I'm using chrome, but I'd like to become more private. Which browser should i use?

I'm using chrome, but I'd like to become more private. Which browser should i use?

Dont use any

What OS?

iridium would be the easiest switch, but don't be an idiot and don't log it in to your google account

Windows 7


Don't bother, then. You have more to worry about than just your browser.


Microsoft collects your data.

shit, that's spooky

Pale Moon, no contest.

Yeah, you'd be better of with a systemd-less GNU/Linux distro.

I would say Firefox, but that shit is stupid, bugged and slower than the rest of browser. Stick with Brave or Iridium, maybe consider Pale Moon.

Firefox Quantum is the only answer here.

Anything else is literally botnet.


Build your own
Or use a CLI to fetch webpages

Install Vivaldi.

Waterfox , that's all you need , really

-Normie tier
Any not chromium based browser.

-Edgy tier
That + a de-botneted OS (for instance windows + spybot antibeacon or a non-systemd linux distro)

-Full autistic tier
100% Freedom respecting hardware and software (for instance a memepad T400 with libreboot + trisquel)


systemd MAY have backdoors due to bugs in the code.
Windows with spybot might be edgy, but it is not as private as a gnu/linux system with systemd.

install gentoo

Ungoogled Chromium