The absolute state of Sup Forums right now

>the absolute state of Sup Forums right now


who are the chucklefucks that voted for that

yea they even post frogs

Can you draw on fireshit? I think not

>I need to be able to draw in my browser

>Internet Explorer

I haven't been able to vote, that site require non-free js.

Getting worked up about the internet browser that other people use lmao. God I hope I'm never this sad and depressed.

t. firefox babby

>my browser should lack features

>my browser should be bloated with unnecessary gimicky features


Why didn't anyone vote Iridium? I thought it was /ourbrowser/?

Smart frogposter. The only things that really matter for browsers are speed and security; everything else is insignificant by comparison.

Mfw 2 people voted for Edge

>no netrunner
It isn't fair

>mfw #1 isn't safari

Come on, Sup Forums. It's 2017. Get with the times already.

It's only good for mac.

Remember when Chrome had a bookmarks sidebar? Yeah, me neither. >inb4 excuses

bro edge is fire af don't hate on it just cuz you're a 46 year old NEET with 240 pounds of fupa and still waiting for your first kiss.

mfw when my backfat has reached a pullable length of >3inches.

Lets take a poll to find out how many people ignore polls.

Oh wait.

Opera is the best one on that list

listen here nigger there hasn't been a feature a browser has needed besides tabs, addons and bookmarks

it's pathetic that firefox doesn't have more support from Sup Forums

why? They're at the 58th version, it's bloated shit and I still can't change their retarded keybindings, why would anyone support that crap?

You really think so?
I find it extremely unrealistic that 39% of Sup Forums uses Firefox.

39% of the fuckwits that decided a poll would be fun thought Firefox was the best.

If anything the skew towards Firefox proves that people that prefer Firefox are just braindead poll takers.

I don't know what's more pathetic, that Firefox topped the poll or that Chrome beat Chromium.


Even then, not really

That Chrome beat Chromium. The other's a good thing.

yes, with an extension.

opera is the best tbqh


Fuck off Soros shill.

epik maymay

honestly i havent used fire fox for years, i was using vivaldi hours ago, i came back to ff and its not that bad, i have the quantam beta installed and its even better then ff itself, besides the soros shit its not half bad. I get good fast speed even with 2mbs upstairs.

>not using waterfox
it's literally the best browser there is
>stable wersion of firefox
>no SJW cock up your ass
>no tracking/telemetry
>no botnet
>all the customizability and extension of regular firefox
>free as in freedom

the new update lags the fuck out of my computer, where its not even usable anymore. I used to love water fox.

the UI of Vivaldi is really good, if it was faster it would be my favourite browser

whwre my internet explorer nigas at

>chrome ranked that high
this place is doomed

>all these vhrome users

Piss off

W-what's wrong with Firefox?!

Bretty much this

There's nothing wrong with this. You should only consider using the top five or so browsers because they're the only ones with enough active developers to respond quickly to zero-days. If you use a special-snowflake fork of a popular browser, you have exactly the same vulns as the browser it was forked from, but the developers will take some time to merge the fix from upstream, which means you will have a larger window of vulnerability.

Out of the popular browsers, Firefox is the only one that gives a hot wet shit about user privacy, free software and open interoperable standards. Firefox has its flaws, but Mozilla is leaps and bounds ahead of the other vendors, who care about their advertising businesses, operating system monopolies and patent pools more than they care about their users.

>people using Vivaldi and Brave over Chrome/Iridium
>people using Chromium over Iridium
>people using IE and Edge
The fuck is wrong with Sup Forums

The firefox haters are literally 2 people making anti-firefox threads and a few Sup Forumstards jumping the bandwagon because "muh SJW boogeyman"


>Google responding to zerodays
There was a browser vulnerability found/published by wikileaks a few months ago and only Mozilla responded that they've fixed it.

Telemetry and SJWs
The telemetry can be turned off easily but shouldn't be on to begin with, and the SJWs could ruin it down the road. For now Nightly is great.

I switched to Firefox 57 recently, since it has almost everything good that chrome has, but less botnet.

