He just looks dead inside for the last couple of months.
Is his hatred for Donald Trump eating him inside? He did call Donald an asshole during their "Aweseome Hardware" livestreams a couple of weeks ago.
His new videos have no soul. He used to smile and make jokes. Now, it's just a dead stare into the camera and his voice is monotone.
What happened Sup Forums?
Jayden Martin
The adpocalypse? Shit, he even signed on to LTT's new video platform. He needs more money than he's currently getting, for whatever reason.
Also, he's an actual person with a life outside his YouTube channel, literally anything could be stressing him out
>"IS IT BECAUSE TRUMP-" fucking kys twice you memelord faggot
Jeremiah Morales
buddy's just getting excited for christmas
Chase Wilson
maybe his wife cheated on him ...
that or he's just bored losing his enthusiasm as shit gets lame and revenue dosh less and less
what is he anyway? beaner or ricer?
Kayden White
Isaac Cooper
t. butthurt libbie
Ryder Nelson
Being part of the most powerful race in the world must be so depressing.
Adrian Howard
Paul fucked his wife (again).
Also NZXT is in receivership so he has to look for a new job.
Samuel Diaz
Any videos of his wife that I can jerk off with?
Xavier Hill
He's a fucking manlet, he wife is uggo, he cant pay his bills with his shilling videos, etc
Quality of videos have dropped a lot in the past year. Jay too. They look like men who are tired of what they are doing and are just going through the motions.
Paul seems like a sleazy fucker, wouldn't surprise me.
Juan Nelson
What's so bad about Paul?
Nathaniel Torres
Go away Paul, you scummy carsales man
Andrew Bennett
Fractal Josh fucked Heather on the boat when BitWit and Austin Evans were building the computer in the boat's basement
Leo Nelson
he has dogs
people with dogs are disgusting
they let their dogs with their shitty paws jump on the couch but when I do it as a gues in their house, they get buttmad because I didn't take my shoes off
Jaxson Long
He really does give off that vibe huh? Used to work at New Egg probably shilling for commission
Mason Allen
>he wife is uggo
get glasses fucko
Bentley Miller
The voice ruins it though.
Benjamin White
Shes basic and will age horribly. Kyle made a massive mistake he should have gotten himself a cute little twink instead of that uggo with a nasty voice
Nathan Watson
I can see a qt
Elijah Smith
Linus did that and look at him now. You are right user
Ayden Turner
Thats a textbook 6. Probably a lesbian. I've seen her thong through her yoga pants, if you're reading this Kyle buddy, very cute.
Luis Rodriguez
>maybe his wife cheated on him ...
fucking this
Michael Jackson
>Quality of videos have dropped a lot in the past year. Jay too. They look like men who are tired of what they are doing and are just going through the motions.
Maybe. In Jay's case it seems like the drop in quality is because he finally "made it" as a youtube shill and how he has all the free shit he could dream of. Same thing happened to Linus where he focuses more on the production quality.
Benjamin Wright
I 100% agree with you even if you are an arab Muslim.
Jonathan Wilson
Watching the video where he roadtrips to PDX with Jay and his slave, I cannot understand how this guy became VP of Fractal Design.
Jaxson Allen
>falling for the boipucci meme
Logan Wilson
So how many times has she cheated on him? pics?
Josiah Torres
all of you
Jackson Allen
I don't even know what made this guy semi-famous
His videos are shit compared to everyone else
Linus pioneered the Jewtube unboxings and shilling he learned from NCIX Jay was a custom water loop memelord until lately he's just a disgusting vlogger Paul was a Newegg shill who went independent Gamers Nexus and Hardware Unboxed are benchmark memelords AdoredTV is an AMD mouthpiece HardwareCanucks are case/peripheral memelords until Linus copied them
Aaron Turner
He was at Newegg too, wasn't he?
Bentley Long
Adored's Intel+radeon mcm analysis when?
