The iPhone X is the most innovative and high performance Smartphone display that we have ever tested

>The iPhone X is the most innovative and high performance Smartphone display that we have ever tested.

>But what makes the iPhone X the Best Smartphone Display is the impressive Precision Display Calibration that Apple developed that transforms the OLED hardware into a superbly accurate, high performance, and gorgeous display!!

Most innovative.
Highest performance.
iPhone X.

Why are you fags still buying shitdroids?

Other urls found in this thread: Pro revolution/type/op/'ve used android and windows since/type/op/

Could you start the OP with a few newlines next time? Notch in the way. Thanks!

Just a fucking OLED Screen
jesus christ

I work at a computer repair shop where we also repair smartphones. the iPhone X is BUILT THE EXACT SAME WAY USING THE EXACT SAME PARTS AS THE iPHONE 7. The ONLY thing different about it from the 7 is it's price.


/n ewfags


Droidfags burnt by inferior Google hardware again.

>use worst display mode setting on note 8
why do apple fanboys do this

Aren't you supposed to be working Ahmet? Isn't it office hours in the UK now?

>objective proof iPhoNe X has the best screen in smartphone history
>androidfags still in denial

Stay pleb.

Left looks like somebody put a mario sticker on the back of a phone.

that's what I thought
that OLED is trippy

Nigga im happy with my lumia925 using comfiested WP8.1

Theres literally an option to fill the whole screen on galaxies.

Hi +447507376675

You might need to return your phone if that’s the case. Pic related. Mine looks fine.

What's that cutout thing at the top for? Kind of distracting

nice ads applefag

how are the 5 bezels working for you?

Different light.

OLED is popular because normies like the over-saturated colours. Making it conform to sRGB will just make them think their display lacks brightness or something equally retarded. God OLED is so wasted on phones. I just want a decent 1080p OLED monitor already.

>Precision Display Calibration
Literally just factory calibration with a fancy marketing name.

Pretty good.

Pic related.


>>But what makes the iPhone X the Best Smartphone Display is the impressive Precision Display Calibration that Apple developed that transforms the OLED hardware into a superbly accurate, high performance, and gorgeous display!!
made by samsung.

I know this is a bait thread but love or hate Samsung they have the best displays on their flagships

What phone is that to the right, and specs? It looks real nice.

Objectively false.


can't you block those ads? :^)

>contrast ratio (infinite)
paid review confirmed

Nah. The Note 8 has a much higher pixel density, brighter screen (1200 nits), and is larger. Iphone X does support Dolby Vision though which I'll give it.

Wrong again.

iPhone X
Measured Full Brightness -100% Full Screen White
Brightness 634 cd/m2

Note 8
Measured Full Brightness -100% Full Screen White
Brightness 423 cd/m2
Very Good


>using the smiley with a carat nose

Do you ever get tired of being banned iToddler? Pro revolution/type/op/'ve used android and windows since/type/op/

Every time I've seen that headline today I've misread it as "secret tax butthole". I'm okay with this.

Does Google just pay you or the mods as well?

How many times have you had to reset your router to dodge your bans today iToddler?

That's what it should look like. Not sure if the Note 8's display looks like it does on the right when straight out of the box.


>giant software upper bezel with the size of notch + navbar
You bought an iPhone X just to troll on Sup Forums. I'm impressed!

Would be nice if Samsung Mobile cared this much about their devices.

Hahahah nice fake news :')

Get the Pixel 2XL bro.

No thanks I just got the iPhone X

Some clueless reviewers have been pining for 4K 3840x2160 Smartphones, which would require more than triple the pixels, memory, and processing power of the 2436x1125 display on the iPhone X, but there would be no visual benefit for humans! As a result, it is absolutely pointless to further increase the display resolution and pixels per inch (ppi) for a marketing wild goose chase into the stratosphere, with no visual benefit for humans!

I can see more flagships adopting 4k screens in the next couple years which is sad because battery life isn't improving nearly as fast to compensate for improved yet very demanding displays.

The iPhone X is the greatest smartphone ever made.

>shit phone on the right can't even the color red

Is the etch-a-sketch going to be the best phone of 2017?

>Portable 6.25 x 4.5 inch screen, 4:3 flawless ratio
>Recommended Age Range 3 and Up so little kids don't fuck with your drawing
>best-known toy of a generation and remains popular today, tried and true design
>No batteries
>Packaging may vary: White, Yellow and Blue or Red
>People on Sup Forums who write out marketing materials for it in greentext form
Your move, Sup Forumsoyim.

Reminder to report OP for flooding Sup Forums with 20 of these threads every day.

t. dude who resets his router after being banned for shitposting like a literally child would

Banned for posting a scientific, objective review of the iPhone X’s OLED display?

Note 8 BTFO.

I like my headphone jack.

The ones I looked at when at best buy looked a lot better than in that pic.

My old-ass LG G3 can still do more useful shit than that though.

Your lagdroid?

Are you too retarded to understand what I wrote so you have to clarify? Yes. My "lag" droid.

I own an X and love it but the Samshit can be calibrated in like a few seconds.

