Apple kills

I once read in Jobs’s biography a story about how he inspired an engineer to reduce the boot time of some Apple copmputer saying that the total time saved by people using the computer can be equated to lives saved,
Later I realised that Jobs was lying. Look at all the stupid, annoying and distracting animations present in iOS and Mac OS. The seconds and milliseconds you waste watching stuff move across the screen adds up. By Jobs’s very own logic, Apple kills.
For those who have had the misfortune of having to use an Apple product, how many seconds, minutes, or hours of your life has Apple taken from you? For those who work at a company that uses Apple products, how many man hours of productivity do you estimate Apple has cost you?

>For those who work at a company that uses Apple products, how many man hours of productivity do you estimate Apple has cost you?

Less than reading this cancerous post.

You are already dead, that’s why.

animations replace dead time between telling a computer to do something and having it do it.
animations paint over lag, dumbass. that time would be there all the same.


I wonder what worthless crap your business does then.
The animations are part of what creates the lag.

Jobs is no longer in charge and animations and such, if used properly and with judiciousness, can inform the user about the state of the computer and prompt them for action.

I've been an Apple user off and on since the early 1980s and I guarantee you're just a butthurt child who can't afford the best.

You're not meant to use iShit, only buy it.

maybe he's hinting at the fact that staring at your screen all the time is making you into a zombie, and that it's unhealthy and makes you retarded

>staring at your screen all the time is making you into a zombie, and that it's unhealthy and makes you retarded

Explains a lot desu.

just think about how many hours of productivity configuring lunix shit has cost you? not just the rice shit like tiling wms and terminal colors but getting basic functionality to work

>idiot bug people are selling their kidneys to get apple products
wow apple btfo

>t. iSheep zombie

With the Apple ][, you hit the 'on' switch, it went 'beep' and it was ready to use. OS in ROM. BASIC in ROM. Memory hex editor and disassembler in ROM. If you infini-looped it, you went 'click' (off) 'click' (on) 'beep' and it was ready to go again.

>observing the fact that isheep zombies are willing to line up and buy Apple products at breakneck speed makes me one of those zombies

just admit it, you're a pajeet and you're mad at apple

Don't worry OP, if you save your rupees you'll be able to afford an iPhone that's a few generations out of date some day.

iToddlers are such brain dead morons, their own government even calls them zombies. Fucking kek.

>implying all phones don't do this

>>observing the fact that isheep zombies are willing to line up and buy Apple products at breakneck speed makes me one of those zombies
Not like the 90% who line up to buy Windows.

that used to be a thing but these days they literally have to pay their employees to do this at the redmond MS store

it's hilarious

Life is meaningless, I just waste it the way I was meant to.

Today I waste time on my Iphone tomorrow I might be on the street or having a drink with Apple CEO.

bump for promotions

Or maybe he just don't want new iphone x to catch burn in

Yeah, sure.

Apple are so pathetic they won't even let anyone but 100% loyal zombies into their conferences. If you don't laugh at every cringey joke and clap after every sentence, you get black listed and are never invited again. And as such, all Applel events are almost 80% employees in the audience.

desu trump should do this too

concern troll media members are the worst, they should go over the wall

The best at being inferior? I would say that's not really a matter of money.

>not realizing that apple created a consistent UI designed along actual scientific principles
>also not realizing that jobs at next did the same thing and wound up in a similar place with his
>also also not realizing that when jobs came back to apple they published extensive documentation about look and feel and how it relates to a positive user interaction experience
>not realizing that jony ive's fuckups have brought them backward but he even managed to shake himself free of skeu and go back toward sensible ui
apple may not be perfect but literally everything else is shit, UI-wise

We use Arch at my company.

I can tell you it has costed us several weeks of unnecessary work to get simple things like printers working......but it's all worth it in the end.

also once you learn how to do it once you'll never have to learn how to do it again

with windows, for instance, you can enter a driver / spooler hell from which there is no recovery

I never questioned whether they are methodical about the way they designed their UI, however as OP states it seems to be designed to harm the user.

After a year or so we moved the office and had to set up the printers again.
Went a little quicker the second time but still cost us a day.

CUPS is just so fucking unintuitive and since all the names are wrong you have to use trial and error to get the correct printer types.
But again...still better than using Windows of lol iCrap.

Aren't the animations just tricks to hide lag?

If something takes 2 seconds to open people find that annoying, but when you show a 2 second animation in the meantime they think all is perfectly normal.

Omae wa mo shindeiru.

the animations can help with focus etc

>UI actually designed and kept consistent
>as opposed to windows and kde/gnome which look and function differently every single time, which possess no consistency especially over the long term, etc
keep trying nigger

Consistently bad is better, right?

>implying Apple users ever do anything productive

>talks about the importance of productivity and how 1-2 second animations are wasting "hours" of it
>is on Sup Forums instead of working on projects, education or otherwise improving himself
>probably wasted 10 minutes concocting this shitty bait thread that takes 5-10 seconds to load and wastes everyone else's time by either making them have to hide it or come in and waste time telling them what a piece of shit they are
Jobs is dead, and in 2017 when computers can slog through multiple billions of operations in the blink of an eye the only thing killing "productivity" is the dipshit behind the screen who's more concerned about his degree of brand-awareness and the trivial details of his operating system than the job he's supposed to be doing.
The first post is the best post. Kill yourself.

Steve Jobs is overrated. I don't understand why so many people look up to him when he's just another dirty businessman.

They don't, however by their own logic Apple is guilty of genocide.
Nice straw man, and I see we are projecting on top of that and using false premises.
Apple by design attempts to wear down a users attention span by distracting people with "cool" things to look at instead letting them focus on the point. It's much like what SJWs do in real life with their faces

>forgot to plug the mouse in to charge during lunch

What a stupid position to put the power port.

Steve Jobs had managed to get Don Knuth, the legendary Stanford professor of computer science, to give a lunchtime lecture to the Mac team. Knuth is the author of at least a dozen books, including the massive and somewhat impenetrable trilogy "The Art of Computer Programming."

I was sitting in Steve's office when Lynn Takahashi, Steve's assistant, announced Knuth's arrival. Steve bounced out of his chair, bounded over to the door and extended a welcoming hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Professor Knuth," Steve said. "I've read all of your books."

"You're full of shit," Knuth responded.


15 minute fast charge = well over a month of usage.

I don't see the problem.