Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it

Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it.

Other urls found in this thread: Pro revolution/type/op/'ve used android and windows since/type/op/


I bought a dell xps 15 instead

I could afford several.
I have a MBP already, so no thanks, enjoy your desktop shit.

if it was still PowerPC I'd say yeah but it's just a dell in a fancy case.

I honestly wouldn't. The hardware is stupidly expensive. The OS is the worst parts of both Windows and Linux. Apple is form over functionality incarnate.

Is this a bait or something?

>Mac is overpriced

a 27" 5k iMac costs $1799

lets say you wanted to instead build an equivalent PC:

A good 4k monitor will set you back $600 dollars, and you're still getting 4k instead of 5k (3840 x 2160 vs 5120 x 2880)

Using this build: ($1150)

And replacing the SSD with a 60$ HDD bumped up to $80 for the fusion, halving the RAM cost, and replacing the graphics card with the equivalent radeon pro 570, adding a 40$ network card brings us to $879 for a comparable computer.

Keyboard and mouse, $40 (assuming we're being pretty cheap).

Cable, 5$ (again assuming we're being pretty cheap.

Windows: free/pirated

Total: $1524

That's a difference of $275 dollars, but for that you're getting...

-5k resolution instead of 4k
-An all in one instead of tower + lots of cables
-MacOS + the ability to dual boot Windows or Linux, vs pirated windows and no Mac opportunity
-Warranty + support
-Computer already built for you, vs having to build it yourself

When you consider all that, the Mac suddenly doesn't look so overpriced.

-Too bad the iMac will throttle like hell
-I don't think 5k has any benefits over 4k in $CURRENT_YEAR
>he thinks I would touch Windows
-A PC would have more long-term upgrading cababilities
-Building PCs is intresting

Okay, I must admit they just werk and are aesthetic but Im not willing to sacrifice function to form.

>Too bad the iMac will throttle like hell
It doesn’t throttle in normal use. It only throttles when you stress test it.

>I don’t think 5k has any benefits over 4K

You don’t think having 33% higher resolution makes a difference in a 27” monitor?

It’s just better.

>A PC would have more long-term upgrading capabilities

That’s true.

But altogether, the iMac offers pretty good value for money.

t. Former PC user who was looking at options for upgrading to 4K. I realized that actually the 27” iMac is the best option.

tfw you own one already

btw the computer is garbage, and i hate it. but love it

Nope i hate everything from Apple after using only Apple products for 10 years

The value is not bad for the day of purchase, but the total lack of any upgrade path means it'll be a shitty paperweight in 5 years time.
At work we have 2013 iMac's and it such a shame because they have nice processors but the hard drives are 5200rpm pieces of shit.
iMac's are only good till something new like ssds come along and then you're fucked.

Its not supposed to throttle when you stress it, dipshit... Thats shit thermal design.

it's either bait or a no-shit shill. he makes this same fucking thread every fucking day, probably every hour. i have a god damn mac and this shit still pisses me off. fuck these gay ass threads.

>shitty paperweight in 5 years time.
Used 2012 iMacs sell for 500$ on eBay.

Based iMac.

I would buy one of these.and thereafter I install an OS that can run on it. An actual OS. Not clicky blinky teletubbie mac"OS"

If I could afford it I'd buy something better. Oh wait, I did.

Nope, thing is a laptop glued to the back of a screen. I require an actual non laptop gpu and don't want to buy an entire new PC just to upgrade the gpu. Also why the trashcan Mac is a failure.

Do you ever get tired of being banned iToddler? Pro revolution/type/op/'ve used android and windows since/type/op/

Did you forget how to use pc part picker just for this post?

The birth of a new shit pasta