Thomas Cooper
all i know is that he's a moron and his channel sucks and he's only outdone in stupidity and sucky youtube channeldom by that science studio faggot
Jordan Robinson
Hey, don't bad mouth my boy Greg.
Ryan Reed
jayz father died recently ... that said i don't care - don't watch the guy too boring of a tech monkey
Kevin Richardson
Trump curse. He is fucked.
Aiden Wright
made laugh, thanks for sharing .i.
Jeremiah Brown
This gave me a semi.
Ryder Fisher
Bitwit confirmed for lurking Sup Forums
Jeremiah Wilson
Hahahaha if it is because the president then that is hilarious. Anyone who thinks the president has any actually impact on their day to day life is a fucking retard.
Jaxon Brooks
atleast Steve from GaymersNexus talks to the manufacturers and does research by talking with the computer component manufactuers off the record
Jayden King
You are a retard for not knowing how economy and government works
Aiden Johnson
Maybe because he's a fucking nigger pajeet and he realized that he'll never be white?
Austin Adams
>Nigger pajeet lmao this board is only for adults kiddo
James Morales
Gamers Nexus is the only channel worth watching. His reviews are always honest and he shits on all brands/manufacturers when they don't deliver on what they promise. And is straightforward about stuff like the 1070ti being just a strategic move to compete with Vega 56 and not some great gift from Nvidia like others act like.
Adored TV is fun to watch because I love his conspiracy videos, like watching Tech Alex Jones in scottish accent.
Brayden Stewart
Yeah, Donald Trump is the reason your life is shit. Okay, kiddo.
Zachary Gray
>implying Trump is the reason why you are a basement dwelling dweeb
Maybe you should focus that anger on solving the problems plaguing your life instead of shifting it to someone else.
Christopher Hernandez
His old videos used to be genuinely funny, I watched for his personality rather than the content being better than any other channels.
Connor Baker
He used to browse here.
Then he learned we're just as much Trumps Sup Forumsestappo as der Sup Forumsice.
Poor lad got broken like a work mule. He now browses /pcmasterrace/ because he isn't even competent enough to lurk in /linux/
Chase Harris
He always seemed like a soulless husk to me...
Aaron Stewart
I don't know who any of these stupid people are but being anti-Trump will make you miserable. Embrace Trump, enjoy America being made great again. Even if you're a nothing, nobody on YouTube with a plain wife that stuffs her porky face with french fries and other guys dicks.
Luis Edwards
He joined LTTs Floatplane Club....
Nathan Johnson
Can someone please explain why someone on Sup Forums would be pro-Trump? Without memes? He's generally been anti-privacy and encryption, his internet policies have been pretty bad, and he's expanded the powers of the NSA, same as Obama. He's pretty much the antithesis of Sup Forums and Stallman.
Zachary Martinez
Its not about trump necessarily but most people here are pretty right wing and even if trump is shitty for technology nobody else is any better, so its something thats sort of looked past to see the bigger picture
Jaxson Hall
Hillary was a worse choice?
Jonathan Kelly
he's legit trash and a trust fund babby who pretends to be middle class
Ryan Murphy
Some of us don't give a fuck about "muh nonfree software", don't suck Stallman's dick, and are not fat.
Adam Hughes
Jayz honestly doesn't seem to be that good at computers despite being known for overclocking and custom loops. I'm guessing he just reads and follows directions for everything because he has no problem solving skills. He breaks shit all the time, and whenever there's bugs or quirks with hardware or BIOS he has no idea what to do. Just compare it to Gamers Nexus, I don't really like steve's personality but it seems like he's fairly quick at solving hardware issues. In the undervolting Vega livestream and later videos, he and actually hardcore overclocking figured out all the quirks of Vega and Wattman pretty quickly. I just can't imagine Jayz fighting with Wattman and the day 1 Vega drivers to try and optimize it. He couldn't even figure out how to properly overclock memory on Ryzen even months after launch.