>contrast ratio (infinite)
Jesus Christ, why I'm wasting my time with this?

How the fuck do Samsung users cope with that god awful fucking bend screen catching glare with any lighting around? Curves display panels are absolute cancer.


thats an LG phone u mong

You can, OP's just an idiot for not finding the method. No jailbreak needed. Safari literally supports it natively.

like what ?

Shut up idiot Samsung is way better fuck u fuck fuck u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>curved screens

They’re the only ones doing it so they fulfill the niche of MKBHD fanboys.

like copying files from and to it without having to install and use the most cancerous piece of software in existence or using it's built-in IR emitter to control everything in my house or multitasking (I regularly listen to audiobooks on youtube whilst doing other shit for instance) or buying a bunch of other shit for the money I didn't spend on it (I bought it last year for ~200 eur new, 32gb/3gb ram, 64gb sd card and two chargers included, was a breddy gud deal)

what do you do with your iphone apart from shoving it everyone's faces and your wide gaping asshole?

I admired the stronger red color for a few seconds before realizing I'm looking through a nexus 5x.
Literally less than half the price of the iPhone X

Pick one you dumb cuck

honestly, apple really does do a good job with their displays.

the only way I can do better is with a Dell Ultrasharp. none of my other mobile devices, even with color calibration and proper color management can't even match my old Macbook 11,1

it's pretty fucking bullshit desu. chinks need to source better panels (or at least have proper EDIDs with non-zany gamma curves) for their shitty laptops and phones.

You seem unprofessional

>not having the best screen in smartphone history
>not having the fastest processor in smartphone history
>not having the most innovative and first bezelless phone


I see you haven't taken one apart. I suggest having a look at iFixit's teardown before shitposting.

In terms of OP's pic, the Note has several color modes available that they could be using, one of them (AMOLED photo) is very close to the Adobe RGB color space and not over saturated.
Displaymate test these modes in their reviews but it is clear most video reviewers leave it on default (adaptive or cinema) which means you get much more saturated colors.

Now, I'm not saying that the Note8 has a better display than the iPhoneX. In terms of the displays themselves they are probably close to identical, the difference is likely just in the software Apple is using to automatically adjust the white balance.

>different screen
>different camera
>different battery
>different motherboard


The link tested various galaxy note 8 settings, not just one

I believe I said that.

Samsung made the screen, it's Samsung beating Samsung.

I'll always choose android as I much prefere the os I had a 3gs back when it came out once it was jail broken and loaded up with cydia addons I loved the device. I don't see the point in people shitting on either android or Iphones since its just up to what people prefere.

>the screen is made by Samsung
also I imagine snapdragon can make chips just as powerful but there's no point in stepping it up when there's no competition but now there is. its like Intel barely improving their CPUs because they've had no competition

Razer has the better display imo

Qualcomm is already making chips around as powerful as the A11, it's just that they don't get fully utilized under Geekbench (and other benchmarks) because Android usually won't load the efficient cores for performance tasks whereas iOS is with the A11 (because the A10 can't).

If you make a few assumptions based on the previous scaling of scores to core utilization the result is that the performance cores of the 835 get a similar score to the performance cores of the A11. The unknown question then remains in what score would the efficient cores get, and would that match the 3000 points the A11 is getting from them.

>iphone climbs on top of geekbench
S-synthetic benchmarks don't mean anything!!

>iphone gets top score on dxomark
They paid them!!

>displaymate claims iphone x has the best display

>posts a screenshot with no notch visible

wow you sure showed him

People have been shitting on DxOMark for a long time, even when Android was getting top scores.
People have been shitting on Displaymate for a long time as well, see their reviews of the iPhone 7 and the comparative "blacks" between its display and an AMOLED.

Geekbench is also shit. The more I look into it the less legitimate its results appear. If you doubt me then just get an app that shows you CPU utilization in real time while you do the benchmarks.
If you are on iOS, good luck with that.

Same shit. Different hardware.

Children will always recommend useless toys to people it seems

What about a JavaScript browser benchmark?

How does displaymate rate OLED displays as best when it's a know fact they suffer from red tint and hue shift as well as burn in. It's also extremely hard to find an OLED that has a perfect white balance. Is the whole world blind

The iPhone X has perfect white balance.

i work at phone repair inside walmart.
same exact process for iphone 7 and iphone 8, they even look the same

Why are you shilling lies?

>perfect white balance.

What's that even supposed to mean?
The correct white balance depends on the ambient lighting.

HI I have also never owned or held an iPhone but can say that it has perfect white balance. As, only whites can afford it.

It adjusts due to the light in the room.

Because LCDs are worse in almost everything you can imagine. Being better on things unrelated to image quality isn't going to make them better displays in an image quality test.

Samsung builds the screens for Apple

The note 8 can only achieve full brightness when it's also facing a lot of light. Putting the brightness slider at 100% doesn't make it go to 100%.

Jesus fuck, user. even a staunch Applefag like myself thinks that's horrible.

You do realize that Samsung produces displays for Iphone because Iphone doesn't have the technology to produce that number of screens