Firefox for around 5 years before 57 was shit.

SJWs are 100x better than google corporate dick so I'll stay with firefox

Only because Google's corporate dick is also SJWs.

Firefox Nightly is fucking good, there is a ton of people on Sup Forums than unironically use it.

i said it was good stupid ohayou poster

>thinking browsers are the reason Sup Forums is pathetic
iFags are running this board to the ground. I remember the days when everyone was a GNU zealot that hated corporations, and now every other fucking thread is full of iWhores who literally worship a fucking corporation, spout shit like "os x is the best unix", drool over shitty overrated and uncomfortable products. They are literally worse than Sup Forumsedittors. I know at least half of them are trolls baiting android faggots but still you know a lot of them actually mean what they say. I wouldn't be surprised if one day the sticky will be changed with a picture of Steve Jobs.

Wrong image. Fixed

>windows 10 user crying about the quality of Sup Forums
Now I've heard it all.

What about Firefox Quantum?

Isn't Quantum Firefox version 57?
Nightly 57 was way faster than FF 55 and 56, so I assume Quantum is at least as fast as the old Nightly.

curious about this one too, is quantum ff 57 or something completly new?

quantum is ff57, they just changed the name

Wooow you are such a haxxor for looking up the deleted image! However I am a Xubunth user, and you should hang yourself because I took the image from google. You can reverse search it if you are a haxxor enough. Fucking cunt

How is Chrome number 2 when it is PROPRIETARY software!? Disgusting! Owned by GOOGLE no less! Barf!

Go to the Pale Moon thread, they'll tell you all about it. >

This. Vivaldi is basically a retarded alternative to Opera but has the future potential to replace Opera.

Yup, Sup Forums was always full of liars.

>only 14 people voted for best browser
Well, these really are dark times.

>proprietary shit by a hipster startup

Firefox being in the first place isn't really worrying, because let's be honest here, stock Firefox is the best browser in that list. I'm mostly worried about Chrome ranking second.

Why is everything red? Shouldn't the bars be color-coded?

Why is there even an mpv general? Why do people care so much about a single piece of software used to watch media? Seriously, who gives a fuck, just install whatever works for you and use it, no need to have a thread to fucking talk about it every single day. I don't get it. Fucking autists.

There is nothing wrong with firefox. I'd rather take SJW developers than SJW Devs + literal botnet (chrome)

I was using Firefox, until it randomly started spiking in memory after prolonged use, and the scroll speed slowing down for no reason?
So now I use Google Botnet.

seems about right.
What's your point?

Nobody cares about your gay ass, js bloated strawpoll results

Yup, as long as the browser has an API that plugins can use to implement any features it's fine

>Despite Google's constant shilling efforts, Firefox remains the browser of choice for users who aren't technologically inept
What a surprise.

> 20% Chrome
Not even surprised anymore on a board that actively shills for Microsoft and thinks Discord is "a better IRC".

>Jewgle chrome > chromium
Jesus christ.

>opera and vivaldi getting any votes at all

That is not a browser.

Chrome should be at the bottom, retarded proprietary botnet bloatware ram-guzzling piece of shit.

Might be something with the news that chrome will soon come with a built-in virus-scanner(windows only) that gives google excuse for going through your all your files.

One of my friends tried it last night, it was insanely fast, though it came with it's own issues like not being able to play webms or something

Firefox is the new hot shit. Sup Forums simply hasn't caught on yet.

Just delete your old extensions and use the Compact Theme, you will see.

It has liberal developers and funding which triggers the newfag Sup Forumstards.

Kek, nice.
I voted FIrefox even when I haven't used it for years and use Chrome right now (yes Chrome, not Chromium).

Opera is handy for the built in vpn to search for torrents. Don't think it's a problem in the states but here in the UK you have to use proxies to access torrent sites.
Also, it's a good idea to spread the load over at least 2 browsers, that's my tactic anyway.
Chromium for 4 chan and youtubes. Firefox for random stuff. Opera for torrent searches.