New strategy to prevent your nudes being shared on Facebook
>Upload the nudes yourself
>FB will (((analyse and hash))) the photos and prevent anyone else uploading photos that look similar
Well? Would you trust them?
New strategy to prevent your nudes being shared on Facebook
>Upload the nudes yourself
>FB will (((analyse and hash))) the photos and prevent anyone else uploading photos that look similar
Well? Would you trust them?
You wouldn't need to upload the pictures to generate a hash.
The better defense is to not include your face in your nudes
>compress a bit the image because MUH PHONES MUH MESSAGING APPS
>hash changes
the best solution is not to have an account in a website that actively tries to spy on every single aspect of your life and certainly not putting your pics on the internet, you attention whoring hoes.
.......who the fuck shares their own revenge porn on Facebook?
wouldn't it make sense to use, like, ANY other uploader than facebook?
>t. someone who doesn't understand image hashing is a bit different than regular file hashing
Clearly they won't just md5 has the file and call it done.
They'll analyze them the same way they do with other photos to identify who people are in them.
And probably rank them from 1-10 and send all the 10s to Zuck's inbox.
Sure, hashing can be done locally and doesn't ever involve anyone looking at the images. It's already how law enforcement tracks other ""illegal images"" online and determines whether or not that content exists on a server. You seriously think hashing is a controversial practice? kek.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
Fake news?
this obviously would only be useful in the case that your nudes are already uploaded on the internet and you keep getting harassed on facebook by autists
i have a friend from back in high school who I ended up stumbling onto her nudes online from like her old photobucket or some shit, super embarrassing with big pussy lips, I'm conflicted whether to bring it up with her or not
>make website offering same functionality
>claim it prevents anyone on the internet to upload the image
>save all images
>upload them all on Sup Forums
Why am i the only one who doesn't have friends who post revenge porn?
It's like giving money to the mafia for protection.
Unless you have no friends then, maybe? There's always someone sharing revenge porn, not just in the case of revenge but just to brag about getting nudes or fucking the girl. If I were a girl I definitely wouldn't be dumb enough to send nudes to any guy.
what stops someone from altering the background of a nude?
would the algorithm pick it up?
this. why should anyone be wasting their time trying to protect thots that make every effort to humiliate themselves? that's like trying to stop a frog from jumping.
>hack thot
>upload her nudes as mine
>now she can't upload her nudes anymore
>thot abolished
>Looking for job
>Hire into FB for Quality Control
>mfw I have to ensure nudes are properly uploaded, categorized on fb servers
>mfw there are no filters
Fucking lol. The point of shit like this is images someone else took on their device. Zuck just wants to jerk it to before and after pictures.
>If I were a girl I wouldn't be dumb enough to....
does this policy include underage nudes too?
this is both a horrible idea and a great idea all at once.
watch it user
>flip and slightly edit the image dimensions and colour
Why can't they just use their facial recognition?
I wanna send in my anus and scat selfies.
Yes goy, tell you little 11 year old kids to upload their nudes to facebook, I'll keep them safe, hehehe
*demented licking noises*
except you can actually stop a frog from jumping
user how can you miss the point so badly?
how long til someone or everybody starts uploading random pics of shit, that gets hashed and then you can't upload a picture if there's a tree/mailbox/car/whatever.
You're right. I keep overestimating the thought process of women.
>Trusting Kikebook
This is not like an MD5 hash where you can just flip a bit and the hash will change
This uses deep learning. Just like FaceID can recognise your face even though you might be in a different background or have different glasses on, this technology will recognise the nude photo even if attempts are made to crop it or change the colour etc
Why in christ is anyone taking nude photos of themselves?!?! For what purpose??
To send to others
what happens if i upload the nudes of someone else?
omg these are the is it porn or not guys running phase 2
just use gmask
The best defense is to just not be a nude taking degenerate in the first place.
Facebook is literally a bunch of Pajeets asking for bob and vagene pics
white virgin trumpboy spotted
A regular hash would be completely useless against even the simplest changes to the image. Facebook would need the original to make this work effectively.
>message from facebook
It's been a year since you uploaded nudes, your body may have changed, would you like to update nudes?
This will only stop people from using Facebook as a means to upload the file. Meanwhile, there's still a million other websites that allow you to upload an arbitrary image. How were the Jennifer Lawrence nudes shared? Via Sup Forums and Reddit.
Of course you can but his point was that it's in their nature, so why fight it?
I hope many attractive women trust them. What could possibly go wrong?
>they forget to add an age limit
>gets charged with possession of cp
>flips and inverts the images colors
nothing personel
Some facebook employee is rubbing his palms in delight right now.
Don't they have this algorithm which can detect your face? So why don't they just give you an option in the settings that they should hide every picture with nudity that has your face in it?
So let's upload every leftist meme and image we can find and get them removed.
