/hpg/ - Headphone General

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Headphone General? More like poorfag's burial!

what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?

Anime OP? More like someone's getting a bit dopey!

MA900? More like thank god they've stopped being funded!

Kek keep em coming mung

Why does the disgusting footfag always rush to make these threads?

So he can force his shitty taste on you.

Which Sup Forums approved headphones got the highest style to portability ratio?

what are some good noise cancelling headphones? going to asia in a few weeks and i think my zx770bns are shitting out.

Bose QC35

Silver MDR-1A for me.

my brother wants these headphones: in-ear razer hammerhead pro v2


are there better alternatives for the same price?

She's not even wearing the headphone. Cute, though

better than the sony 1000mx2?

Bose are unbeaten in active noise cancelling.

I don't know. I haven't used them, but I've read the Bose one has some of the best noise cancelling, if that's what you need them for specifically.

sony mdr-z7, although polarizing in sound, is one sexy motherfucking portable can

Sony's sound better and you see them out less so you don't feel like killing yourself as often when you see a disgusting normalfag wearing your headphones.

honestly for anyone in the market for over the ear headphones, i just bought a pair of ATH-M40X and they are fantastic. They are not too expensive, and the sound quality is great.

Poorly sealed MA900s

I have these, can attest to this, not very comfy though.

So this is the power of iems...

dipole, where are you? my buddy wants cheap bookshelf speakers with a high price to performance ratio while he waits on getting an end game setup. I need a recommendation

Micca MB42X

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

I have $400 to spend and I'm stuck between the Shure SR1540 and the OPPO PM-3 headphones. Between these two, which has the better sound?

I said cheap, not welfare

What kind of sound signature do you like? I'd say go for a used TH-X00 Ebony, though.

q acoustics 3020 if in europe, ascend acoustics cbm-170 if in the us

Sennheiser? More like that god damn headband has a stress riser!

best money i ever spent
feels good being right all the time


They're different.
PM3 is like MSR7+bass. Low end shelf lift into the lower midrange, then cuts off. Leakage may vary. Upper mid-lower treble dip, ~9-10kHz peak.
1540 has a flatter transition from mid to treble. It's more conventionally bass boosted, doesn't have the low midrange lift.
PM3 is small. 1540 is larger.

How cheap was cheap supposed to be?
You could just get the cheapo generic LSR305 to tide him over. Or the B2021 or whatever.

shp9500 is just a beater can to hold off upgradeitis for a little while before you spend big bux on an actual listening device

>you spend big bux on an actual listening device
ie speakers

Speaking of LSR305, they're still only $99 each for that dreadful red color.


you're not wrong

/hpg/ the place where you can't go for more than one post before the goal post is moved

I'm kinda tired of buying new earbuds, I use them a lot and jam them into my pockets and shit so every once in a while one sides goes out and then the other and I have to buy new ones. Are wireless/bluetooth earbuds any good?

look into buying an akg k1000

>actual listening device
pick one


headphones are an accessory to a real listening device, ie speaker system. they always have been and always will be.

Start hating on my pic related dynamics fags.

Planar magnetics are superior in literally every single way.

>buys chink-fi planars instead of good ones
your loss

nothing wrong with planar, dynamics can be great too

> implying I'm too cheap to own lcd-3

See pic related faggit.

that's the V1, right?

chink-fi + poo-fi, well done retard. can't wait for them to fall apart in a month

FYI, I prefer the hifiman over the lcd-3. By a lot.



is the O2 good enough to amp the HD650?

HiFiMan? More like never buy anything again from them, my China man!

upgrade to the auteur

it was designed with the power requirements of the hd600/650 in mind

So I got the Schiit stack. What music should I listen to right now?

that's a massive downgrade even to those trash headphones

More than enough. I would consider the 600 instead. It's superior in many ways despite the price difference.

I agree, build quality is subpar. You can scratch the costing off the metal yokes. But, damn it sounds amazing. Lcd-3 pre fazor sounds so suppressed.

Pic related.

Audeze? More like go drink some febreze!

have you ever heard the story of the fox and the grapes?

Forgot to include that comfort level is off the charts. My ears don't touch the rims of the pads and it's deep enough so I don't touch the surface of the driver either.

The headband suspends with a gap so your head never touches the metal. It's comfort nirvana. And I wear glasses too.

i'm sure you'll enjoy it to something better like the hd800

why do you like planar over dynamic?

because he thinks old technology is better

Is that still window screen? Related

I bet you prefer membrane over mechanical

Anyone ever use the Superlux HD668B?

Currently using PortaPros but I need circumaural headphones, the portapros are just too painful.

yeah topre switches are infinitely superior to your poorfag mechanical trash.


>tfw japanese estats are the best keyboards as well as headphones


no one thinks that

Forgot pic

Superlux? More like throwing away your bux!

(If you want comfy, SHP9500S)

I had those, they were a bit uncomfortable on my ears but I have a big head, otherwise they were pretty nice, came with 2 wires and the shorter one ended up breaking about 2-3 years in.

Those look good but I'm looking for sub $50 or maybe even sub $40

It kinda sucks. There are better options from Superlux that you could get instead, but I'd recommend getting either an HD558 or SHP9500S.


I had some superlux a few years ago that were pretty good and I was looking for some new headphones to buy I can use while deployed
>noise canceling
>$100~ budget
>comfortable to use

I had the Superlux HD668B before and I though they were decent but uncomfortable after a long use and the wire died on me eventually

tfw no IEM fags here

tfw your hd6xx just shipped

Superlux HD 681 (NOT the Evo) and these velour earpads


and EQ the treble spike (pic related)

Mine too!

now to play the waiting game... at least i still have time to choose an amp also.

Oppo PM-3. I bought them partly on their sexiness and the sound is top notch.


A shame the treble spike is there

I need to try the hd800. Ever since I tried planar magnetics, I never considered a dynamic ever again.

there's a reason why true summit-fi is just the hd800 and stax.

It's the one flaw of the 681. Not bad otherwise, and the velour pads might help with that

Oh, I guess I should also mention the shit earpads it comes with stock. But those velour ones on ebay are cheap and nice.

Oops, that link is actually pads for the 681 EVO. This is the correct one: ebay.com/itm/Velour-Velvet-Ear-Pads-Cushion-For-Superlux-HD-HMD-Series-Pro-Studio-Headphones/261643450065

what are these

looks like an audio technica ls50 soaked in cum

What are those

Sheepskin pads came in for ebonies. Pretty nice comfort improvement.

Looks super comfy.

I'll soak you in cum faggot

Campfire Audio Nova

Anyone have M1060s? Are they worth? Been having my eye on them for awhile. Z Reviews said they were the best headphones under $1k.

I ordered a pair of DT880's (250 ohm if it matters) a couple weeks ago and they sound great, and I'm thinking of buying an amp. Are they a meme? Currently thinking about an FX Audio DAC-X6

I daily them. I regret it and miss my 681's. 668B's a brighter, bassier, hazier and more uncomfortable than 681. Get the velour pads linked earlier and the're great for the price.
Nice meme.