Do you use a tiling window manager on you're desktop too, user?

Do you use a tiling window manager on you're desktop too, user?

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Why would i do that on desktop unless it really old?

I use i3 on my laptop


Tilling is more sutable for laptop man.

Only make sense in servers.
For common desktop is useless.



You mean the much choices, using a text based web browser, or the font?

you've never used one for more than a minute so your opinion is irrelavant

that font is shite

Why the fuck aren't you simply running everything in screen or tmux?

>8 windows
>all terminals
Why? Just learn to use tmux

Because aesthetics. OP is nerdy.

OP is a faggot.

I used a Tiling WM one time in floating mode so I could make a screenshot that I post daily on Sup Forums. Why does nobody give me the attention it deserves?

You wish.

absoluty revolting musical taste

Yes, XFCE+QuickTile is super comfy and great for productivity

yeah my login manager lets me choose DE's (like most do)

Some times I use i3 when im doing stuff thats needs lots of windows

Black or White isn't bad to be fair
the rest is shit


How do you get a bar like that on i3?

that looks like a cool setup

No I use XFCE because I am not autistic enough for a tiling window manager.

Yes. Regular WMs look a lot better and the numale buzzword "comfy" might apply there but i'm too lazy to move windows.

>yo i put a shitty wm that breaks scrolling in your good wm with working scrolling so you can save ram by running fewer terminal emulators

Suckless get out

Uriel BTFO.

I think uriel would use dvtm+dtach which sucks even harder than tmux actually

Isn't hacking GUIs together in terminals more harmful than just using a simple GUI library anyways? That's what the plan 9 guys decided after looking over textbooks full of ways to interpret escape codes and giving xterm one sideways glance.

It was so much autistic and unnecessary work that he unironically killed himself. I'm not surprised.

In tmux's defense, it's great for using it on remote machines through SSH. Starting X is not always possible, and tmux enables you to use multiple terminals without it.

But yeah, if you are working on your local machine, then a twm is better in every way. Looks better, feels better and it's arguably much easier to use. Not to mention you can actually run programs that require a GUI.

Not him but you can try polybar. I've also heard about lemonbar but never tried it.

Take a moment to realize that there are people on Sup Forums who fullscreen urxvt and just run tmux inside it despite having a tiling window manager

I know nigga, please don't make me think about them.

its regular i3 bar with bumblebee status i use it as well.

you should change the font to something more eyefriendly and why the hell are people using textbrowsers? what kind of benefits do you have besides using a meme?

but at all, since i use i3 i never go back its my main wm even on my desktop PC

I do. I use awesome wm on my desktop. I find awesome's window control to be awesome and the keybinds are easy and intuitive.

>please don't make me think about them

How about you think about the people who launch X, open a terminal emulator, run emacs inside of that terminal emulator, and then do everything inside that instance of emacs?

There was a guy in the desktop thread that edited text using vim inside of emacs, because emacs was his IRC client, file browser, and music player

And then he wrote a script to post on Sup Forums from emacs, but it only worked for desktop threads

The memes are real

I'll check those out, thanks Anons.

Jesus Fucking Christ guys.

"I generally do not connect to web sites from my own machine, aside from a few sites I have some special relationship with. I usually fetch web pages from other sites by sending mail to a program (see that fetches them, much like wget, and then mails them back to me. Then I look at them using a web browser, unless it is easy to see the text in the HTML page directly. I usually try lynx first, then a graphical browser if the page needs it (using konqueror, which won't fetch from other sites in such a situation)."

thats just faggotry

agreed. he's using all those different programs when he could just use emacs in tmux.

laptop 4 work

>laptop 4 work

I don't care about this laptop as long as it works, I'm repairing my x220 but I'm really lazy
I was installing screenfetch while ago

>ppl getting butthurt over bait threads
>the actual state of Sup Forums

Remove those fucking titlebars.

Good ol' Stallman.

That's a damn good setup man.

>not using a twm in floating mode only

but which one should I use?