Be me, macfag

>be me, macfag
>play casual games (walking simulators, the odd emulated classic)
>get a used PS4 controller for $20 maplepesos
>It Just Works™, USB and bluetooth
>...except not totally: no touch pad, no motion, no vibration
>Sony charges $30 for pic related that DOES NOTHING if you already have bluetooth (i.e. every single Mac)
>it's just a dongle for a driver
>Sony charges $30 for the driver "to unlock" their $60 gamepad

Why is shit like this allowed?!?!

Other urls found in this thread:

I got that shit for $15. It just works. Don’t like it. Don’t buy it.

Does everything work on your preexisting Bluetooth radio now that you have the driver installed? Return the adapter.

I got this and a new controller for 40 last christmas.

You got the USB dongle thing?

Send me the drivers off it, will hack them to work without the dumb dongle.

Will have to wait until later. Currently watching a movie with my girl.

I don't have the dongle, but I assume they force it to work like that, but I also assume it'll be trivially easy to trick it into using the built-in bluetooth.

people have been reverse engineering dualshock drivers for years and they're still shit (DS4Windows). $15 is basically unlocking the headset jack which nobody has been able to figure out yet.

Nobody has through to just reverse-engineer the dongle's drivers?

nobody thought to copy the inf file and distribute it?

You realize you can just use the built in Bluetooth on the ds4 right? Hold Sony button + share and it goes to blue tooth mode

Try actually reading the OP

>>be me, macfag
Found your problem.

Bt dongle?
Or is the protocol banned in their walled garden

found your problem

I know, it works, but like I said the OSX built-in support lacks a couple things: touchpad, rumble, and accelerometers

I can see where the trackpad and accelerometer data is being passed over USB (but not bluetooth; there there's just the standard buttons), although nothing usable by any game.

What's irksome is that Sony went to the trouble of writing fully-capable drivers for OSX and Windows, but insists on charging for them along with this useless bluetooth dongle.

Again, try actually reading the OP.
>>it's just a dongle for a driver
The controller doesn't work properly without the driver and the driver doesn't work without the official adapter.
Also, OS X is not a walled garden, you dumbass.

There are drivers for Linux and Windows - but googling, it seems nobody's done the work on OSX to completion

It works fine but doesn't support all features.

Like user said, track pad, accelerometers, and rumble. I have good experiences with those for ds4 on windows though

Winderps doesn't play very nice with DS controllers either, only their own shit. Its Sony's error, they market compatibility with both.

And yes I know u said ds4 is 'shit'

Found your problem.

Microsoft Windows doesn't have this problem.

Can you use the touchpad, headphone jack and rumble out of the box?


Only the very latest Xbone controllers are standard bluetooth: for ages you actually needed a stupid dongle because the rf was proprietary (as was everything else Xbox).

Googling, it seems nobody bothered to write a complete driver for the DS4 for OSX because OSX supported it out of the box day one, while Linux and Windows required 3rd party drivers to do anything.


...of course Sony is even worse for selling this gaymer snake-oil "adapter" that's totally unnecessary. They must have seen all the money Microsoft was making on dongles/adapters.

>OSX supported it out of the box day one
damn nice. Must be the freebsd connection

Lies, when connecting the ds4 through bluetooth or via a standard cable it uses directinput which is not capable of handling these functions properly in any game.

>headphone jack
stop lying mate

>supported it out of the box day one
>>...except not totally: no touch pad, no motion, no vibration

At least you tried mactoddler.

Except the Xbox One Gamepad's new proprietary wireless protocol has a larger amount of bandwidth and significantly lower input delay.

Bluetooth with the Xbox One S controller is complete trash, either get the dongle of play wired.

Are there standards for motion and vibration on PC? (Windows or Mac or Steam or whatever)?

Obviously touchpad should work as a mouse/trackpad.

Is this pro gaymer placebo or real?

Didn't/don't the PS3/PS4/Wii/WiiU/Switch do everything over bluetooth? Never heard complaints of lag.


Bluetooth is so trash it's still limited to 2.5MBps.

This mother fucker actually wrote the full driver for Mac and just never released it:

Android doesn't have this problem.

In other words, it doesn't work properly.

I mean, it is shit but I never said that.

>Bluetooth is so trash it's still limited to 2.5MBps
Well yeah, Bluetooth's not for high speed data transfer.

The problem is lack of advanced functionality beyond just the buttons and sticks. Doubt Android supports rumble or motion there.

