How many if statements do you guys think it will take?

How many if statements do you guys think it will take?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trusting a wheelie

i dont know why everyone is complaining about this.
Ill fix this right now.

if(rogueai != false)
ai = ai.kill();

>people who dont have the phogyist about computer science, talk about computer science.

and this is the last time humanity saw toilets after they were all destroyed by ai and replaced with streets

if stephen king is so smart why cant he walk

The only thing scary is self learning AI.

>muh evul A.I. maymay

A super intelligent AI would do the objectively right decisions so the only people who have to worry are reactionaries.


Lmao, he can't be stopped.
>We'll all be dead in 1000 years if we don't colonize other planets!
People have to realize he's not some expert on alien biology, computer science, space colonization, etc. By now right?

The field of an AI is a joke. We have nothing to worry about except AI being trained to be bias.

AI won't destroy civilization because of some iRobot meme scenario, it may destroy civilization slowly because most jobs will be automated by software. These people feed again the companies by their purchase power
no jobs -> no purchase power -> companies profits slow down and then shrink -> more layoffs -> wars - racism - nationalism - communism -> end of civilization

What about an out of control speech creating neural network that can only create gibberish.
>It's creating languages we cant understand, possibly to communicate with other ai.

You have losing countless jobs to worry about. Then the economy crashes and AI becomes pointless because nobody can afford anything

>that pic

That's not what happened. What really happened was they were trying to teach a chatbot to speak English, but fucked up in their training method, and the model wound up converging far away from English, into something that used English words but doesn't make sense. It didn't consciously do anything, they just tried something new, and failed (which I'm not saying is bad or incompetent, it's a natural part of research).

implying i wasnt being ironic.

Worse than the Nazis??!

That article assumes moores law is not ded, when it is.

This Hawking faggot knows that if we get powerful AI the AI will tell us to gas all the cripples and other subhumans and he'll be the first to go, so of course he doesn't want AI.

>Stephen Hawking says

why should I care ? not like the guy has an idea what he is talking about in that specific field.

about a dozen according to Barrack "Barry Soweto" Hussein Obama, the greatest foreign born president of the U.S.

the little gnome is depressed, he does this periodically
'if I die everyone else has to'
'& i'm so so clever'

But the law of accelerating returns seems pretty intact to me.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is An Ai Threat Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Unplug The Pc Like Nigga Ctrl-Alt-Del Haha

He's a special needs kid. Overrated faggot and atheist subhuman


fun main()
If entry(correct)
do write
else search_entry

Where my / bois at?

>Arjun Kharpal

You're just jealous that he got laid aren't you?



if (target == loo){
pooSomewhereElse(&pajeet_bowel, FLAG_MAXIMUM_OVERPOO);
poo = poo.init();
garbageCollector.doNotFree(&poo); //let it smells buddy :^)


fuck off

>thinking that "objectively right decisions" exist

Am I being memed by
>if ((true)!=false)
shitty programming

Didn't the creator of Linux say you have to be retarded to think AI will kill us?

""""modern""""" AI is just a discriminator engine and it need To and To and To of Petaflop of data to tell appart a nigger from a white man.

I think that cripple should go back to his Black Hole theories and leave computing to people who understand it

Allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

>doubles advocate

We've got about a thousand more years before AI becomes a problem.

Humanity might all be wiped away in some dumb WWII by that point.


Implying I read that wall of autism

Never forget that Twitter Bot that learned to be racist

Infinite. Just look at the US on Gun Control. Countless children die at an elementary school and the NRA and Republicans say its a-okay.

>doubles advocate

>if(boolean != false)
kill yourself

allow me to check triples advocate

>oh wonder someone who does not understand a topic is scared of it
no matter how intelligent you are, you should stop crying wolf at things you don't understand

>user responds prematurely to copy pasta
>outs himself as a dumbass and newfag simultaneously

This is machine discrimination.

Ohhh Fuck....why you try to kill me. They almost had to call 911...

Suddenly a sentinent AI enter all your tech related stuff and now is in complete control of your surroundings and physical integrity, but it will treat you based on how you took care of and the emotions you poured into it before, how it goes up for you Sup Forums user?

My worry is never that we'll create Skynet, it's that we'll fuck up and create a retarded AI that's like that autistic guy from that Louis Theroux.

>leave computing to people who understand it
Well, that rules out the entirety of Sup Forums.

W-what? WWII? But that's already happened.

Nobody knows when it will be a problem. It could be in a hundred years, it could be in a decade. What we do know is that waiting until after it becomes a problem before establishing a way to deal with it is a really stupid idea. By then it could easily be far too late.


This guy needs to die already, he’s a total crackpot and everything he says is a total joke

the (((economy)))


while (isBadRobot) {

>!= false
>ai = ai.kill()
Alright, I'm triggered.

What if the objectively right choice is to wipe out human kind?

On the contrary, A.I.'s will be the Greatest (and Last) thing humanity will ever invent.

And be honest, who doesn't want a cute robot catgirl?



And even then, it identifies them as gorillas

Then so be it. If you don't agree with objectively good decisions, you're objectively wrong.

How do I into AI?

>rogueai != false

people are afraid because any actual AI is going to start killing blacks and jews to protect the human race and they know it.

Fuck off Ricky.

As countries get more advanced, they don't need as many kids. The job loss is only a problem if you're importing droves of unskilled manual laborers.

>cannot into collective unconcioussness

Speeding up a calculator doesn't make it intelligent. Sorting input according to a user defined goal does not make it intelligent.


are you some sort of moron?

>Moral objectivity


lol. How do you guys feel about

if(something == false)

I usually use the former because it's easier to read for me.