Every file is a text file

>Every file is a text file
Prove me wrong

bin files arent text files you brainlet

Every file is a text file if you're brave enough

Every file is a binary file, go learn how data works faggot

then why can I view them in vim?

Text files are still binary files.

What about memories? What kind of file is biological storage?

You probably can't, it's going to be all gibberish. Doesn't stop the editor from trying to decode the bytes

Biological storage is the data and the program simultaneously.

take the 4 building blocks of human dna and replace them with 00, 01, 10, and 11

boom, biology is literally just binary code

Never thought of it that way. Good insight!

Outside of being technically wrong, it's linguistically wrong as well. When people say "text file" they're referring to a specific kind of file that contains unformatted text.

And what is binary but text restricted to {0,1}^2?

>literally just binary code
>we still don't know what the consciousness is
>an insect is smarter than the smartest AI, simply for the fact it can navigate arbitrary space and objects with no training or conceptual knowledge of the beforehand, while a CPU is purely deterministic

t. believes in god

opening a file in a text editor != being a text file

is pedo-file a text file

>but limited to [ascii subset]
Wrong. A binary file isn't limited to producing certain characters at all.

What do you think pdf stands for?

I hate assembley

t. non sequitur

They're actually better represented by 3 bits where each bit represents a hydrogen bond donor or acceptor with an additional parity bit representing the "size" of the nucleobase, with each nucleobase "occupying" a corner on the unit cube such that they have Td symmetry. Such that they have a maximum hamming distance from each other for a 3 bit system.

some files are graphics files

vi /dev/urandom

>there are people that are flabbergasted that you can view binary files in a text editor