assuming i dont know shit. where do i start if i wanna get involved with maker culture?
Maker Community
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>i lit up my vagina like the boys light up their JDM cars pls give me attention
get a 3d printer a raspberry pi a breadboard and some leds and servos
I'm confused.
Do you actually want to do something or be part of some gay subculture?
maker culture is just hipster posturing. Most of them just light up a few leds on an arduino, or hot glue 3d printed parts together. Think of a project you want to do it, and do it. Now you're a maker.
>why don't people take me seriously
impressive digits
maker culture is fucking shit. If you want to make stuff just do it, but drop the maker culture. As posted it's nothing but poser hipsters trying to look cool.
>Do you actually want to do something or be part of some gay subculture?
OP posted a tranny, so probably just needs a reason/foot in the lgbt scene.
>le "reddit isn't the ones with their fedoras and enlightened atheism, it's those darn Sup Forums bigots!" meme
go to some local meetups... ( )
join a ham radio club. full of old people but they know their shit.
what the hell is the maker culture, is it an american thing?
It's like this, you want to make something but don't have the tools, join a maker space pay a little money make your shit.
Maker culture is kinda gay to be honest. It's more of a fashion choice than actually making anything for the most part. It's just a way of marketing stuff towards a specific audience.
Can confirm, lots of smart folks in that community. Go visit a club meeting.
just start making things
you'll probably want to "join" the maker community at first, but after you've mastered Ard*ino and move on to Atmel Studio for your embedded projects and raspberry pi if necessary, you'll want to leave right away
mostly because the "maker" community is a bunch of fags and trannies that build absolutely useless shit
but building useless shit fun
still scouring for caps for my shitty coil gun project
by "useless shit" I mean they put LEDs on tables or lamps or something
rebranded hacker culture, kind of helped with access to more powerful hobbyist equipment like small cnc machines, 3d printers, much more elaborate microcontroller kits, etc
Pretty much this it's been infiltrated by the same hipsters who do webdev
>using the word "le"
wtf just go to /diy/ you dumb ass bitch.
webdevs were always the lowest of the low
>tfw too young to have participated in the original hacker culture
>read stories about it and realize something so comfy will never again exist
>realize once the older generation (Stallman, Torvalds) dies out it's gone forever and we're stuck with faggot soygoys for a ridiculously long time
Why don't these whores who leave nothing to the imagination just do live camwhore shows. Gets them more attention and dosh to buy LEDs to impress fags on Reddit.
if I knew that by going outside I could stumble upon her walking on the streets I might consider leaving the room once in a while.
or not, I doubt I could stop myself from gawking and drooling. I'll just stay put.
Aren't we all poser hipsters trying to look cool?
I could not care less about how this woman is perceived, I would fuck the tits off her.
Regardless what are good resources to get started? I need a refresher on basic electricity and would like to take apart some home appliances and add some services to them.
check reviews of local maker spaces. if there's a good one, get a membership. take all their classes.
That's a man
>smile more
Isn't that that dumbass YouTube vlogger's slogan? The one with the hot wife he shows off and a kid?
Who is this semen daemon?
no, see below
Naomi 'SexyCyborg' Wu
I wouldnt call that a semen demon, but a tool. A very good tool that begs to be used.
Where are her nudes?
no nudes unfortunately. a real female and actual maker/hacker (not cracker). google for her bikini pics, closest youll get
She's basically naked 90% of the time anyways.
No fucking way. Has science gone too far?
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