Why would there be when almost no mobile games offer those either?

The only thing worth playing on a phone is an emulator, and at that, only RPGs because onscreen controls are cancer.

why don't buy ps4?

>tfw playing games on my phone and using my physical keyboard as a controller

How will buying a PS4 make OP's DS4 magically work with his computer?

it's good enough for high quality audio

>audioautism triggered

...not even trying

I had a similar problem trying to get to work the Xbox one controller in conjunction with the wireless dongle on GNU/Linux

Turns out Microsoft released a Bluetooth version of this dongle which is actuallyvsupported in linux, and no one with experience wants to put the effort into building a module for the wireless version

...this isn't even my final form we're getting into audiophile grade

what would you say gnu/linux in one sentence and then linux in another?

The PS4 controller works wired with the remote play app on Windows and Mac. The Xbox One controller needs adapter for wireless play unless you waited until Fall 2016 to buy an Xbox One controller.

>Why is shit like this allowed?!?!
Because people like this buys it.

I got a $10 PS3 knockoff eBay about a year ago, it works OOTB on every OS, including Android, everything including rumbling and BT connection works and the quality is as good as an original controller (i own one as well)
People are just too dumb to do some research and end up buying whatever mainstream brands tells them to buy.

Forgive me, I typed that post in a hurry before jumping into the shower.

Because your xinput drivers are shit.

>Buys a knockoff
>Tells others they are wasting money

Don't blame them for your choice to use their fucking gamepad that they made.

Is there any good reason to use this hellishly expensive controller+hilariously overpriced dongle setup instead of just using a wired 360 pad? There are OSX drivers for it supported by pretty much every osx game.

wow and here I thought M$ was bad

Probably because it's discontinued

it came out september 16 2016 and it's already discontinued?


It seems Steam includes a complete driver for the DS4 (including on OSX). Rumble, trackpad silly light bar colour, all works once installed.

Caveat are Steam needs to be open for it to work, and the touchpad freezes/stutters, which seems to be an issue with steam being a pile of dogshit and everything having to go through that.

use ds4windo- haha nevermind


...actually the 'freezing' was a configuration issue. I fixed and it works pretty much perfectly, although there are so many settings it's pretty overwhelming.

probably, no one uses that shit. Plus you can just plug the controller into your computer via USB. It's what I do with my Xbone controllers and the one time I decided to try our remote play.

Where would you get said driver?

>It seems Steam includes a complete driver for the DS4
Sounds like you get it by installing Steam.

ds4windows is fucking shit I hate it my ds4 controller is god damn annoying.

Does anyone know if this dongle is actually worth getting? Is it better then the ds4windows dog shit?

in windows it just werks. it has better latency than ds4 but you cant customize it the same way.

Install steam (I don't use steam because I'm a filthy pirate). If you have a PS4 controller it'll prompt you to install some drivers and restart steam and shit (might have had to start big picture mode to trigger this). On OSX I additionally had to go into system settings to tell Gatekeeper to allow the new driver to load. Then you can set all the controller preferences once you're in "big picture" mode.

The "desktop configuration" for the controller works outside of Steam, so should work with anything.

At least on Mac the full functionality is only over USB it seems.

I'll get it eventually ds4 is fucking annoying to use with ps4 controller. It does all this fucking weird shit too

see Give steam's driver a go. Seems to work well, lots of options (too many really, extremely overwhelming when you dig into it)

dont use ds4 with steam you're basically running it twice at that point.

People who own macs obviously have more money than sense. If they are poor or if they are rich, in any case they have more money than they have good common sense. So might as well get them to pay money.

This isn't an OS X-specific issue, you fucking moron. OP just happens to be using OS X.

>tfw cabled xbawks 360 for $20
i would prefer a sony controller, but $20.

Look on local classifieds. Kids are dumb you might get lucky like I did.

>windows doesn't have this problem
>posts screenshot of some mobile device with an ugly theme

That's not a mobile device, just Windows 10's atrocious GUI

Which controller is best for linux? Xbone or ds4?


> >Sony charges $30 for the driver "to unlock" their $60 gamepad
Are they? Link?

Use Steam. It now has built-in drivers for the Dual Shock 4. Open Big Picture > Settings > Controller Settings, and there should be an option to enable DS4 drivers. Then you can customize the layout for what each button does inside steam games and on the desktop separately.

it's encrypted.

>have an old CNet usb bluetooth (2 probably?) dongle
>install ds4windows
>it just works
Windows best platform.