TFW have prehistoric smart phone

>TFW have prehistoric smart phone
>TFW can change battery
modern phone users BTFO

lol just applefags have this problem

I've seen plenty of Android phones that lack a removable battery. Actually, it seems that the majority do now, but I don't really keep up on cellphones so I may be wrong.

It used to be that many gadgets had removable batteries. Now the trend in tech is towards non-removable batteries.

Lineage & S5 here.

I like my USB 3.

How you unlock dat there bootloader? I jas an old Verizon S5 I bin wishing to root for a whiles now.

He probably has a T-mobile or unlocked device


Lol no faggot. Most android phones have now non removable battery AND NO SD CARD as well . Let s see if samsung will fall for the no headphone jack meme shit


Wrong af

samsung galaxy s3 mini and lineage here. It has some problems but I'll manage

Theres a hit or miss way to unlock a kltevzw.
I have one sitting around with CM that I used to use on t-mobile until I swapped the frame and mobo to that of a t-mobile one.
It depends on what e-mmc flash manufacturer you have. just google it.

My LG Xpression feature phone had removable battery, SD card slot and could last a week on a single charge

WHat do those people do when the battery gets worse?

I'd imagine most simply buy new phones

this. hand rubbing intensifies

Sounds pretty insane, that's like buying a whole new car when the tyres eventually wear down

Top android phones all ditched it

Top Android phones ≠ Most Android phones

any battery is removable. on iphone, just unscrew the back

>TFW have Moto Razr
>TFW repairs easier than a desktop PC

Get the battery swapped out. My cousins all have iPhones, and they keep bitching about having to get their batteries swapped out.

We both know we're talking about phones that don't require tools to swap the battery.

>TFW have a late 2015 flagship smartphone
>TFW can change battery
>TFW can add a microSD card for lots of storage
>TFW camera is still up there with the top flagships of 2017
>TFW 2560x1440 sAMOLED display
>TFW no shitty "muh bezelless phone so I can't hold it" meme
>TFW no shitty glass or aluminum back to either burn my hand, shatter the moment something happens to it, or get scratched to shit
It's a good feel.

oh then whats the problem
you dont swap your battery everyday

>you dont swap your battery everyday
Of course not, my battery lasts longer than that. I swap mine every three days.

It's called planned obsolescence. Companies want people to buy new products.

I can change the battery on my op3t. Just need to open up a few screws


>Every 3 days
And why in the world would anyone want to do that?


Mainly because it's enabled me to go years without plugging my phone in to charge. I just swap batteries when it dies.

>Not just charging your phone while you take a shower.

I like my way better.

>I like my way better
So there's literally no need for replaceable batteries. Most batteries can be replaced removing a few screws and phones charge to 100% in 45 minutes tops

>So there's literally no need for replaceable batteries
Except that's wrong.
>45 minutes
Or more, which may be far too long. The wait can be avoided by popping in a fresh battery. Useful as fuck.

You're kidding yourself on the camera

Most android phones have a removable battery, you know.

>Or more
More likely less.
Literally no new ones do

Still using a Galaxy S4G w/32GB microSD card which I did a SIM unlock on so I can use it with cheap prepaid service. 5GB camera takes good enough pics and 720p@30fps is still pretty decent for video from a 6 year old phone.

I'm not, though.

Literally depends on the phone. Sure a new phone with quickcharge or whatever they call it will charge faster but not everyone has new phones. And sometimes charging simply isn't an option. Removable batteries are extremely handy. If you don't have a use for them, by all means continue to buy phones that lack such basic features. Don't go telling others they don't need it though. That makes you an insufferable cunt.

Fuck the only bezel meme

Whatever suits your needs. I just carry a power bank with me when I know that in won't be able to charge my phone. Also, no new phones are coming out with replaceable batteries, so you'll probably have to adopt soon as well

Way old zmax pro sems in my price range. Saw guy whip one out and in friendly texas i asked wtf is that? Big phone.

>I just carry a power bank with me when I know that in won't be able to charge my phone
That's another thing I avoid. Why would I want to be tethered to a battery while my phone charges when I can just swap the dead battery for a fully charged one?
>Also, no new phones are coming out with replaceable batteries, so you'll probably have to adopt soon as well
I haven't seen a single phone released in years that I'd willingly buy, I'll happily stick with my current phone for years to come.

that's not nice for the environment :

How? It's not like I'm using alkaline batteries and toss them every time they die.

More of a worry with used phones. And how difficult it is to replace if "non removable"


Great argument you have there, you're really proving your point.

Not a single 2015 flagship camera is comparable to 2017 cameras. You're just full of shit

Lumia 950 and 950 XL have a very comparable camera. The only things new phones do better are software side which no one gives a shit about.

>m-m-muh dual lens system
Either a shitty gimmick that doesn't work or a shitty gimmick that can be achieved with a single lens, and in both cases you're likely getting your photos ruined by the phone's software anyway.


>tfw my s5 screen/backlight died before the battery
hell the battery can still do 2 days of use easily under LineageOS