What privacy based email provider does Sup Forums use?

What privacy based email provider does Sup Forums use?
I'm thinking about switching to StartMail, since I use startpage as my search engine

chiru.no mail

what makes you think they aren't reading your shit?

I'm finding out a lot of the shit that is "private" spends more time spying on you than the big boys that are safer

this this and this

The more "secure" they claim to be, the more suspicious it is.

I've looked into this too, OP. Need to get away from yandex since a lot of my mail gets returned undeliverable.

Why them?

I don't know if they read my shit or not, that's why Im asking you lads what you think is worth using
I use dirty old Gmail for unimportant things but I want something that just respects my privacy for other stuff

protonmail. seems like it had a lot of good security features i've never used or will use. Mostly, i just want to diversify my internet experience and get away from the time bomb that google services seem to be

I like to listen to eurobeat/anime/jap/2hu music on chiru.no, while checking my chiru.no mail on my X220t running CloverOS.

I said it in another thread: Email was not created to be secure.
Please don't fall for the snake oil of those like proton mail. They control the method in which the encryption happens, they can decrypt your mail. You just trust on them not to, and the fact that they advertise that they cannot, is enough reason for me to not trust them.

If you want privacy for email, use a local gpg setup with whatever server. I know is a pain, I know you are not likely to get anyone else to send emails with in a secure fashion; but it's pretty much the only way.

Otherwise, please use services designed with security in mind.

are you on hrt yet? it makes you a better programmer.

I've used protonmail for more than a year now


I use Tutanota.


Protonmail if you're looking for free. If you're willing to pay, Tutanota offers a better value for the money. Even the lowest price that Lifetime Visionary has ever been (997 USD) would get you 71 years of Tutanota Premium.

Startpage is a Dutch company. The Netherlands has the shitiest privacy laws in Europe

Email is only trill truly private if you have users applying the encryptions themselves and never upload private keys. Having said that, any paid service is better than free, make sure you have your own domain so you can easily switch providers or host yourself if needed.

But what about the Protonmail and Swiss anti-violence law fiasco?

I should yearly subscribe to Tutanota, not for every 20 years.


I got dubs.

Way to go!