>you have tried to log into your account with nude photo scans too many times. Your account has been locked.
>Please contact Facebook support so we can verify your identity personally
While you're factually correct about the hashing, law enforcement still uses monkeys to check for illegal content.
That's by the way, one of the reasons people have been in trouble because drawn loli. Some faggot just writes a report about the content and the judge is not actually required to check what the drone says is true.
This. They need to provide tools so users can make a hash and upload the hash, not the full image.
you devil
They probably want whatever hash it is to be proprietary; else people would upload YOUR nudes and photos and claim them for themselves.
is it really a great idea if all it does is keep people from posting the nudes on facebook, where sexually suggestive nudity is already banned?
pic related
so other people can look at them. on facebook, for example
IIUC, this would ban sending them even through private messages or private groups. Which were previously unmoderated. Given how many normies use facebook messenger as their main source of communication, it's not insignificant.
>Fuckerberg's private collection
torrent when?
never even thought of that
>tfw no normie friends to send random thots nudes to
Isn't it effectively the same thing, no matter who uploads the hash image can't be uploaded anymore, or it's somehow implied people upload their personal nudes just for themselves and no one else?
jesus christ dude imagine previewing that folder structure
finally, a non-professional use for 32GB RAM!
>upload rare pepes™ lol ecks dee
>Nobody can post stale memes on Facebook anymore
Thanks zuck
>Please send nudes to Facebook support so we can verify your identity personally
We can do this to any image we want. Think of the possibilities. By tomorrow there will be a Sup Forums campaign to abuse this for autistic purposes.
Ok how do we trick the algorithm?
>upload vaguely flesh colored blurry shapes in front of blurry greem baclground
>random pictures of people in parks get flagged
>analyze the tits in MS Paint
>zoom in as far as I can
>change a pixel or two to black in the corner
>the picture is now changed and will have a different hash
>reupload the tits
>have just outsmarted one of the largest companies in two minutes
>be a winner
>do a little dance
>everyone claps
Find a flaw.
>16 yo uploads her nudes to FB
>FB generates a hash
>FBI shutdown FB and arrest the jew
It's not a file hash. It's a perceptual hash. It's designed so small changes in the image produce the same or a similar hash output.
>being this retarded
Facebook is cancer.
Can still be circumvented.
Also uploading pictures ANYWHERE ELSE and posting a link to page is an option.
How much longer until facebook dies? It really can't be long at this point.
Dad- i love you man. No you can't have my bud light
Sure but this will stop 99% of tech illiterate normies and people who just can't be bothered to do that.
>perceptual hash
seems exploitable, couldn't we make the algorithm think that all pics are nudes?
When there is will, there is a way. It will teach people to be better.
how about just not having a facebook account?
start of 2019 with the rise of some blockchain social media or something similar
Remember they own instagram and whatsapp. They're not going anywhere.
Eh, I keep one that I never use. I basically just added my friends for the purpose of looking up their numbers if they change. That said, I'm slowly convincing most people to use Wire, which isn't dependent on phone numbers. Their @name is all I need.
purchase some advertisements and this would legitimately 1000% work
You would get so many images you wouldn't even know wtf to do with them all
what about not giving people who will share your nudes without your consent your nudes ?
This is the absolute state of modern internet companies. They don't understand why people don't trust them. They probably could generate the image hashes on the user's device, but they don't understand why anyone could prefer that. After all, you trust them, right?
I trust google more than I trust Facebook. At least you can block ads that show up on google. Not so on Facebook.
On a side note, I don't understand why WhatsApp exists. It's essentially a gimped version of Signal, and but Facebook will take your number and compare it against theirs to serve you ads, which means they are getting some sort of data from WhatsApp.
Facebook is just going to use it to blackmail you later. Facebook is literally STASI without government oversight.
Unless you're over the age of 18, maybe?*
Fixed that for you, child. I used to see that type of shit when I was like 16. When you grow up, and your friends grow up, it goes away. Unless you're associated with people you probably shouldn't be.
you'd think it's that simple, but it isn't when you """"""""trust"""""""" someone, and deflect the blame onto them when your nudes get leaked. This is how women avoid taking responsibility for their poor decisions like this.
It's not just women that try to avoid responsibility, you know. How many times have you heard a younger adult say, "It's not my fault!" and try to deflect blame?
>plot twist, the tools require internet connectivity to use facebook servers for "processing"
WhatsApp has a large user base overseas and it existed before Signal, so Facebook bought them.
nice quads senpai
>people actually fall for the (((trust))) meme
when i got my first computer with internet in the 90s my uncle told me to never have any information that people can infer your IRL identity from on the internet or on any computer connected to it . its like the one of the first things almost everyone told me about the internet.
everything connected is in some way hackable so dont upload\connect anything you'd regret if every single person on earth saw.
This. It really doesn't get any simpler than this - if the hash isn't computed clientside, you shouldn't trust this.