Which are your essential apps in your smartphone, Sup Forums?

Which are your essential apps in your smartphone, Sup Forums?


This thread repeats so much I just made a standard response:

twrp, custom recovery
lineageos, successor to cyanogenmod os
addonsu, adds root to lineageos
xposed framework, for xposed modules
xposed installer, xposed module manager
xinternalsd, use real sdcard normally
networkspeedindicator, show net activity
pstouch, photoshop touch for android

f-droid apps
adaway, ad blocker
afwall+, firewall
audiorecorder, guess
busybox, linux cli utilities bundle
connectbot, ssh client
conversations, xmpp client w/tor option
dandelion, diaspora client w/tor option
document viewer, guess
f-droid, foss app repository client
hackers keyboard, virtual keyboard
k-9, great email client
libretorrent, torrent w/tor option
lightning, browser w/tor option
linphone, voip client
oandbackup, backup configured apps/data
opencamera, photo/video app
openkeychain, gpg app for android
openvpn for android, vpn client
orbot, tor service
orfox, tor browser
overchan (fork), imageboard client w/tor option
performancecontrol, freeze apps etc
radiodroid, internet radio client
terminal emulator, terminal
twidere, twitter client w/tor option
ums enabler, access phone storage via usb
vanillamusic, audio player
webapps, multi social media client
wpgen, simple solid color wallpaper app
yalp, get playstore apps without gapps

playstore apps (all work without gapps)
androirc, irc client w/tor option
drivedroid, boot pc from iso on phone
droidedit, text editor
hashcalc, check file hashes
kws pro, minimal web server, use with orbot as a tor hidden service
micro cpu monitor, unobtrusive cpu graph
overridedns, set dns servers
quickpic, image viewer
sdmaid, delete duplicates and other crap
totalcommander, filemanager
xdalabs, xdadevelopers client

quickpic is evil... get LeafPic

nice taste

>total commander
I use Amaze File Manager

It's neutered with afwall+ and can't phone home or do any i/o at all beyond disk. And it has a feature I use that isn't available in any of the foss apps.

>document viewer

Less Important, but useful:

yeah... you still shouldn't use garbage like that.
or is LeafPic missing something?

Ty. Stole your kot.

My Bluebird
BlackBerry Maps
File Manager
Wigle Wi-Fi

Batch rename.

that's too bad...

Why Dashchan?

Why not Dashchan? It works.

tachiyomi and poweramp represents 95% of my smartphone usage

When overchan originally died I switched to it and now I am too ingrained to switch to the fork. It is nice. Certain features I do miss though. Also having to depend on the extensions can be a bitch.

Why tho


I'd assume for emulating DS games

Madden© NFL™ Mobile™

Because Ace Attorney

canopener (24/96 flac player for ios)

Why are you using a shitty emulator while the best NDS emu is on Android?

Because it works, its free as in freedom, has no ads and its not GSF dependent
It think its hard to a better alternative to exist

So you are one of those freetards who think their phones are not part of the botnet because it doesn't run gapps? nvm then

Why shoot yourself in the dick when you can shoot your foot instead?

>ignoring all the other points
>he thinks that free software exist because of privacy
You are in the wrong board

What's the best nds emulator?

Web browser is obviously the most important 'app'. Google Maps second most important, Uber and Lyft third maybe. Beyond that, I have BSPlayer installed and it's good, but I don't use it much. I use the Murfie app to access my music collection on the cloud. ColorNote to take random notes. Sleep as Android for alarms/sleep tracking. Twilight to dim/redden the screen for night mode.

It doesn't matter, you'll get hurt anyway. If you want to go retard at least go full retard.

If privacy is not a concern and you are a poorfag, you can always pirate.


>It doesn't matter, you'll get hurt anyway
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read.

Good. Come back, I post often.

Or I can just continue using the free emulator that works perfectly fine instead of search for a pirated version of another one that is supposedly better

Could you use a trip?

Yeah, you can use this hackfest of a emulator, just don't expect precise emulation or your battery to last.

No, sorry.

Leafpic is slower and when was the last time it was updated?