they are, I can go meet them. We can go pretty much anywhere for a date. I can give them a lift home and make out with them parked outside their house. I can adjust the seats and have sex with them in the back.

A car conveys a sense of independence that is fundamentally attractive in a man. But you can also bust moves that get women wet. Like putting your arm behind their head rest and palming the wheel while you're reversing out.

>got into an "altercation" with some poor, unfortunate, dark skinned inner city youth who seemed offended as to my choice of seating.
Not everyone lives in shit countries like you do.
This has literally never happened to me on either buses or trains.

A book
It's fairly recent technology, you might not have heard of it

Music/sleep careful not to miss stop..

If you can't usually you can think about a project you're working on and jot them down

>Plus I can nauseous when reading a tablet/phone/book while in a vehicle of any kind
this happens to me when I'm riding in a vehicle after not riding in any kind of vehicle for some extended period of time it fucking sucks

MacBook Air with Arch Linux.

Meh there are assholes everywhere in the world and you're naive if you think otherwise. Granted my altercation may have started because I refused to move after sitting in what the boon considered "his homie's seat". To rub salt into the wound, my friend drunkenly said the guy could always try to force me outta the seat. 3 drunken idiots and 4 slighted youths didn't take well.
Yes to the while independent thing. No to the rest. You sound like you're 16. No "man" fucks in the back of a car. Take that bitch to a hotel you cheap fuck. If you're driving a beamer, $150 for a holiday inn ain't shit.

I don't like driving. Spending two hours paying attention to my surroundings so some fucktard won't ram me in a traffic jam doesn't seem like a great time to me. I'm so waiting for self driving cars. Them there's the fact that there're no niggers in my country.

quite a few people do actually. just like you would tip the receptionist at your gym, it is common knowledge.

If your commute is longer than 30 minutes one way without traffic you need to move.

If you imply someone can do something so easy, then please wake up and live in the real world.

Listening to music while shitposting
>he doesn't have an unlimited data plan in 2017

>being a filthy bus rider

>implying busriding is not my hobby and I do it voluntarily

If you can't do that easily then you need to reevaluate your life because obviously you're doing something wrong.

>t. someone who has never tried to find an appartment in a big city in the current year

>without traffic
Lol. Completely irrelevant.

>living in an apartment

If you deal with traffic you have no right to complain about it. Get up earlier or quit being poor and use the express lanes on the tollway.

Where I live, city are making driving a nightmare on purpose to get rid of cars
>shit ton of traffic lights
>areas limited to 30km/h
>less parking spots
>expensive parking spot
It's a good thing imo
Plus buses are comfy

what the fuck are express lanes on a tollway ? do amerifats literally have to tip the tollbooth lady to be able to use the fast lane on the road ?


dont talk shit about bus rides dude, I met my first wife on a bus ride through new york.

What shit hole do you live in where you still have booths and not an automated toll system that snaps a picture of your license plate? You're charged for using the tollway and you're charged extra for using the express lanes. Not that hard.

You have multiple wives?